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Admin Notice: Players banned since server restart - Printable Version

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Admin Notice: Players banned since server restart - Wilf_Brim - 09-26-2008

Same problem, I was doing a little bit of trading when suddenly got banned for no reason, my char name is Wilf_Brim. Thx a lot.


Admin Notice: Players banned since server restart - Silverwing - 09-26-2008

Hi, i was banned to.
My character name is Silverwing.
Thanks for the help

Done. Please change that font. It's a hard font to read. Especially in a thread such as this.

Admin Notice: Players banned since server restart - alpha3 - 09-26-2008

and Ross.Hane still
I only had 1 enemy when.... >_>


Admin Notice: Players banned since server restart - Reapster313 - 09-26-2008



Admin Notice: Players banned since server restart - GordonShamway - 09-26-2008

Banned Player: Horst.Ronald.Stuyvesant
When: Docked at Freeport 6 -> F1 -> banned o.0


Unable to find the character anywhere in the database

Admin Notice: Players banned since server restart - Ben.Gun - 09-26-2008

Mystic <- POssible Cheating in Docksequence at Rostock Base in Omega15

Done - Though, sure it wasn't trying to shoot an admin again ?

Admin Notice: Players banned since server restart - gafiaiiu - 09-26-2008



Admin Notice: Players banned since server restart - Pinz - 09-26-2008

' Wrote:I dont know if Fuzzy was banned or if the player just got wiped but nonethless it is gone

Its called Fuzz ... And its still there

Fuzz is a different charactor Fuzzy was a newer charactor he was inuse lastnight until he was killed infront of manhatin. when I tried loggin into him later he was gone. he is a fighter with 2 arcangels lpi Id on the same account as rosco-peco-train


Admin Notice: Players banned since server restart - Fellow Hoodlum - 09-26-2008

Sorry Pinz, if the character was new, we had a rollback, so I'm afraid it does not actually exist any more.
The archangels are back on the wreck as well. There is nothing we can do sir.

Admin Notice: Players banned since server restart - deluca - 09-27-2008

im posting for Light.Yagami, since he cannot post here yet

He was flying his char ***Krintahk*** when the consult admin message came up then he got kicked

His other characters on that account are Light.Yagami Death.Yagami and Desecrated.Yagami

Thanks on his behalf
