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Mon'Star Feedback Thread - Printable Version

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Mon'Star Feedback Thread - Tequilla.Sunrise - 09-19-2008

Mon'Star is awesome, si? I have yet to meet him, but after reading the story, I'm looking forward to an encounter!

Mon'Star Feedback Thread - Serpentis - 09-19-2008

Ive read the stories..
Ive waited for you to come online so i can see him and Rp with him..
Ive wished that i could make a chr that "awesome"..
Ive wanted to actually have a little fight with him.. Alltough I'l probably die..

One thing to say: Awesome in text, but have to face him to be sure ^^
Get Online!

I can see my Merc's expression when he sees the Necrosis in front of him..

"What the...."

*Phew Phew*


About the extreme amount of kills: It's a bit to much, but I want it there, it's what makes people afraid of him.. I mean, come on! He has killed millions!

Mon'Star Feedback Thread - me_b_kevin - 09-20-2008

i have greatly reduced the death count that happened as a result of the "Darkness". it now is much more reasonable

Mon'Star Feedback Thread - AceofSpades - 09-20-2008

I would just like a moment to state my thoughts.

I like the story it's well kept up..

heres the biggest thing however:
To those who say it's generic or no good enough--
I'd like to take a moment to say "well compare the story of Mon'star to the rest of the RP stories here"

I'd say it at least ranks in the top 5 or 10%, at least its not just some 20 minute story thrown together, or an excuse to PvP.

Woot keep writin i love it!

Mon'Star Feedback Thread - me_b_kevin - 12-22-2008

there.....finally done with the story of how the Necrosis Prime (Mon'Star's new ship) came to be....

so....whatcha think?

Mon'Star Feedback Thread - jdftheman - 12-23-2008

I love it, really nice work.

by the way, is there an image somewhere off the necrosis prime, i would really like to see how it looks

Mon'Star Feedback Thread - Derkylos - 12-23-2008

I have mixed feelings about Mon'Star.

Having a guy running around killing people for no apparent reason is always amusing (hehehe), and I like the way you have a reputation. The stories are well-written.

However, I have only encountered you twice while playing, once while I was repfixing (so I didn't RP there), and once involved~5 BAF (including 3 GBs) hunting you through Bretonia.

While the concept is good, I fear that the execution may be difficult...every time you even near house space, you're gonna have the entire house military on your case, and, as soon as you start killing things, you're gonna get swarmed by hordes of people, which kinda restricts the amount of RP you can give in system chat (if you're running/fighting the whole time, typing gets difficult...)

On the other hand, I do tend to avoid the system you're in (most of my characters have a self-preservation clause...), so maybe you're doing something right there.
But stop stealing my piracy targets!!!:P

Mon'Star Feedback Thread - El Nino - 12-23-2008

When is Monstar usually on?

Mon'Star Feedback Thread - me_b_kevin - 12-23-2008

' Wrote:I love it, really nice work.

by the way, is there an image somewhere off the necrosis prime, i would really like to see how it looks

there are some pics in here, pages 1 and 4 i believe

' Wrote:While the concept is good, I fear that the execution may be difficult...every time you even near house space, you're gonna have the entire house military on your case, and, as soon as you start killing things, you're gonna get swarmed by hordes of people, which kinda restricts the amount of RP you can give in system chat (if you're running/fighting the whole time, typing gets difficult...)

yes, it is difficult. but in a weird way i enjoy it. i typically won't just fly into the middle of a full house military, Mon'Star isn't stupid and he knows his limits. i'm hoping to get some prepared text set up so i can provide some color commentary while fighting.

' Wrote:When is Monstar usually on?

i've kinda been tied down with new baby duties. i am using the time i have off to get RP the building of the Necrosis Prime. i try to log Mon'Star on at random times....keeps them guessing hehe ;)

Mon'Star Feedback Thread - Niezck - 12-23-2008

We should start a Consortium of Evil ...