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The Core Combined Forces Reporting Channel [All Core IDs] - Printable Version

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RE: The Core Reporting Channel - Lythrilux - 05-12-2015

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ID: Erik Nodtviet
Location: Durban Station, Omicron Rho
Subject: Report

Whilst on patrol, I came across a Freelancer who held a Derelict Nomad Artifact in his possession. Whilst issuing him a demand, at the promise of compensation, an Order battleship decloaked upon me. The Freelancer began to flee from the scene, with the Order battleship trying to convince it to head to Mu. It almost did, but with some persuasion I made it head towards Minor, where it stopped at Meskhenet station. I threatened him with hostility if he proceeded to dock, and managed to convince him to stay space-bound until the Core reinforcements arrived. After seeing our fearsome power, the battleship backed down and we convinced the Freelancer to venture to Omicron Rho with us at the promise of compensation for his artifact.

I had alerted the defenses on the other side of the Rho jump hole to target the Freelancer as soon as he jumped in, and to severely cripple it as much as possible. Against our expectations, the fool jumped into Rho, whereby he was met with violence by our defenses. Once crippled and realizing that he was in a dangerously sticky situation, he reluctantly dropped his artifact, without us needing to pay him.

We then left him for dead. I alerted the defenses to not fire on him to at least give him a little chance of survival. Since I did not hear of his demise, I'll assume that he made it out of our Rho.

Hopefully he'll take this lesson on Omicron politics to heart.



-E. Nodtviet
Fleet Admiral, The Core

:::[Closing Transmission]:::

RE: The Core Reporting Channel - Kauket - 05-18-2015

» COMM-ID: Sapphire Raven
» SUBJECT: Potentional rogues?

I begun my patrol in Omicron Delta and stumbled across some vessels bearing the identification tags "CD|" - I have heard rumours about them owning a station presumed by the name of Oakland Research Station, and thus I begin to question them about it to see if they know anything about it. Their reaction to it was negative, they appear to be holding back the information due to their "highers" - They also seem to distrust us for petty reasons like infiltration.


I can only lead to the assumption that they are mere guards and someone else is behind that station. Also they wouldn't even tell me what their identification acronym stands for either, very weird indeed. I will look into this situation where possible.

Raven out.


RE: The Core Reporting Channel - Kauket - 05-20-2015

» COMM-ID: Sapphire Raven
» SUBJECT: Planetform - Killer Virus?

While I was patrolling in Omicron Delta, I came across a vessel named PFI)Longford-[RDE] who was flying in patterns around the Kiribati Asteriod Field, I also came across another Core vessel, the Eden. We began to subtly follow the said vessel and began to lightly question what the said vessel was doing here. They stated they were researching and analysing the rocks.

» UPLOADING LOGS - 1 - Casual encounter

Initially, we assumed all is well and went to finish off our patrol...

» UPLOADING LOGS - 2 - Minor investigation

I have never seen this ship since it docked on the Freeport 11. Since I was within my scout ship, I was not able to do much against it. This ship is seriously a potentional danger to us and to everyone else.

[dir=ltr]» SUBJECT: Oakland Station discovered

Upon undocking from the Freeport, I managed to glimpse at a Core secondary fleet capital vessel arriving at the Freeport from a rather interesting angle of direction. Following my suspicion, I orientated my vessel to his path and kept cruising in a continous line until I ran into something or nothing. As I originally estimated, he did infact come from Oakland.


It is armed with two anti capital weapon sentries, and is upgraded to a Class II station. Docking is restricted on it - however - the affiliation with it appears to be friendly.

I will upload the exact coordinates on a more secure channel.

Raven out.


RE: The Core Reporting Channel - Kauket - 05-28-2015

[Image: 4bi4x3f.png]
[dir=rtl]» COMM-ID: Sapphire Raven
» SUBJECT: Patrol Reports[/dir]

My patrol was initiated within the deep Omegas, scouting out for hostile activities and observing for any Nomadic presence. Everything was reporting clear, hostile patrols were not encountered, no sudden surge of hostile presence was detected. Everything was... quiet. However, I inspected some wreckage of fallen vessels, and obtained some weaponary and an inactive nomadic cell.

[Image: aQP6m4S.png][Image: IPpxULn.png][Image: ZkxQphW.png]

I returned back to base due to the extreme exposure of radiation and other biological contaminants, the cell has been sent for observement on Durban. The weapons have been sent to munitions depot.

