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Can you sanction against wall running? - Printable Version

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RE: Can you sanction against wall running? - Mímir - 09-25-2014

(09-25-2014, 02:08 AM)Derkylos Wrote: Given that it's probably more profitable time/credits to die and restart the run, how many powertraders do you think actually do this?...

You'd be surprised how dumb they are.

For most hardcore powertraders, it seems the only thing they cherish more than useless credits is NOT!!!!!! paying the pirate.

I don't understand why people act so ridiculous, considering this is a game and nothing happens if you "die".

RE: Can you sanction against wall running? - SnakThree - 09-25-2014

Whoever claims wall running is very good RP, tell me, why don't you RP that good and claim your cargo is insured and you can give it all to pirate? Pods are also that good these days that instantly teleport you to your undocking point and you get a new ship!

Yeah. Wall running is not inRP. Corporate ships stick to lanes for a reason and that is getting to the destination ASAP.

Real powertraders actually PAY the pirate as it is usually quicker and cheaper than to respawn back or run to system wall.

RE: Can you sanction against wall running? - Tunicle - 09-25-2014

On the whole some interesting points, but again reread the thread and look for the little words embedded in some posts. Constant sniping, words added to annoy etc. even mild insults set the tone for the forums and again the community could be a little less destructive to each other.

RE: Can you sanction against wall running? - Luke. - 09-25-2014

I think simply, if you can screenshot you chasing someone a few hundred "k" away from the nearest base, that's enough to say they're sys-walling and they shouldn't be 'cause it's bad RP and quite frankly a waste of everyones time, know that they'll eventually explode and restart their run as normal without the pirating individual or group managing to get hold of their cash or blue message.

I have no idea why said offenders bother as it's unprofitable as mentioned already and again, extremely unnecessary. The server's about RP and conflict that stems from each faction and independents differing goals. It shouldn't be about some kind of pride in not getting successfully pirated when in reality, you're not losing out on much and you'll still make 70% at the least, of what you'd have made if you weren't noticed on the way.

If you're trading, you're likely in for the long haul (no pun intended) and therefore you probably make a fair bit in that time. Why waste your time and others?

tl;dr yes you should be sanctioned for it. Ironically perhaps by losing a greater pool of credits so it's clear that you're wasting time (I seem to have said that quite a few times) and precious profits.

EDIT: Perhaps admins should calculate roughly how much they could've made in the time they spent wallrunning and deduct that from their account. "This is how much you could've made if you weren't being a moron".

RE: Can you sanction against wall running? - casero - 09-25-2014

(09-25-2014, 04:50 AM)TheUnforgiven Wrote:
(09-24-2014, 11:15 PM)Lythrilux Wrote: I don't see why we can't condem the Trader though. It's running to the system wall for no purpose other than to waste the pirates time and avoid interaction.

If you chase a trader for an hour, and probably shout at them the whole time, have them on your scanner, that was the interaction. The one time I've seen this happen, both parties exchanged conversation with each other the whole time. If you are so easily offended, or OCD that you just CANT let a trader go that is so far ahead of you you can't even lock on, you need to relax and take a breath. Accept that you just missed them. Its not the end of the world. You act like you are forced into a long pursuit. Go stake out a jumphole or jumpgate and wait them out. You probably miss countless opportunities while you waste your time on a hard fish to catch.

If they are within 10 k, you more than likely can close the gap in decent time. If you're in the small % that is stuck at the same speed as your opponent, you can't win that one. Time to grow up a bit. Sounds like stubborn personality meets video game.

This is right.

RE: Can you sanction against wall running? - t0l - 09-25-2014

except there's no reason for a trader to run to the system wall and asplode other then to spite the pirate

RE: Can you sanction against wall running? - LonelyPlanet - 09-25-2014

(09-25-2014, 01:21 PM)Tal Wrote: except there's no reason for a trader to run to the system wall and asplode other then to spite the pirate

If we were honest, we'd have to also say that a large portion of pirates pirate because they enjoy spiting traders.

RE: Can you sanction against wall running? - St.Denis - 09-25-2014

Instead of 5 pages of pros and cons to answer this question (because you will not get everyone to agree) why not put a report in and see what the Admins decide? This will give a definitive answer to this debate. If the sanction goes through it answers the way the Admins deem it should be.

RE: Can you sanction against wall running? - Binski - 09-25-2014

Well there's also the fact that while the pirate(s) are chasing this wall runner for an hour, they're being kept occupied, and not bothering other traders. Is it oorp to play a hero? Or to be as equally stubborn as the pirate chasing you?

RE: Can you sanction against wall running? - SnakThree - 09-25-2014

(09-25-2014, 04:40 PM)TheUnforgiven Wrote: Well there's also the fact that while the pirate(s) are chasing this wall runner for an hour, they're being kept occupied, and not bothering other traders. Is it oorp to play a hero? Or to be as equally stubborn as the pirate chasing you?

What other traders? I might be the only trade ship the pirate has seen or will see thorought his unprofitable and interaction based activity ingame.