RE: Blood Dragon Mission Reporting Facility - Shizune - 05-31-2015
Yuki bow's as she comes on screen "Konniciwa Dragon's. As of yesterday, around night my time, Roju Ira Gamagori is here by promoted to Daimyo rank of the Blood Dragon's due his continued ability to follow orders, lead people into battle, talk his way out of situations and more over, his loyal crew."
"More so, you are also being given the title of field commander of the Blood Dragon's, your secondary task and rank means you will be commanding Dragons who are in combat, fighter pilots, bomber pilots and gunship captains will be under your command while on the field, and if Commander Saito is there, you will be on par command with her while she commands the warships. If she is not there nor myself and you are on the field, you will be the soul commander to order people around." Yuki winks at that
She got a case out and put it on the table that had a new uniform, a katana and the emblem on it, as well as a pair of access codes. "Ira, these will be ready for you to pick them up when you are ready. I hope to see you soon here and both on the field. I also look forward to hearing your progress in your new mission." The screen cuts out and goes quiet not to long after Yuki bows to it
RE: Blood Dragon Mission Reporting Facility - Zahir - 06-01-2015
![[Image: T_BAR_Header_HS_anim_zps79c4c91e.png]](
Report on AI encounter in Chogoku.
Two days ago, I've found in Chogoku system an AI vessel (TR4P-M8 ) near Kyoto base. I've managed to start communication with the said unit and I've informed it, that his current location was invalid also asked him to leave Chogoku with my escort. Using the on-board code translator unit and my own knowledge in information technology, the communication has proved successful, even so, the unit requested landing clearance on Kyoto for repairs. After contacting the available patrol officer (codename: BD|Dagger ), who gave the clearance of the docking I escorted the unit to Kyoto and the tower gave him a 10 minute interval to provide the repairs. The AI unit has left the dock in the allowed interval and was escorted to the Hokkaido Jump Hole.
海____平 真
軍____子 子
(Hirako Shinji, Kaigun Daisa of the Sentai-86, Blood Dragon Oban)
RE: Blood Dragon Mission Reporting Facility - Neonzumi - 06-01-2015
ID:Shana Nesho'en
Today was definitely not our day.Me,Kaaga Sano,the two Damiyos Saito and Gamagori,and even Yuki-sama have flown out to S13 for a patrol.While camping a lane with Fubuki,a Kusari naval and an officer showed up.The only problem was that almost all of us were experiencing Ion issues,that too was visible with the Police Officer following the Naval.By the time Saito was able to arrive in Zao me and Yuki had our maulfunctioning ships blown to shreds and were tractored to the Fubuki.Kaaga was able to fight it out but too was blown up when her engines stoped working,so the Fubuki was forced to retreat for our own safety,the naval and the police officer that were left behind managed to escape from the Zao...that is all i have to report for now.
RE: Blood Dragon Mission Reporting Facility - Pacific - 06-04-2015
[img float=left][/img][img float=right][/img]
Sender: Ira Gamagori アイラ蒲郡, Daimyo 大名
Recipient: Blood Dragon Shogunate
Source: "Fubuki" フブキ, Blood Dragons
Subject: Reid report
Konnichiwa Blood Dragons ,
I would like to report on a operation that Daymios Yuki Saito and myself organised this evening.
The Zao reported large Trade activity between junyo and Deshima station and requested support. The Kongo Fuji and Fubuki responded swiftly to the situation and arrived on scene what we saw was something you only hear on rumours, so much inbound traffic it was hard to believe the Fuji Kongo and Fubuki moved to secure orbit of Planet Jynio how ever a the Kusari Naval forces did not give in with out a fight.
The KDS-Katana was in Orbit and it managed to stalk away the Kongo de cloaking behind her she managed to pull away but at a price, she took a large amount of damage. But we managed to secure orbit hell we secured the system for the Blood Dragons and enabled a blockade those who paid were allowed to pass those who did not Where blown away from our cannons. The greed in these people was something monstrous I am even glad that we took their lives to save them from that sickness. These people even risked blockade running against us just to have more profit. Monstrous and the In ability of the Kusari Naval forces shocked me even more.
Fellow dragons our people are exposed to danger for a long time and the naval forces can't protect them at all it dosent have the ability and against a Gallic incursion this could prove fatal for our nation. We must prepare for the worst we must straighten our souls for the coming dark time so we can overcome them together.
Namaste and good hunting.
Attached files
Ira Gamagoriアイラ蒲郡
"Fubuki" フブキ
RE: Blood Dragon Mission Reporting Facility - Neonzumi - 06-06-2015
ID:Shana Nesho'en
Time to report the scouting in Frankfurt!The mission was accomplished together with Kaaga Sano and the leader of the operation Yoshiko Kawaguchi.After jumping there through Sigma 13 we were greeted by the VWA.Nothing special about it,they were trying to intercept an Outcast convoy.None of our business.We were escorted to Bruschal Base to get some refreshments by one of them,and coffe for me and Kaaga-chan,she was barely able to fly properly.
