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Barrier Gate Station - Office C7 - Floor 4 - Printable Version

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RE: Barrier Gate Station - Office C7 - Floor 4 - Faze Mercenaries - 07-27-2014

Anna looks up and sees a women with her hood on and a little of her red hair on her face. She smiles slightly and says.

" Well hello to you too.."

She then writes something on the paper infront of her and says while pointing at the door behind her.

" Right that way. "

RE: Barrier Gate Station - Office C7 - Floor 4 - Christensen - 07-27-2014

Scarlet looks at the receptionist and nods. As she starts walking towards the door she takes the hood off and adjusts her hair. When enters the office she slams the door shut. Scarlet sees the guy standing in his chair and says:

"So you're the big one around here aren't you ? Truth be told I thought it was someone more.....frightening." *she starts laughing*.

RE: Barrier Gate Station - Office C7 - Floor 4 - Toru Sato - 07-27-2014

Toru looks up after hearing those words and chuckles.

" Fair, I assume you are Raven Fox? "

Toru leans back in his chair waiting for her response.

RE: Barrier Gate Station - Office C7 - Floor 4 - Christensen - 07-28-2014

"You seem to know my name, yet i do not know yours. Doesn't matter I don't really care. Say, you stay here all day and do that stupid paperwork, such a shame. Anyway is there something that you want to ask me ? I really don't have much time for chit-chat so get to the point, being followed, they might be here any time. I want to get this job and lay low for a while. Do you have a place where I could stay for a night or two?"

RE: Barrier Gate Station - Office C7 - Floor 4 - Toru Sato - 07-28-2014

Toru listens to her carefully then answers.

" I only do this when theres a new applicant, sometimes Kitty does the interviews, sometimes Anna if Kitty is busy. "

Toru grabs some keys from the drawer and puts it on the front of the table and says.

" Your database you filled out seems to answer any questions I would have, so no, I don't. As to spend a night or two, get a room and tell them you are from Faze, they know us here and shouldn't give to much trouble. Your ship will be ready tomorrow, but before you leave, who is following you? If that isn't a secret of course. "

RE: Barrier Gate Station - Office C7 - Floor 4 - Christensen - 07-28-2014

"A new ship eh?"*she chuckles*.Good this might come in handy. About the following part ? People tend to lose their minds when you kill the one in charge, truth be told the guy was big mouthed yet, low minded, they didn't find it as funny as I did when they heard what I've done, these people don't have such a great sense of humor. Anyway thanks for the new ship and your support".

*As she gets to the door she riches her pocket and turns around smiling*

"Here catch ! The keys from my ship, an eagle I don't need it anymore. better not fly it. Really, you don't wanna know why."

*As she leaves the room she goes to the receptionist*

"Sorry for the entrance had too many jobs like this and I know the procedure. Oh yeah, keep the boys comin`."

*And she leaves without waiting for a responce*.

RE: Barrier Gate Station - Office C7 - Floor 4 - Valarin - 07-30-2014

"Request to dock granted, please proceed to dock two."

The grainy robotic voice reverberated through the cockpit, and the receiving pilot wondered briefly if there actually was any alternative reply from Barrier Gates' famously restriction-free docking control. With a soft pressure on the throttle he guided the ship towards the slowly opening hangar and prepared the landing thrusters, firing only at the last moment. With a roar, the aging Eagle came to a juddering halt on the bay floor and, with the pressure stablised, its boarding hatch fell open with a metallic clang.

Removing his flight helmet and securing the ship, Vale prepared to enter the station proper. Wisely, given the rough crowd that were wont to gather here, he kept a concealed sidearm about his person and a solid distrust of passers-by. In good time he found himself before the C7 office on the fourth floor.

The first thing to greet him through the door was a tempting aroma of coffee, which he inhaled hungrily; it'd been a long flight from New London, and tiredness had already began to set into his bones at the thought of being able to rest soon enough. But first, he had to meet with these recruitment folks, whoever they may be. Hopefully, all would work out well.

"Vale Waters," he announced as he reached a reception desk, behind which sat a young woman with her attention elsewhere. "I'm here for Faze recruitment, is this the right place?" He glanced around uncertainly at the otherwise empty room. It wasn't large by any account, but the lack of people in the otherwise busy hub of a station gave it an eerily unused feel.

RE: Barrier Gate Station - Office C7 - Floor 4 - Vredes - 08-16-2014

A tall man enters the office with his helmet on. He takes a deep breath and takes of the helmet, revealing a scar going from his cheek through his eyebrow... he then speaking speaking concrete and with a strange accent...

Hello is this the enlistment for the Faze Mercenaries?

He than looks around and checks his gauntlet...