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Ryukyu Guild - RG| - Printable Version

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RE: Ryukyu Guild - RG| - Mark_Brown - 07-01-2015

(07-01-2015, 07:47 AM)Miaou Wrote: "-Miaou, Supreme and Righteous Leader of the GMG" and asking other factions to do things for me.

I like the little dig at the old grave there.... I don't ask factions to do things for me, and we are still the old GMG| your opinion for or against this is irrelevant as old veterans will tell you. Only difference is, we lost our officialdom, that's the only single difference and its minimal to us, we don't need any flag to do what we're doing because its already done.

Just thought I'd wipe the floor here and cover up a little (hear-say) thoughts which are wrong.

(06-30-2015, 08:38 AM)Coin Wrote: I'm not seeing anything i like here. GMG is complaining of a pain in the posterior cos RG are pulling a richard-move, and RG's actions demonstrate no empathy, only passive-aggressiveness. Both should desist.

Take a penny out of coins wallet please, this needs to stop.


RE: Ryukyu Guild - RG| - Wildkins - 07-01-2015

(07-01-2015, 11:10 AM)Mark_Brown Wrote: I don't ask factions to do things for me

(06-29-2015, 11:47 PM)Mark_Brown Wrote: I did ask you a question to which you forgettably failed to answer:

What will the RG do to assist the current GMG who's been around far longer than yourselves?

But enough being petty. You need to stop raining on the Ryukyu Guild's parade because they somehow "threaten the old dynasty of the GMG|" or somesuch, and focus on your own faction's officialdom request. At this point, this mudslinging and what have you is only going to get both of your requests denied, and that'd be a real shame.

When two factions are trying to become official for the same NPC faction, it's highly unlikely that the admins will deny the other faction as long as their lore is different enough. It is, at least in my eyes, so stop worrying about your next door neighbor's bowl and worry about your own. Bring the GMG back to the level it once was, make it a faction that people respect and want to work with, because it isn't right now, and I hope that both you and I know that.

This thread is not meant to be a discussion on which faction is "better" or why the RG| should be subservient to the GMG| or whatever it is this discussion has broken down to, but instead direct feedback on both the RG|'s proposal and any interactions people have in-game with them. Perhaps you should "take a penny out of Coin's wallet" yourself and extricate from the thread if you have nothing more constructive to say.

I still haven't found the time to make my way up to the Sigmas to interact with the Ryukyu Guild, but initial reports from other members proved promising (I believe one of the [LN] escorted one of your members and was pleased with the interaction, so that's good to hear.)

RE: Ryukyu Guild - RG| - Coin - 07-02-2015

morbid or not, - look, will everybody stop taking money away from me - you had the option of either waiting a short while or being more circumspect and giving them a heads up before you posted. They, like you, are gamers. They, like you, have put in enough time on this server. Their reactions are kinda predictable at this point, as you have ridden rough-shod over their feels, and over rule 0.0. From your perspective I understand that you view the whole thing as 'a tad annoying', but from their side of the room the view is much less pleasant, and it will only strengthen your case if you have their co-operation. Please, show us how RG fits into the framework of the existing factions.

RE: Ryukyu Guild - RG| - Miaou - 07-02-2015

There is no rule 0.0. It was removed to stop people like you from harping on it.

Also we could have done a lot of things when starting off. I'm kinda sick of talking about that topic though because you're just going to get the same answer over and over. Really, I don't care for all of the hate. I'm not playing the game for them.

And "fit into the framework of existing factions". What does that even mean? At this point it seems like you're just nit picking the little details that have already been answered and repeating it over and over until you get some different answer. I don't exactly know what you want me to tell you.

RE: Ryukyu Guild - RG| - Coin - 07-03-2015

Harping... hate... nit picking...