Anyway onto the point,in Frankfurt we located the following:
-Taunus Asteroid Field
-Westerwald Smoke cloud and Minefield in D3
-Sudnebell Smoke Cloud
-New Berlin JH
-Dresden JH
-Munich JH
-S13 JH
-A Rock
-Sigma 13 Jumpgate
-New Berlin Jumpgate
-Munich Jumpgate
-Mannheim Station
-Mainz Storage Facility
-Bruschal Base
-Fulda Border Station
-Planet Holstein(Inhabited)
-Planet Heidenberg(Uninhabited)
Also,in the Westerwald cloud,i started picking up rather strange signals and i had a high energy source straight on radar,but the squad leader Yoshiko said we should move on,we did catch Bloodrose and The Cross on scanners previously,and we didn't want any trouble...Nesho'en out.
Atachments:Frankfurt Expedition.
RE: Blood Dragon Mission Reporting Facility - An'shur - 06-07-2015
ID: Yoshiko Kawaguchi
Recon and Combat
June 6th, 822 A.S.
System: Frankfurt
Gun Cams: Below, chatlogs and photos included.
Comments: Hard task ordered directly by Shogun-sama was to map the Frankfurt system. The first problems showed up in Okinawa system, where we've accidentally entered an exceptionally volatile gas field. All of our ships got damaged, but it was nothing we weren't able to deal with and continue our mission.
In Frankfurt, our objective, we were warmly welcomed by the Vereinigte Widerstandsarmee. They allowed us to take a short nap on their base. On our way to some brown nebula, we encountered an Outcast convoy, but ignored it because we have had more important things to do. Only interesting things we discovered there was a minefield which we avoided by quite a big circle and a jump hole.
We then proceeded to the south parts of the system, which, along with the eastern part, were the most empty.
Here is the complete log of the mission, no need to comment I'd say.
[06.06.2015 19:12:31] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: Dragons, we are going to use the jump gate to the Sigma 19 system.
[06.06.2015 19:12:37] BD|Kaaga,Sano: Kaaga:Hai..
[06.06.2015 19:12:49] BD|Shana.Nesho'en.: Wake me up if i fall asleep long the way...*jawns*
[06.06.2015 19:13:17] BD|Kaaga,Sano: Kaaga:*singed a song quietly to herself*
[06.06.2015 19:13:19] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: No one will sleep. Isn't this system beautiful? Enjoy the view. *She smiles*
[06.06.2015 19:13:44] BD|Shana.Nesho'en.: I didn't get much rest...*she jawns again*...before this...
[06.06.2015 19:14:45] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: That planet behind us looks amazing when illuminated by the green light.
[06.06.2015 19:15:16] BD|Kaaga,Sano: Kaaga:*She yawns.*
[06.06.2015 19:15:17] BD|Shana.Nesho'en.: I gues so...
[06.06.2015 19:15:23] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: Break formation.,
[06.06.2015 19:15:34] BD|Kaaga,Sano: Kaaga:This is not gonna go good..
[06.06.2015 19:15:38] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: Come to me!
[06.06.2015 19:15:53] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: There is a shortcut!
[06.06.2015 19:15:57] BD|Shana.Nesho'en.: *she giggles*
[06.06.2015 19:16:06] BD|Shana.Nesho'en.: You two are clumsy...
[06.06.2015 19:16:08] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: Wait at the gate.
[06.06.2015 19:16:16] BD|Kaaga,Sano: Kaaga:Shhh...
[06.06.2015 19:16:23] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: Hm?
[06.06.2015 19:16:51] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: The base is something I haven't been missing!
[06.06.2015 19:17:07] BD|Kaaga,Sano: Kaaga:One day, we will blow it up hopefully.
[06.06.2015 19:17:20] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: Do you know who is teh owner?
[06.06.2015 19:17:28] BD|Shana.Nesho'en.: Explosions are nice...they keep me awake...
[06.06.2015 19:17:33] BD|Kaaga,Sano: Kaaga:No idea.
[06.06.2015 19:17:35] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: *Smiles*
ˇˇˇˇSigma 19ˇˇˇˇ
[06.06.2015 19:17:58] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: We will go by the lanes.
[06.06.2015 19:18:09] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: And use a jump hole in sector C5.
[06.06.2015 19:18:11] BD|Kaaga,Sano: Kaaga:Hai..
[06.06.2015 19:18:14] BD|Shana.Nesho'en.: Its GMG teritory we are fine...
[06.06.2015 19:18:26] BD|Kaaga,Sano: kaaga:Okay... * she seemed like she wants to sleep*
[06.06.2015 19:18:52] BD|Shana.Nesho'en.: Kaaga-chan...rough night?
[06.06.2015 19:19:17] BD|Kaaga,Sano: Kaaga:I'd say, I was dead
ˇˇˇˇSigma 13ˇˇˇˇ
[06.06.2015 19:19:17] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: Lock the formation.
[06.06.2015 19:19:48] BD|Shana.Nesho'en.: Huh?*she tilts her head*
[06.06.2015 19:19:57] BD|Kaaga,Sano: Kaaga:Literally..*she smiled*
[06.06.2015 19:20:37] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: So.. *She checks the map*
[06.06.2015 19:20:41] BD|Shana.Nesho'en.: You say you died?That makes no sence...
