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Xeno Pulse cannon - Printable Version

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Xeno Pulse cannon - ... kur nubÄ—go? - 09-04-2008

' Wrote:If the missile is available on one of the Xeno-accessible bases, you can most likely use it.

What? There is no such thing as Faction missile launchers like guns. So I can use them no metter if they are selled or not. Furthemore Wrecks drop them to, so maybe Xeno getted his hand on such weapon after dealing with a Zoner Arms dealer?

Xeno Pulse cannon - Erythnul - 09-05-2008

' Wrote:Have it do about 3% less damage for the same percentage more power, but have a slightly better range.

Great idea. However, Xenos weapons do MORE damage for LESS range. You've got it reversed.