Um, it seems that I've not been understood: I support your idea of a faction. You guys *should* be official. However your actions are acting in detriment to your aims, and you seem to see antagonism and hate where there is assistance and amity. The language you choose is inflammatory, and this is surprising for a veteran player like yourself. If I am 'harping' it is because the question is being avoided. The 'hate' you feel is actually self-reproach when the law of unintended consequences bites you in the ass. The 'nit picking' is the attention to details for a coherent story.

Fitting into the framework of existing factions means that novelty of your idea doesn't mean that other peoples stories and ideas that have to be retconned to suit the cut of your cloth. Learn to play with others and the value of your contribution to others will rise.

The idea of your faction has merit, but your actions and words indicate an emotional lability: You set up the faction, applied for official status, and have not offered one jot of communication or co-operation with the members of the GMG. It's almost as if they are not real people for you, as if they do not have emotions.

The absence of Rule 0.0 means that there are no consequences to your actions? Interesting. And slightly concerning.

RE: Ryukyu Guild - RG| - Miaou - 07-03-2015

You put a lot of words into my mouth about how I feel about the other GMG faction. I'd like you to stop doing that. Also I've offered for them to talk to me multiple times now. Not one message.

Also I seemed to have miscommunicated what I ment. Yes, there is hate going on. Yes, there is OORP tension between the factions. Yes, there is hate/s.alt. The point you missed was I don't really care. Pointing those out and crying out about them are two different things. I'm just pointing it out, as others have in this thread as well.

I'm not exactly sure what you mean, still. You're just circling around, as most people call "nitpicking" at different things. I'm not sure what you want. I can answer questions but you're not really asking any. You're just rehashing the same comments and opinions. I can't really work with that.

And as for 0.0, I didn't say that. Again, stop putting words in my mouth. Have I been overly rude to anyone in the creation of this faction? Have I verbally/(textually?) abused anyone? No.

RE: Ryukyu Guild - RG| - Coin - 07-03-2015

Funnily enough, you accuse me of putting words into your mouth, when I offer you the appearance of your actions, but your observation that I am nitpicking is a valid observation. 'Overly' is a value-judgement modifier; have you been rude? yes, both in the creation/application for official status as well as in the words that you have used towards me. Overly? no, cos emotional maturity comes with the recognition that you give permission for other people's words to wound you. Have you been warmly welcoming of anyone's comments? Nope.

This is going nowhere: you cannot connect the oorp hate with your actions, and project the blame onto other's. if you were serious about this faction, you would have done more to garner their support. If you were wiser, you would have done it a priori. If you were kinder, you would have done it after the fact. As it is, you have done neither and openly stated that you don't care; from start to finish (the secrecy, the timing, the lack of interaction) this faction just looks like an elaborate false-flag operation of people who've had a serious setback.

Please remember that the document above is but one part of the official status request: behaviour of the faction counts also, and as the leader everyone of your actions will be examined that much more closely. Have fun out there.

RE: Ryukyu Guild - RG| - Major. - 07-03-2015

Guys, it would be a pleasure when you stop this hate to each other, give both factions a chance, we will see who will get the official status, so stay calm and chill more, maybe the mods should close this thread again.

Gerhard Wolf

RE: Ryukyu Guild - RG| - Miaou - 07-03-2015

Eh, it's no problem. Coin is living up to his user title and we were having a discussion. This thread has never been locked before and I don't see why it would need to be locked in the first place. Are discussions not allowed or something? I don't know.

Regardless, yeah. That conversation wasn't going anywhere. Thanks for the input tho, I guess.

RE: Ryukyu Guild - RG| - Ryukyu Guild - 08-21-2015

- GC moved to Neutral due to recent interactions
- Unioners moved to Unfriendly due to recent interactions
- Coalition moved to Unfriendly to follow previous lore
- VWA added to Friendly due to our recent agreement
- Goals and Trade areas added

There might be some fleshing out for the background of the guild. Our members have been suggesting cool ideas for little details for how the Guild operates. We're still doing interactions with the Blood Dragons and GC to work out the little mess that has been going on. Feedback is still welcomed!