[06.06.2015 19:20:56] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: Wake up!! *She screams*
[06.06.2015 19:20:59] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: Follow me.
[06.06.2015 19:21:11] BD|Kaaga,Sano: Kaaga:Huh..what...what....*she fell asleep again*
[06.06.2015 19:21:14] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: Break formation, there is a gas field in front of us.
[06.06.2015 19:21:17] BD|Shana.Nesho'en.: *she jumps back in her seat*
[06.06.2015 19:21:28] BD|Shana.Nesho'en.: Stop scaring me like that.
[06.06.2015 19:21:38] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: Truth.. nothing else.
[06.06.2015 19:21:56] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: Well, the map may be outdated. No gas so far..
[06.06.2015 19:22:22] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: This lane to Helgoland.
[06.06.2015 19:22:25] BD|Shana.Nesho'en.: *she puts on some music on low volume*
[06.06.2015 19:23:29] BD|Shana.Nesho'en.: Kaaga-chaaan!
[06.06.2015 19:23:41] BD|Kaaga,Sano: Kaaga:*seemed like she was completely tapped out.
[06.06.2015 19:23:52] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: We are approaching the Frankfurt jump hole.
[06.06.2015 19:23:55] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: Gas!
[06.06.2015 19:24:04] BD|Shana.Nesho'en.: Wake up Kaaga!
[06.06.2015 19:24:09] BD|Kaaga,Sano: AI:Activating auto-pilot
[06.06.2015 19:24:17] BD|Shana.Nesho'en.: *she sighs*
[06.06.2015 19:24:32] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: Take some caffeine drinks.
[06.06.2015 19:24:54] BD|Shana.Nesho'en.: I only have Sake...
[06.06.2015 19:24:56] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: I am waiting for you fellows.
[06.06.2015 19:25:16] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: Sake doesn't contain any caffeine. Sadly.
[06.06.2015 19:25:28] VWA|Erich.Klugmann: Contacts, Vorsitzende.
[06.06.2015 19:25:31] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: Kon'nichiwa.
[06.06.2015 19:25:35] VWA|Erich.Klugmann: ...The Dragons.
[06.06.2015 19:25:46] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: Hai
[06.06.2015 19:25:46] VWA|Erich.Klugmann: Greetings. This is... Unexpected.
[06.06.2015 19:26:01] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: Pleasure to meet you.
[06.06.2015 19:26:07] BD|Shana.Nesho'en.: Hai,same here.
[06.06.2015 19:26:26] VWA|Erich.Klugmann: We're expecting... An incursion, essentially.
[06.06.2015 19:26:42] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: You may wonder why are we here right? Everybody, introduce yourselves.
[06.06.2015 19:26:53] VWA|Steve,Harlow: Oh woah. Lots of people here.
[06.06.2015 19:27:06] VWA|Erich.Klugmann: We are - Though - We're expecting a possible convoy of Maltese passing through this territory.
[06.06.2015 19:27:06] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: I am Yoshiko Kawaguchi, Oban of the Blood Dragons.
[06.06.2015 19:27:13] BD|Shana.Nesho'en.: Shana Nesho'en,hatamoto of the Dragons,pleasure to meet all of you...
[06.06.2015 19:27:29] BD|Kaaga,Sano: Kaaga:*seemed like she woke up again*
[06.06.2015 19:27:32] VWA|Steve,Harlow: Uh, this here a coincidence?
[06.06.2015 19:27:40] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: It is of course.
[06.06.2015 19:27:48] VWA|Erich.Klugmann: I'm - Unsure, Harlow.
[06.06.2015 19:27:50] BD|Shana.Nesho'en.: Good morning Kaaga-chan!*she giggles*
[06.06.2015 19:27:51] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: We aren't here because of the Outcasts.
[06.06.2015 19:27:51] VWA|Steve,Harlow: Right, well, nice to have you folks visitin'.
[06.06.2015 19:27:58] BD|Kaaga,Sano: Kaaga:Sorry, I am Kaaga Sano Hatamoto of the Dragons, pleasure to meet all of you.
[06.06.2015 19:28:08] VWA|Gruen-1: Hmpf.
[06.06.2015 19:28:35] BD|Shana.Nesho'en.: Why would we of all people help in the Cardamine trade?
[06.06.2015 19:28:49] VWA|Erich.Klugmann: I - Never suggested that. We were hoping to waylay them.
[06.06.2015 19:28:50] VWA|Steve,Harlow: I've visited you people up there a couple times on the Liberty, always seemed like good folks.
[06.06.2015 19:28:57] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: So, It's an honor to meet you, the Widerstand.
[06.06.2015 19:29:09] VWA|Erich.Klugmann: The feeling is mutual. How may we help you today?
[06.06.2015 19:29:21] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: Do you know this system well? I suppose you do.
[06.06.2015 19:29:37] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: We are here on a little exploration mission.
[06.06.2015 19:29:39] VWA|Steve,Harlow: So where's that intel on the 'casts from, chief?
[06.06.2015 19:29:45] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: On the honorable Shogun's order.