» SUBJECT: Patrol Report 2

The Eidolon Wraith was deployed after detecting some trace background noise. We went to observe the Omicron Zeta jumphole for any more suspicious signals - nothing out of interest was discovered after initial observement - We then moved our patrol path to the Omicron Lost jumphole and examined the area for anything displaced. Suddenly, a Bretonian battleship arrived from the Omicron Lost Jumphole, our initial scans detected a Cloaking reactor onboard it.

Cloaking Module |Identification

I began to query it, it stated it's intention to hunt Nomad Battleships, so I asked it to leave and began to escort it. However. He consistantly attempted to engage his cloaking device.

NB: Note the disruptor ammo counter.
Attempt 1
Attempt 2
Attempt 3

The captain finally cooperated. Until he decided to go the wrong way and tried to intentionally lose me through the Tokelau cloud. He insisted on going through Omicron Kappa instead of Omicron 74 due to an apparent "fleet of Zoners", despite not even headed towards the direction of the jumphole.

Change of course

His last chance

He still ignored us and persisted on attempting to lose us, the Eidolon engaged them. Their vessel suffered a geographical miscalculation and was destroyed by the atmospheric pressure of Tuvalu's gravity well.

Engaged | Destruction

He was offered multiple chances to cooperate but refused all of them.


DAMAGE Wrote:HMS~Valiant damage infliction: 100% - destroyed
Core|WV-Eidolon.Wraith damage infliction: 0%

» SUBJECT: Random Order Individual - Kusari?

Whilst returning from a sector sweep from Maltese space, I briefly ran into this Order fightercraft, it appeared to be in a hurry somewhere in the general direction of Kusari. Unfortunately, I did not have a disruptor at the time, after attempting to be witty and to try and shoot it after jumping and failing, instead I decided to follow it.

Retreating into the Nebula | Docked on Gas Miner Ogashawa?


I waited roughly 20 minutes to see if the vessel undocked but it was clear he intended to hide in there for the night. With permission, perhaps I could follow the next sighted vessel into Kusari itself with vigilance?

» SUBJECT: Hunting Party

Me, Sam Carter, and Newton Holt assembled a small strike coordination to harvest some Nomadic Materials, the outcome was successful.

We managed to obtain the following:
RESOURCES Wrote:8 Nomadic Battleship Remains
66 Nomadic Fighter Remains
169 Nomadic Gunboat Remains

The resources are being held on an APM containment transport.


DAMAGE Wrote:Core|WV-Sargasso damage infliction: 74%

Core|WV-Moorwen damage infliction: 37%

Core|WV-Crusader damage infliction: 20% - Returned to base
Raven out.


RE: The Core Reporting Channel - Lythrilux - 06-05-2015

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ID: Erik Nodtviet
Location: Durban Station, Omicron Rho
Subject: Report

Whilst on patrol, we came across an Order defector. What was most striking about the ship, was that it was a Libertonian Capital Ship. We interrogated the vessel, and then later brought it to Dabadoru and moored it there once the captain and it's crew surrendered. We transferred the crew to Dabadoru, whereby shuttles then later took them to holding cells on Durban. The Captain of the vessel is being held for questioning.

Audio logs of the encounter are attached.

-E. Nodtviet
Fleet Admiral, The Core

:::[Closing Transmission]:::

RE: The Core Reporting Channel - Neonzumi - 06-20-2015

ID: Ivy Noire
Encryption: High
Uploading: Complete

Opening file...

Had some fun around Delta! About three Order fighters were hanging around the Omicron Rho jumphole, and you all know that place is off limits to non Core personel. When i heard of it i was working around my ships electronics so i thought i give it a test drive with the new engine i mounted on my Sabre. I went over there to assist Ruby and Christopher Stone, and when i arrived i noticed that one of the Order pilots was in a Sekmeth. Damn...i want to tear apart one of those so much, i heard the electronics and the overall programing of the on board systems is quite complex. But, he got blown up by the other two, and i even said it would be nice not to destroy it completly. The two remaining fighters, me and Ruby took care of those.

Attachments: -Guncams-

RE: The Core Reporting Channel - Apollon - 06-21-2015


» LOCATION: Dabadoru Station, Omicron Delta
» COMM-ID: Ryuzaki Kuruso
» TARGET-ID: The Core Reporting Center
» SUBJECT: Reinstatement
» PRIORITY: Medium


Guild Keeper Kuruso speaking, I humbly would like to inform you that I have fully recovered from my injuries, and ask to be reinstated into The Core's ranks.

