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Shield buster poll. - Printable Version

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Shield buster poll. - mjolnir - 01-23-2009

Not fully

Fighting Outcasts.. mount Molecular
Fighting Xenos... mount Molecular


Shield buster poll. - Kambei - 01-23-2009

Voted other:
shieldbusters (guns) should be completly removed and replaced by projectil based EMP weapons. For fighter class we actualy have paralyzer, gunboats and caps should have something similar and balanced (a.k.a slow as torpedo).

Edit: and those projectiles should be completly revorked

remove % bonuse and penelities

add efectivity


EMP missile A = 10k dmg against graviton shilds but only 500 against positron or molecular
EMP missile B = 10k dmg against positron shield but only 500 against graviton and molecular shield
etc. etc.

so you'll have chance 1:3 you'll meet someone with shield weak against EMP you have mounted.

Shield buster poll. - Elvin - 01-23-2009

Yes, but don't forget to add more shields... for example, Transport Adv. shiled exists only in Gravion version.

Shield buster poll. - Daniel_Feenix - 01-24-2009

' Wrote:Yes, but don't forget to add more shields... for example, Transport Adv. shiled exists only in Gravion version.
There are Adv. Transport Molecular/Positron shields and they are sold at:
  • Planet Junyo, Shikoku
  • Planet Los Angeles, California
  • Planet Nuremberg, Munich
  • South Shields Refinery, Newcastle

Shield buster poll. - Derkylos - 01-24-2009

However, no one bothers to use anything but adv. graviton because, surprise, surprise, the weapons used to drop said shields are...pulse!

Shield buster poll. - swift - 01-24-2009

Shield Busters, in no doubt, should deal equal damage to all shields as to make people use the shields of their faction.

Shield buster poll. - Drake - 01-24-2009

' Wrote:Shield Busters, in no doubt, should deal equal damage to all shields as to make people use the shields of their faction.

People would end up using whatever shield works best against their primary enemy's guns, which may be their faction's shield, or it may not.

Shield buster poll. - swift - 01-24-2009

Perhaps. But still any diversity is better than no diversity.

Shield buster poll. - Derkylos - 01-24-2009

' Wrote:People would end up using whatever shield works best against their primary enemy's guns, which may be their faction's shield, or it may not.

In most cases, I think it is...but you could possibly even have different ships for fighting different enemies...:rolleyes:

Thinking about it, tho...shield busters are the guns that make shields go "poof", right?, if they work equally well against all shield types, and the extra 20% from hullbusters...not gonna make an awful lot of difference (~240 per gun to ~290 per gun? not a great gain...)

Shield buster poll. - swift - 01-24-2009

Example. Tizona= 800 damage. Tizona versus all except graviton = 960

That is 160 damage increase. So you have for example 2 tizonas, that's 320 more damage per shot. That is -not- little.
Imagine if I would ask one of my favoured weps to be upped 160 in damage, I'd be mocked and called a biased fool.