[06.06.2015 19:29:58] BD|Shana.Nesho'en.: Hai,so some directions would be nice!*she smiled*
[06.06.2015 19:30:06] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: Indeed, I agree
[06.06.2015 19:30:23] VWA|Erich.Klugmann: They've already passed us by once, Harlow. I'm certain they'll be doing it again.
[06.06.2015 19:30:38] VWA|Erich.Klugmann: Directions... Mmh. Well.
[06.06.2015 19:30:48] VWA|Erich.Klugmann: Frankfurt is the system we know better than any other, relatively speaking.
[06.06.2015 19:31:02] VWA|Erich.Klugmann: This is the Taunusfeld; here you'll find Bruchsal, the Bundschuh's headquarters.
[06.06.2015 19:31:20] VWA|Erich.Klugmann: As well as... Several jump holes.
[06.06.2015 19:31:33] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: Can you lead us there please? Some of us need some caffeine to not fall asleep.
[06.06.2015 19:31:42] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: *She smiles calmly*
[06.06.2015 19:31:59] VWA|Erich.Klugmann: By all means. Harlow, join with the Vorsitzende if you could.
[06.06.2015 19:32:00] BD|Shana.Nesho'en.: Kaaga-chan?Are you asleep again?
[06.06.2015 19:32:15] VWA|Steve,Harlow: At the lanes? Alright.
[06.06.2015 19:32:15] BD|Kaaga,Sano: Kaaga:*She didn't answer, seemed like yes*
[06.06.2015 19:32:29] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: Dragons, move.
[06.06.2015 19:32:32] VWA|Erich.Klugmann: Bruchsal is straight ahead, ten klicks out.
![[Image: screen68_zpsxohaifsj.png]](
[06.06.2015 19:32:35] BD|Shana.Nesho'en.: Kaaga wake up for god sakes!*she said loudly*
[06.06.2015 19:32:46] BD|Kaaga,Sano: Kaaga:Huh..ah..what..Saito..?
[06.06.2015 19:32:58] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: I see. Thank you for help Klugmann-sama.
[06.06.2015 19:33:04] VWA|Erich.Klugmann: No trouble.
[06.06.2015 19:33:17] BD|Shana.Nesho'en.: *she giggles*We are going to land to get some cafeine.
[06.06.2015 19:33:26] BD|Kaaga,Sano: Kaaga:Can I get Saito?
[06.06.2015 19:33:29] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: Finally, I would say.
[06.06.2015 19:33:49] BD|Shana.Nesho'en.: Io,we were the ones that were assigned to this...*she sighs*
[06.06.2015 19:34:17] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: Take what you need, we need to do what the Shogun assigned us for.
[06.06.2015 19:34:28] 2015-06-06 19:34:37 SMT Traffic control alert: BD|Kaaga,Sano has requested to dock
[06.06.2015 19:34:29] BD|Shana.Nesho'en.: Arigato...Kaaga get coffe!
[06.06.2015 19:34:34] 2015-06-06 19:34:43 SMT Traffic control alert: BD|Shana.Nesho'en. has requested to dock
[06.06.2015 19:35:32] 2015-06-06 19:35:40 SMT Traffic control alert: BD|Kaaga,Sano has requested to dock
[06.06.2015 19:35:51] BD|Shana.Nesho'en.: Got a cup of cofe in the bar...and some green,alchohol,thingy?
[06.06.2015 19:35:58] BD|Shana.Nesho'en.: To go!
[06.06.2015 19:35:58] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: No way.
[06.06.2015 19:36:06] BD|Kaaga,Sano: Kaaga:I got most needed things.
[06.06.2015 19:36:10] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: Picking up a jump hole.
[06.06.2015 19:36:25] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: We are not going to jump.
[06.06.2015 19:36:28] BD|Shana.Nesho'en.: Maping it
[06.06.2015 19:36:37] BD|Shana.Nesho'en.: Got gun cams...
![[Image: screen69_zps1fbqhqkp.png]](
[06.06.2015 19:37:21] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: To the oceanic planet now.
[06.06.2015 19:37:43] BD|Shana.Nesho'en.: Scanners read it as...Planet Holstein.
[06.06.2015 19:37:48] BD|Shana.Nesho'en.: Looks nice...
[06.06.2015 19:37:52] BD|Kaaga,Sano: Kaaga:Looks red.
[06.06.2015 19:37:58] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: Aha..
[06.06.2015 19:38:11] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: CD 2 then fellows.
[06.06.2015 19:38:39] BD|Shana.Nesho'en.: KAAGA!
[06.06.2015 19:38:54] BD|Shana.Nesho'en.: Kaaga-chan!
[06.06.2015 19:38:54] BD|Kaaga,Sano: Kaaga:Found another base... Mainz Storage Facility..
[06.06.2015 19:38:55] |+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: Saludos!
[06.06.2015 19:39:01] BD|Shana.Nesho'en.: Carefull...
[06.06.2015 19:39:04] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: Kon'nichiwa.
[06.06.2015 19:40:04] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: Form and go.
[06.06.2015 19:40:21] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: Seen anything near the planet?
