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to: people who use courier - Printable Version

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RE: to: people who use courier - PRJKTLRD - 05-09-2016

(05-09-2016, 05:48 PM)CPTMUTCHELL Wrote: Well, play on a russian server. There is no courier.


RE: to: people who use courier - Machelvanius - 05-09-2016

(05-09-2016, 05:20 PM)nOmnomnOm Wrote: please give us comic sans!

It is POSSIBLE to write posts in Comic Sans MS

Faction activity review system has been a subject of various discussions among both the staff and the community for a long while now, and even though the staff have tried multiple approaches at making the system more productive, we're yet again applying a revision to the system. We understand that even though the intended purpose of the system is to make sure official factions representing each ID are actually active and taking care of the responsibilities of being official, the "auto-strip" system we have been employing until now may have been counter-productive in certain cases, such as low-activity factions who were struggling with ingame activity but still having a notable presence when needed getting stripped and leaving a gap not only in that faction's gameplay, but also any other faction which may have had to interact with them.

As such, we're moving to a new activity check system which works with the same standards as the previous ones (number of members, hours online, etc), but If an official faction is labeled inactive, the admin team will review their case (hopefully finding a solution to help attract more activity to that faction/region) and have a vote on stripping the official status rather than the automatic system we've been going with until now. It's needless to say, however, if a potential replacement for an inactive official faction is present on the server (i.e. an active unofficial group going for officialdom on the same ID), the inactive official faction might not get full benefits of this new privilege, but their case will be reviewed nevertheless.

We also encourage any official faction suffering from inactivity to make use of the FSR system and provide practical suggestions on what might help their activity, before they drop below the requirements (practical being the keyword - suggestions that can actually be implemented with the tools we currently have, and with longterm effects on the activity. Not something that'd require a whole new plugin written for it just to give a one week boost of activity).

RE: to: people who use courier - Machelvanius - 05-09-2016

Arial Black
Comic Sans MS
Lucida Console
Times New Roman

Pretty much if it's available in MOST applications, it's gonna be available in MyCode. You just have to know the EXACT name of the font to make it work.

Look in your Windows Settings, Character Map, It tells you the actual name of most Fonts.

Edit: Just because a thing is possible, doesn't mean it should be done . . .

RE: to: people who use courier - Operator - 05-10-2016

Wingdings are real too

RE: to: people who use courier - nOmnomnOm - 05-10-2016

This shall be my new font. All hail Comic Sans!

RE: to: people who use courier - PRJKTLRD - 05-10-2016

(05-09-2016, 07:05 PM)Machelvanius Wrote: Arial
Arial Black
Comic Sans MS
Lucida Console
Times New Roman

But you forgot courier.

RE: to: people who use courier - Operator - 05-10-2016

(05-10-2016, 05:26 PM)Projekt Lerdi Wrote:
(05-09-2016, 07:05 PM)Machelvanius Wrote: Arial
Arial Black
Comic Sans MS
Lucida Console
Times New Roman

But you forgot courier.

You all forgot about Wingdings
Also Agency FB

RE: to: people who use courier - 7AlphaOne1 - 05-13-2016

(05-09-2016, 05:27 PM)Pavel Wrote:
Faction activity review system has been a subject of various discussions among both the staff and the community for a long while now, and even though the staff have tried multiple approaches at making the system more productive, we're yet again applying a revision to the system. We understand that even though the intended purpose of the system is to make sure official factions representing each ID are actually active and taking care of the responsibilities of being official, the "auto-strip" system we have been employing until now may have been counter-productive in certain cases, such as low-activity factions who were struggling with ingame activity but still having a notable presence when needed getting stripped and leaving a gap not only in that faction's gameplay, but also any other faction which may have had to interact with them.

As such, we're moving to a new activity check system which works with the same standards as the previous ones (number of members, hours online, etc), but If an official faction is labeled inactive, the admin team will review their case (hopefully finding a solution to help attract more activity to that faction/region) and have a vote on stripping the official status rather than the automatic system we've been going with until now. It's needless to say, however, if a potential replacement for an inactive official faction is present on the server (i.e. an active unofficial group going for officialdom on the same ID), the inactive official faction might not get full benefits of this new privilege, but their case will be reviewed nevertheless.

We also encourage any official faction suffering from inactivity to make use of the FSR system and provide practical suggestions on what might help their activity, before they drop below the requirements (practical being the keyword - suggestions that can actually be implemented with the tools we currently have, and with longterm effects on the activity. Not something that'd require a whole new plugin written for it just to give a one week boost of activity).