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LAWFUL CONTRACTS - RHEINLAND - Rheinland Military Bounty Coordination Office - Printable Version

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LAWFUL CONTRACTS - RHEINLAND - Rheinland Military Bounty Coordination Office - Stoat - 01-18-2010

Incoming transmission

Comm ID : Stoat
Location : Planet Leeds
Target : Guild Contracts Office

What is wrong with me. Here I am, controlling criminal populations in the Omegas, and I hadn't even realised that there were bounties offered by yourselves for the work I'm doing! Well, I'm going to right that little miss of mine. What is odd, though, is that you offer bounties for Omega-3, yet not, apparently Omega-7. Im going to assume this was an error, so will list the kills I got in both systems over the past few days. You can reimburse me for those that meet your conditions. You will note that the fighter/bomber class vessels I am claiming for , while I was piloting my gunboat, were actively assisting a hostile gunboat at the time.

First off was a little mess I got into a few days back. We were running our patrols of Omega-7 when we ran into a little group of corsairs. A GB and a Praetorian. We engaged, and before long had the upper hand. They were then reinforced by another in a Titan before I took out the bomber.

[Image: th_screen1-9.jpg] . [Image: th_screen2-9.jpg] . [Image: th_screen3-5.jpg]

The GB was on the rack, and his hull was buckling, when a large number of Hessians, seven in all, suddenly appeared. Estal and I withdrew then, leaving the corsairs to the hessians.

A few hours later I was in Omega-7 again. Mary Poppins was there, tackling a corsair GB. I was asked to assist and did so. As I started to focus my fire on the gunboat, another corsair in a Praetorian jumped in. He quickly fell to my razors, and the gunboat followed soon after. Unfortunately my scanning array seems to have suffered a glitch, and the scan of the Praetorian failed.

[Image: th_screen4-6.jpg] . [Image: th_screen5-6.jpg] . [Image: th_screen6-6.jpg]

The next day, while in my gunship, I ran into a couple of SCRA in Omega-3. They were trying to coax a corsair out of the NFZ at Freeport 1, and instead got myself and an unaffiliated guild member. I was able to take out the fighter with a well placed razor shot, while the other SCRA pilot managed to kill himself within a few seconds of the fight beginning.

[Image: th_screen1-10.jpg] . [Image: th_screen2-10.jpg]

The last was a corsair GB in Omega-7. He really didn't last long. I was able to finish his vessel without my shields even dropping below half. I'd have felt sorry for him, but I didn't have the time.

[Image: th_screen5-7.jpg] . [Image: th_screen6-7.jpg]

Payment can be made to BHG|Stoat

Transmission ends

LAWFUL CONTRACTS - RHEINLAND - Rheinland Military Bounty Coordination Office - davnolan - 02-23-2010

Bounty Hunter ID: Fritz.Schermerhorn

Location: Outside New Berlin

Bounty Claimed: $750,000 [RHA]MikeStah, Hessian Bomber

I came upon the Hessian in question firing upon the tradelane just outside the gates of New Berlin. After proclaiming him a "walking bounty" to the surrounding area, I proceeded to close the distance between us. He commented that I was carrying a Hessian pilot in my hold, to which I replied I'd seen be adding whatever Hessians he was carrying with him. With that declaration I proceeded to engage, destroying the Hessian while Rheinland Military members were otherwise detained in Munich.

[Image: th_scan-mikestah-022310-1.jpg] [Image: th_kill-mikestah-22310-1.jpg]

LAWFUL CONTRACTS - RHEINLAND - Rheinland Military Bounty Coordination Office - RMHC - 02-25-2010


[font=Century Gothic]Sehr geehrter Herr Stoat.
At first I want to excuse this delayed answer by the Bounty Coordination office. It seems the pile of paperwork delayed the process of the Bounty payments.

Also I am afraid that I have bad news for you mein Herr.
The Daumann Heavy Construction and Kruger Minerals are verry thankful for your work within the Omega systems.

Though the Rheinland Government is unable to pay for the dead Corsairs due to them not being of Rheinland origin. The blanket bounties only apply to known Rheinland unlawfulls and since Rheinland has nearly no existing Corsair threats within their borders, the Corsairs are not on the Bounty chart.

[color=#33FF33]Lucas Engel
Bounty Coordination Officer



[font=Century Gothic]Sehr geehrter Herr Fritz Schermerhorn.

Your payment in the amount of 500.000 (Five Hundred Thousand) Sirius Credits for the destruction of 1 (one) valid targets has been transfered to your listed Neural Net Account.