[06.06.2015 19:40:27] BD|Kaaga,Sano: Kaaga:Yes..
[06.06.2015 19:40:34] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: What exactly?
[06.06.2015 19:40:45] BD|Kaaga,Sano: Kaaga:Mainz Storage Facility.
[06.06.2015 19:40:45] BD|Shana.Nesho'en.: Scaners...
[06.06.2015 19:40:49] VWA|Gruen-1: You should care, you are in our backyard here.
[06.06.2015 19:40:56] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: Picking up a minefield....
[06.06.2015 19:41:06] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: Avoid if possible.
[06.06.2015 19:41:11] BD|Shana.Nesho'en.: Picked up Cross and Bloodrose on the Scaners...
[06.06.2015 19:41:15] |+|-ET-Arancione: Tomas: Besides, as we have said, we were leaving Rheinland altogether.
[06.06.2015 19:41:18] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: Interesting..
[06.06.2015 19:41:50] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: This is a boring cloud of brown..
[06.06.2015 19:41:51] BD|Shana.Nesho'en.: This is a weird me goosebumps...
[06.06.2015 19:42:03] BD|Kaaga,Sano:*she sighs*
[06.06.2015 19:42:09] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: Any suggestions about where to go next?
[06.06.2015 19:42:16] BD|Shana.Nesho'en.: Lets head over to the minefield...and log it...
[06.06.2015 19:42:25] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: I have it already picked up.
[06.06.2015 19:42:32] BD|Shana.Nesho'en.: Allright then.
[06.06.2015 19:42:50] BD|Shana.Nesho'en.: Perhaps c3?Other side of the field?
[06.06.2015 19:43:04] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: Do you thing there is anything else?
[06.06.2015 19:43:16] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: Ok, follow me.
[06.06.2015 19:43:21] BD|Shana.Nesho'en.: Maybie...dough it doesn't look like it.
[06.06.2015 19:43:23] BD|Kaaga,Sano: Kaaga:There are pleny of other things..
[06.06.2015 19:44:14] BD|Shana.Nesho'en.: More...brown...
[06.06.2015 19:44:28] BD|Kaaga,Sano: Kaaga:I want to puke of how ugly this palce is.
[06.06.2015 19:45:05] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: According to the map.. We are out in thirty clicks.
[06.06.2015 19:45:30] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: Jump hole! Finally something.
[06.06.2015 19:45:45] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: Save it into the maps.
[06.06.2015 19:45:56] BD|Kaaga,Sano: Kaaga:Sure.
[06.06.2015 19:46:02] BD|Shana.Nesho'en.: Done.
![[Image: screen70_zpsr1tbb9hv.png]](
[06.06.2015 19:46:03] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: And now, let's go south.
[06.06.2015 19:46:08] BD|Kaaga,Sano: Kaaga:Can we get out of this field..?
[06.06.2015 19:46:25] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: Yes, in a moment.
[06.06.2015 19:46:25] BD|Shana.Nesho'en.: My scaners seem to be picking up disturbances...
[06.06.2015 19:46:34] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: Tell me more.
[06.06.2015 19:46:50] BD|Shana.Nesho'en.: Also...a high energy source,somewhere around the field is making my radar flicker...
[06.06.2015 19:46:54] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: And we are out of this nothingness!
[06.06.2015 19:46:59] BD|Shana.Nesho'en.: Hmm...i lost it...
[06.06.2015 19:47:05] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: Nice planet, don't you say?
[06.06.2015 19:47:11] BD|Kaaga,Sano: Kaaga:Ugly.
[06.06.2015 19:47:19] BD|Shana.Nesho'en.: Dough,it was strange.I guess it was the field...
[06.06.2015 19:47:24] BD|Shana.Nesho'en.: Why ugly?I like rings...
![[Image: screen71_zpsvzcvfgnv.png]](
[06.06.2015 19:47:29] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: Yes, the one in Okinawa was nicer.. *Smiles*
[06.06.2015 19:47:39] BD|Shana.Nesho'en.: Hai.
[06.06.2015 19:47:51] BD|Shana.Nesho'en.: There is also,a station in the far.
[06.06.2015 19:47:52] BD|Kaaga,Sano: Kaaga:I would prefer to see other things right now *she rolled eyes*
[06.06.2015 19:47:56] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: We will go more south, into the orange nebula.
[06.06.2015 19:48:03] BD|Shana.Nesho'en.: I have to log this.
[06.06.2015 19:48:13] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: Scan the station and take some guncams.
[06.06.2015 19:48:16] BD|Shana.Nesho'en.: Moment...
[06.06.2015 19:48:24] BD|Kaaga,Sano: Kaaga:Alright...
[06.06.2015 19:49:00] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: Shh... It's shooting!
[06.06.2015 19:49:09] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: 7C friends.
[06.06.2015 19:49:52] BD|Shana.Nesho'en.: *she pops the bottle of Rheinbeer*I wonder how it tastes...
[06.06.2015 19:50:06] BD|Kaaga,Sano: Kaaga:Nothing tastes better than milk, or sake.
