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RE: Task Force Gladius TFG| Information & Feedback - Sciamach - 11-03-2014

I don't know whose alt that is, but they have a point.

on topic: aint met you TFG guys yet and I patrol Liberty pretty regularly. Lookin' forward to it truth be told.. though that may just be because of well.. y'know


RE: Task Force Gladius TFG| Information & Feedback - Vigilia.Procuratio - 11-03-2014

Seriously, pretty much every VHF has a launcher mounted, therefore one must be able to dodge and use their countermeasures accordingly, including the disruptor. If somebody has a cloak installed then they certainly need to know how to deal with incoming missiles. Don't get me wrong, I sympathise if there are four coming in at once but the only way to win is to learn the art of countering them.

As well as two VHFs to dodge, I recently had a SHF hitting one of my freighters with torpedoes and I almost certainly let him know how wrong that can go. I can safely say that I "proper got ganked", yet I managed to return a substantial amount of damage and survive (albeit I was left with no weapons and very, very little hull). What I'm saying here is to stay cool and figure out a way to survive - I learned this a very long time ago.

RE: Task Force Gladius TFG| Information & Feedback - Lythrilux - 11-03-2014

I don't mind missile VHFs. Never play by the rules of your opponent.
I have yet to meet you guys in game, hopefully I will soon though.

RE: Task Force Gladius TFG| Information & Feedback - Vendetta - 11-03-2014

Uh, the issue was already resolved. Let's not have another piss match.


Scourge, we're looking forward to an encounter.

Lyth, the same as above.

RE: Task Force Gladius TFG| Information & Feedback - Arbs - 11-03-2014

Alright so here we go.

(11-01-2014, 10:02 PM)Texas.Red Wrote: Heh, I guess seeing seven Prosecutors flying around is kind of intimidating. I wouldn't be afraid of us though. We'd definitely like to talk to people, and get some Roleplay going during our travels.

Well.. I just encountered you guys at west point and well, maybe we just rushed a bit too early. Anyways, I'd like to give it a second try rather than just making a rash decision and call this hypocritical.

To be honest, I was expecting quite more from you guys, at least a little chat, trying get to know what you guys are like, but oh well. Maybe next time we may get the chance.

(11-03-2014, 05:55 PM)Lythrilux Wrote: I don't mind missile VHFs. Never play by the rules of your opponent.

That stands by me too, and I understand that you have to compensate a bit for your pvp skills by numbers too, but just try not to over-do it too much.

All else beside that is okay, and also good for server activity; -at least in liberty.

This is all just constructive criticism, and my no means I tend to offend or flame you people.

~ 4-56|LN-A.henderson.

Also I'm curious to see the faction information and lore. And also would you be co-operative with Task Force Warhammer? Just asking because I need to have an idea of how would the relations between our groups be like, and for the command to know what their approach should be like.

Also most importantly, good luck. Smile

RE: Task Force Gladius TFG| Information & Feedback - Corile - 11-03-2014

Quote:To be honest, I was expecting quite more from you guys, at least a little chat, trying get to know what you guys are like, but oh well. Maybe next time we may get the chance.
I believe you were the one who died at the very beginning. After the rest of the Navy started hugging West Point we started a bit of a conversation. They weren't to talkative.

Quote:And also would you be co-operative with Task Force Warhammer?
I believe we're not actively hunting one another and we're kind of cooperating I guess, but I know that there have been some talks with TFW just now and I'm not caught up, so this might change.

Quote:This is all just constructive criticism, and my no means I tend to offend or flame you people.
And that is very much appreciated.

RE: Task Force Gladius TFG| Information & Feedback - Technogeist - 11-03-2014

Aw, yeah, the fight happened real quick. Early casualties always suck. We pulled back and tried to have a chat with the Navy guys at around 9k out while they sat near West Point a few minutes after we had disengaged, but they didn't seem to want to show us any love. Sad

RE: Task Force Gladius TFG| Information & Feedback - Lythrilux - 11-03-2014

In the event you guys are headed for officialdom, do please tell me that you're going to get the HF ID reverted back to the old one?

RE: Task Force Gladius TFG| Information & Feedback - Vendetta - 11-03-2014

(11-03-2014, 08:46 PM)Lythrilux Wrote: In the event you guys are headed for officialdom, do please tell me that you're going to get the HF ID reverted back to the old one?

Hopefully, but the original [HF] worked extremely hard for it. It'd take some time, but that's definitely a goal.

RE: Task Force Gladius TFG| Information & Feedback - Arbs - 11-03-2014

(11-03-2014, 08:29 PM)Protégé Wrote: I believe you were the one who died at the very beginning. After the rest of the Navy started hugging West Point we started a bit of a conversation. They weren't to talkative.

Didn't see it comming actually, was getting hit pretty hard. Tongue Yeah well I was trying to organize them, but things just went down too quick. But my point is that even though some players may be not very talkative, it would be good for you to be so on your part, -before- staring the fight.

Anyways thank you for the encounters. Smile