[Image: screen84.jpg]

[color=#33FF33]Lucas Engel
Bounty Coordination Officer


LAWFUL CONTRACTS - RHEINLAND - Rheinland Military Bounty Coordination Office - Malexa - 04-04-2010


[font=Century Gothic]Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

The Rheinland Military Bounty Board has been updated due to an governmental change in the fundings of the various governmental burreaus.

Please visit the initial Neural Net page for further informations.

[color=#33FF33]Lucas Engel
Bounty Coordination Officer


LAWFUL CONTRACTS - RHEINLAND - Rheinland Military Bounty Coordination Office - Dark_Predator - 04-05-2010

*****Incoming Transmission*****
From : Albert Fon Deniken
Location : Planet New Bernil, New Berlin system

Guten Tag!

This is Albert Fon Deniken, captain of Rheinland Military Cruiser "Raptor", reporting :

2 enemy vessels (2 bombers) have been detected in Frankfurt and eliminated :

Then 2 more enemy vessels (2 fighters) have been detected in Hamburg system and, oc course, they were eliminated too :

Send the credits to [color=#009900]RNC-Raptor


Albert Fon Deniken

[color=#009900]*****Transmission Ends*****

LAWFUL CONTRACTS - RHEINLAND - Rheinland Military Bounty Coordination Office - Sturmwind - 04-05-2010

**********Incoming transmission**********

Transmission source: Battleship Strausberg, New Berlin System.
Encryption code: AZ21-Z22-OI79-XT30-PK63

Checking transmission validity...
Decrypting transmission...
Establishing communcation link...
Establishing video link...

#Video file on screen#

[Image: voelkel-comms2.png]

Submitter: Vizeadmiral Alec Voelkel, Rheinland Military.
Recipient: Kapitaen Albert Fon Deniken, Military Reserve.
Subject: Invalid bounty claim


Kapitaen Fon Deniken,

Your bounty claims are invalid because of several reasons, I will only note one indicating the fact that you seem to be a payroll Rheinland Military soldier.

Bounties are to be claimed by third party assets, not Rheinland Military members.

Vizeadmiral Voelkel signing off.

Powering down transmitter...
Cutting comm link...
Closing visual data...

------------------End of Transmission-----------------

LAWFUL CONTRACTS - RHEINLAND - Rheinland Military Bounty Coordination Office - Prysin - 04-06-2010

>>>Incoming Transmission
>>Sender: Hunters Legion
>>Recipent: RM-BCO
>>Subject: Priority target.

We have seen the new #1 "issue" to be removed. The Legion shall aid as best it can in the destruction/apprehension of said vessel.

Transmission ended

LAWFUL CONTRACTS - RHEINLAND - Rheinland Military Bounty Coordination Office - Malexa - 04-20-2010


[font=Century Gothic]Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

This is the Rheinland Military Bounty Coordination Office and not the office for complaints or a local bar on Berlin.

Please use these frequencies to transmit succuessfully terminated valid targets and for the request for the payment.
For further information please see the first transmission.

[color=#33FF33]Lucas Engel
Bounty Coordination Officer


LAWFUL CONTRACTS - RHEINLAND - Rheinland Military Bounty Coordination Office - Wuselkobold - 04-20-2010

<<<incoming transmission>>>
<<<establishing visual communications>>>

[Image: 945887890-00.gif]

Hello dear Sirs and Madams!

Well, I'll skip the chatter and get right to the point if 'ya don't mind.
I was flying 'round Hamburg when I crossed that Interspace guy with Enginge Components in his hold.
[Image: th_scan1.jpg] [Image: th_scan2.jpg]
Pretty suspicious eh?
Well, I then asked him, if he needs an escort to Liberty, and indeed, he takes the bate.
We then traveled thru' Hamburg, to Bering.
[Image: th_inhamburg.jpg] [Image: th_inbering.jpg]
Where he was informed of his mistake, and met his demise.
[Image: th_inform.jpg] [Image: th_kill.jpg]

It was, and will be a pleasure workin' for ya'.
Cash may be transferred to Daniel.Crow
Have a good time ladies and 'gents!

<<<transmission ends>>>
<<<signal lost>>>

LAWFUL CONTRACTS - RHEINLAND - Rheinland Military Bounty Coordination Office - Wuselkobold - 04-22-2010

<<<incoming transmission>>>
<<<establishing visual communications>>>

[Image: 945887890-00.gif]

'ello there!

I've got another one for you, this time a Miner-IDed Train smuggling Diamonds across the border, stopped 'n popped him in Texas.
Here are some pictures which will hopefully brighten your day.
[Image: th_report1-1.jpg] [Image: th_SkyVetBering.jpg]
[Image: th_report2-1.jpg] [Image: th_kill2.jpg]

The Neuralnet account remains the same, Daniel.Crow



<<<transmission ends>>>
<<<signal lost>>>