[06.06.2015 19:50:19] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: Rumors says it's great... But leave entertainment for your rest at Kyoto.
[06.06.2015 19:50:38] BD|Shana.Nesho'en.: *she sighs*Hai...*and leaves the bottle*
[06.06.2015 19:50:39] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: Another puke-generating nebula...
[06.06.2015 19:51:04] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: Ok, grid F7 is our next stop.
[06.06.2015 19:51:08] BD|Shana.Nesho'en.: Picking up disturbances...its a Jump hole...
[06.06.2015 19:51:19] BD|Kaaga,Sano: Kaaga:My sensors are picking something up
[06.06.2015 19:51:27] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: In my way directly.
[06.06.2015 19:51:28] BD|Kaaga,Sano: Kaaga:Right ahead of us.
[06.06.2015 19:51:49] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: It is energy signature of a typical jump hole.
[06.06.2015 19:51:53] BD|Kaaga,Sano: Kaaga:Seems like Gravitational Anomaly..
[06.06.2015 19:52:10] BD|Shana.Nesho'en.: Holes...why do they call the Anomalyes holes?
[06.06.2015 19:52:39] BD|Shana.Nesho'en.: I took guncams...
![[Image: screen72_zpsuehqhegg.png]](
[06.06.2015 19:52:42] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: Because they look like holes, just not in two dimensional papers, but three dimensional space.
[06.06.2015 19:52:52] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: Do you see that asteroid?
[06.06.2015 19:52:57] BD|Shana.Nesho'en.: Hai...
[06.06.2015 19:53:04] BD|Kaaga,Sano: Kaaga:What about it ?
[06.06.2015 19:53:10] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: Scan it for anything unusual.
[06.06.2015 19:53:31] BD|Shana.Nesho'en.: Just a...rock.
[06.06.2015 19:53:36] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: Pretty sad one..
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[06.06.2015 19:53:47] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: Let's proceed to our planned waypoint.
[06.06.2015 19:53:59] BD|Shana.Nesho'en.: Hai...
[06.06.2015 19:54:01] BD|Kaaga,Sano: Kaaga:This was fun.
[06.06.2015 19:54:06] BD|Shana.Nesho'en.: *she turns up her music*
[06.06.2015 19:56:47] BD|Kaaga,Sano: Kaaga:I wish there was something to shoot..
[06.06.2015 19:57:03] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: So.. *Scans Shana's ship* She really picked up the beer? Oh..
[06.06.2015 19:57:51] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: You don't like nebulae much, am I right?
[06.06.2015 19:57:58] BD|Kaaga,Sano: Kaaga:I hate them.
[06.06.2015 19:58:15] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: Ironically, we live in one all the time..
[06.06.2015 19:58:29] BD|Kaaga,Sano: Kaaga:I meant, I hate puke-generating ones..
[06.06.2015 19:59:20] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: Like the one we were in before? I don't know much ugly nebulae... Except the gas field in Okinawa..
[06.06.2015 19:59:37] BD|Kaaga,Sano: Kaaga:Most ugly nebulas are outside of Kusari..
[06.06.2015 20:00:12] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: Let's talk about them.. What would be a perfect example of ugly nebula?
[06.06.2015 20:01:12] BD|Kaaga,Sano: Kaaga:This.
[06.06.2015 20:01:19] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: *She smiles*
[06.06.2015 20:01:20] BD|Kaaga,Sano: Kaaga:And that other one.
[06.06.2015 20:03:11] BD|Kaaga,Sano: Kaaga:Lets...go?"
[06.06.2015 20:03:52] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: Looks like Shana is sleeping again..
[06.06.2015 20:04:06] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: During a mission of such importance,
[06.06.2015 20:04:53] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: We should wait for her waking up.
[06.06.2015 20:05:54] BD|Shana.Nesho'en.: *static*Gumen'nasai...*static*
[06.06.2015 20:06:09] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: Finally woken up again!
[06.06.2015 20:06:16] BD|Shana.Nesho'en.: *soon the communications clear*Ship maultfunction actually...
[06.06.2015 20:06:24] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: Let's proceed north.
[06.06.2015 20:06:40] BD|Shana.Nesho'en.: Hai...Gumen'nasai once more...
[06.06.2015 20:06:54] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: North! *She says loudly*
[06.06.2015 20:07:05] BD|Kaaga,Sano:
[06.06.2015 20:07:30] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: We will be out of this cursed nebula soon.
[06.06.2015 20:08:23] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: Do you pick up anything worthy to be checked in front of us?
[06.06.2015 20:08:35] BD|Shana.Nesho'en.: Jump gate.
[06.06.2015 20:08:53] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: Then let's take a look.
[06.06.2015 20:09:34] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: Approaching the gate.
[06.06.2015 20:10:00] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: It's firing...
[06.06.2015 20:10:19] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: I think we are done here.
[06.06.2015 20:10:30] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: Let's go back home.
[06.06.2015 20:10:36] BD|Shana.Nesho'en.: There are two more gates in the system dough.
[06.06.2015 20:11:09] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: We must have passed by them... or not?..
[06.06.2015 20:11:44] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: Let's check the far north of the system.