Prepare the sake!

Kuruso out.


RE: The Core Reporting Channel - Neonzumi - 06-22-2015

ID: Ivy Noire
Encryption: High
Uploading: Complete

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Before i start talking about the "headline" of this report, i first want to say before the Gamma raid my ship was acting rather strange. I thought it was my tinkering that made it malfunction in the first place.But the weird encryptions i was and my AI was going quite crazy, somehow it even knew my name and i got a strange transmission too. That is not something i can cause. My dashboard was even on fire, and for a moment my pod almost ejected, but suddenly just when we were about to Raid the ship went back to normal like nothing happened. I got black box recordings of it, will be in the attachments. The raid itself went pretty well, dough i took quite a lot of damage to my ship and even lost a piece of Equipment, but i slapped the fat leader of the Brotherhood in the face with a mine! The damage summary will be in the attachments. And the said "headline", right as we cleaned up the cannibals, a K'Hara Nomad vessel uncloaked next to Crete, ravaging every single Corsair capital in the vicinity, and i think, all of us heard the angry thought it had sent to us. It was a Capital Class Morph and i cant say i wasn't scared, but thankfully my intriguement helped me gather the guts to approach it just enough so i could get a detailed guncam.

Attachments: -Guncams-Damage Summary-

RE: The Core Reporting Channel - Neonzumi - 06-26-2015

ID: Ivy Noire
Encryption: High
Uploading: Complete

Opening file...

So, as the deal was we were to escort Nomad remains to Bretonia today along with the destroyer Invictus for repairs, but due to technical problems with the already damaged ship we couldn't risk moving the Dessie to Southampton so it was postponed. A small total of 18 capital class morph remains, 120 large morph remains and a bach of 80 small morph remains which were carried on our Corvo were succesfully hauled. The Armed Forces transport MN-Turbulance greeted us in Delta and was escorted to Cambridge, where greeted by another Kirk next to Battleship Suffolk, the load was transfered onto it. We also had two pilots acting rather odd, for such an occasion. Christopher Stone, and some girl named Ruby were "practicing" sort of speak, the whole way. Both of their ships were severely damaged in the process. Its a good thing there were no hostile contacts along the way, they would have been taken back in pods. Dough, on the way back myself and Ken Powers took care of a little Artifact smuggler. It tried running to Omega 11 but we caught up. Now i have some Alien stuff to play with, lucky me! I didn't take much guncams, since i cant help but to mess with my on-board electronics all the time, which causes sever maulfunctions most of the times, hehe. Because of it i was unable to take too many shots but the ones that i managed to catch will be included in the attachments, along with the black box logs.

Attachments: Escorting the Remains.

RE: The Core Reporting Channel - Kauket - 06-30-2015

» COMM-ID: Guildkeeper Sapphire Raven

Raven here.

I have returned to active duty – but I will however - (cough) pardon me – uhm- *AHEM* … spend my spend time mainly on the Eidolon – or at the Medbay on Durban. I'll give an update and will head straight to the debriefing room on Durban for a sit-rep. I-I deeply apologise for my disappearance and will do anything to make up for lost time and resources during my absence....
As well, I have some older reports to send in – despite the fact that I sent it months ago? Either way, I had... - uhm- ...I had some interesting interactions as I came back to Delta today which involved some Zoners being dumb.

» SUBJECT: Nomadic Cargo hauling -and chopsy – Freelancer

Upon investigating the area of the Freeport in Omicron Delta I came across a Zoner Juggernaut by the name of Canaan|Transcendence and a Freelancer by the name of Thallia.Thorn – Nothing of interest was sighted so I decided to procrastinate at the Freeport. 4 minutes later – A vessel by the name of TK241-MartyTrouba undocks and immediately proceeds to cruise towards Omicron-74, noticing it had interesting cargo, I quickly intercept it.

He proceeded to drop the remains – one by one... After that – I told him he could get on his way, but he continues to annoy me.

That concludes that subject.

» SUBJECT: Zoners

As soon as I de-a-gurgh. (cough) *ahem* Pardon me- dealt with that Freelancer, the Zoner Juggernaut began to question me and attempted to remind me that it was “his” space that I am violating. I reminded him that it is our space. E-Eventually an OSI vessel came across to hop in on the argument.

Morale of the s-story: Zoner-s-s are idiots – I … urgh.. My h-hea... Argh!


[[DATA ATTACHED: Old reports]]