[06.06.2015 20:11:56] BD|Kaaga,Sano: Kaaga:A gunboat...perfect target.
[06.06.2015 20:12:10] BD|Shana.Nesho'en.: Should we?
[06.06.2015 20:12:12] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: Let it be..
[06.06.2015 20:12:18] BD|Shana.Nesho'en.: *sighs*
[06.06.2015 20:12:23] BD|Kaaga,Sano: Kaaga:*sighs*
[06.06.2015 20:12:34] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: I don't feel like alerting whole Rheinland.
[06.06.2015 20:12:37] BD|Kaaga,Sano: Kaaga:Too kind hearted.
[06.06.2015 20:12:43] BD|Shana.Nesho'en.: Hai...
[06.06.2015 20:13:29] BD|Shana.Nesho'en.: This was extraordinarily booring.
[06.06.2015 20:13:31] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: You said that there is another gate in the system. Where do you thin it's leading?
[06.06.2015 20:13:56] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: I think that the tradelance from the ringed planet leads to one..
[06.06.2015 20:13:58] BD|Shana.Nesho'en.: Two more to New Berlin and one to Sigma-13,my scaners picked them up.
[06.06.2015 20:14:12] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: Ok, problem solved fellows.
[06.06.2015 20:14:14] BD|Shana.Nesho'en.: Dough i noticed just now...
[06.06.2015 20:14:43] BD|Shana.Nesho'en.: Lets head to the Sigma one...
[06.06.2015 20:14:46] BD|Shana.Nesho'en.: Its close.
[06.06.2015 20:14:50] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: I see it.
[06.06.2015 20:15:21] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: Scanners are marking it as hostile. Not a surprise..
[06.06.2015 20:15:37] BD|Shana.Nesho'en.: Ha-i.*she jawns*
[06.06.2015 20:15:39] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: Do I see a base?
[06.06.2015 20:15:47] BD|Shana.Nesho'en.: A border station...
[06.06.2015 20:15:53] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: *Laughs*
[06.06.2015 20:16:27] BD|Shana.Nesho'en.: Now we can head home...
[06.06.2015 20:16:29] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: Now we are finalyl over.. We should return to the Sigma system by the jump hole we came by here.
[06.06.2015 20:17:11] BD|Kaaga,Sano: Kaaga:Shana, I'll need you for few words later...
[06.06.2015 20:17:26] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: We will celebrate the succesfull task with sake once we reach the Dragon's nest, Kyoto!
[06.06.2015 20:17:46] BD|Shana.Nesho'en.: Hai?Kaaga-chan?...
[06.06.2015 20:17:56] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: Let's jump.
˘˘˘˘Sigma 13˘˘˘˘
[06.06.2015 20:18:34] BD|Shana.Nesho'en.: What is it that you need to talk abou't Kaaga-chan?
[06.06.2015 20:18:50] BD|Kaaga,Sano: Kaaga:About...stuff..when we reach Kyoto..
[06.06.2015 20:18:57] BD|Shana.Nesho'en.: H...hai?...
[06.06.2015 20:19:03] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: Gas! alert!
[06.06.2015 20:19:26] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: How can the gas miners live in it...
[06.06.2015 20:20:17] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: We will gather up at the Sigma 19 jump hole.
[06.06.2015 20:22:13] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: I said gather up, not jump!
[06.06.2015 20:22:24] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: Wait on the other.. *static*
˘˘˘˘Sigma 19˘˘˘˘
[06.06.2015 20:28:01] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: We will use the lane. Take guncam shots of the seemingly hostile instalation near the ice planet.
[06.06.2015 20:28:14] BD|Shana.Nesho'en.: Hai...!
[06.06.2015 20:28:26] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: Keep distance
[06.06.2015 20:28:58] BD|Shana.Nesho'en.: Done...
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[06.06.2015 20:29:16] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: Let's go home, it's just two systems away.
[06.06.2015 20:29:31] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: Kaaga-kun...
[06.06.2015 20:29:42] BD|Kaaga,Sano: Kaaga:What.
[06.06.2015 20:30:05] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: Where are you?
[06.06.2015 20:30:22] BD|Kaaga,Sano: Kaaga:I am going to home already, you slowpokes.
[06.06.2015 20:30:34] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: Oh...
[06.06.2015 20:30:51] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: Wait for the slow ones at the jump hole *She smiles and giggles*
[06.06.2015 20:33:05] BD|Shana.Nesho'en.: Kaaga-chan where should i meet you at Kyoto?
[06.06.2015 20:33:14] BD|Kaaga,Sano: Kaaga:I'll tell you..
[06.06.2015 20:33:25] BD|Shana.Nesho'en.: Allright...*she sighs*
[06.06.2015 20:34:35] BD|Shana.Nesho'en.: Ahh...finally!
[06.06.2015 20:34:37] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: Home sweet home... *Sighs in relief*
[06.06.2015 20:34:56] BD|Shana.Nesho'en.: I can't wait to pop open this green alchohol stuff...
[06.06.2015 20:35:06] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: The mission was... exceptionally boring and marked by nebulae...
[06.06.2015 20:35:23] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: May you give a little bit to me?
[06.06.2015 20:35:29] BD|Kaaga,Sano: Kaaga:This mission was horrible and boring.
[06.06.2015 20:35:36] BD|Shana.Nesho'en.: Hai...i have two crates in here!
[06.06.2015 20:35:51] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: One to me... much appreciated.
[06.06.2015 20:36:34] BD|Shana.Nesho'en.: *she smiles*
[06.06.2015 20:36:45] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: Thank you, now... Let's get the lusted sleep!
[06.06.2015 20:37:05] BD|Kaaga,Sano: Kaaga:You go on without us.
[06.06.2015 20:37:09] BD|Shana.Nesho'en.: Hai...
[06.06.2015 20:37:19] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: Hm?
[06.06.2015 20:37:44] BD|Kaaga,Sano: Kaaga:Me and Shana, have things to talk about which are not to be heard by others.
[06.06.2015 20:38:07] BD|Yoshiko.Kawaguchi: Hm... I understand. Sayonara!
And here is the desired outcome of the mission, marked with our patrol patch throughout the Frankfurt system.
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RE: Blood Dragon Mission Reporting Facility - Pacific - 06-07-2015
[img float=left][/img][img float=right][/img]
Sender: Ira Gamagori アイラ蒲郡, Daimyo 大名
Recipient: Blood Dragon's
Source: "Fubuki" フブキ, Blood Dragons
Subject: Mission
Konnichiwa Blood Dragons ,
The misery around why all Rheinland and Kusari corporation's activity towards the Kingdom of Gallia must be revealed. So I here by order a expedition with in that system on order for the Shohun to evaluate the system . I am giving the fallowing objectives for the mission:
- Objectives
- 1. Map the entire system
- 2. Photograph any and All Sirius activity within the system (//NPC are ok)
- 3. Evaluate the defence of said system
- 4. Locate all resources (mining locations in said system)
- 5. List all organisation that have activity in the system(NPC are ok)
- 6. Reckon all and map all the flight path of Friendly Neutral and Hostile activity
The mission is not to be taken lightly because it will endeavour a lot of effort and stealth will be your best friend the goes is return in one peace and with the information intact. Avoid hostilities unless you have no coice.
Ira Gamagoriアイラ蒲郡
"Fubuki" フブキ
RE: Blood Dragon Mission Reporting Facility - An'shur - 06-07-2015
<<<Incomming message>>>
>>From: Yoshiko Kawaguchi; Hatamoto
>>Source: Kyoto base; Chugoku system
>>Recipents: Ira Gamagori; Daimyo
>>Encryption level: L1gh7
>>Type: Text
Konnichiwa Daimyo-sama,
It's an honour to get this mission ordered. Ju-long Li and myself will be on the way to Lyonnais in the following minutes.
Hatamoto Kawaguchi
<<<Signal lost>>>
RE: Blood Dragon Mission Reporting Facility - Shizune - 06-09-2015
Sender ID: Codename Steel
Subject: Ira's Requested Scan's
A distorted screen comes online "I was out and about, trying to map out the weekly new corporate trade routes when something caught my eye near Yukawa Shipyard in Honshu. It looked like the ship was roboticlly crewed and what not so I got closer..and was soon meet with heavy resistance in the area, including this ship as well. The KDS-Yamato, an independent Naval battleship was sitting near the shipyard, must of been rearming or refueling or something, it was hard to tell while getting shot at..." the screen statics for a second before coming back "I managed to get gun cams of its hold, equipment and what not, below you will find what you need." The screen once again statics "Trust me, it was not easy to get these things Ira, hopefully these will be good enough for some time.."
Internal Scan - Crew & Cargo
Hull Scan - Armor Class, Scanner Class, Ship Class, Repairs Onboard
External Equipment Scan - Shield + Thruster
External Weapon's Scan - List 1
External Weapon's Scan - List 2
External Weapon's Scan - List 3
External Weapon's Scan - List 4
[09.06.2015 13:06:30] BD|Pond: *An object is dropped in space, almost invisable as it attaches to the Yamato, the freighter spinning quickly*
"The object was the tracing appears it was last heading to planet Honshu to chase me down..the ping location will show up soon, that is all for now sir."
RE: Blood Dragon Mission Reporting Facility - Neonzumi - 06-09-2015
ID:Shana Nesho'en
Just a little something to report, nothing major but i got draged out of bed for it anyway.A LARGE, and when i say large i mean LARGE convoy of IMG was intercepted in the Tohoku system.They tryed talking they'r way out, but they were too close to the Nomad, Alien, Thingywhatever station.The Order had to take precautions so we were ordered to "Pod the transports."But honestly they put up quite a battle, one of our gunboats was shot down and even the Kongo took major hull damage.But on the end those were transports, and we blew them to shreds.I am a little ashamed to say but, i kinda riped apart Grand Order Admiral Golanski's ship with battle razors.I was trying to shoot down a one of the transport but he got in the way and took the hit.He is okay now thankfully!He spent some time in my cargo hold dough...i hope he doesn't hold a big grudge over it...he...he...
Atachments:IMG Convoy interception..