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In the Bretonian Parliament - Printable Version

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In the Bretonian Parliament - Wolfs Ghost - 06-06-2009

Professor Raven Smith, sat quietly for a long time in parliament, He was accepted but has never said anything. Until today. He stood up at one of the most quiet times in the building.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, as you know I'm Professor Raven Smith from Cambridge University institute of Xenobiology.

I would like to make a statement regarding the planet Sprague. During the events of the nomadic wars, Rheinland forces destroyed the docking ring to the planet. However, we do know that this planet is still habitable.

It is in my best interest, as well as Her Majesty's, and yours, the Lords and Ladies of this court. That we rebuild the docking ring on planet Sprague and open it back up, to colonization. This way we have one more planet to open to refugees, and it's further away from the war with Kusari."

With that he gave a slight bow, before sitting down, and leaned back in his seat.

In the Bretonian Parliament - Unseelie - 07-21-2009

' Wrote:LANCASTER TRADE CENTER, NEWCASTLE - Following rampant rumors of ill health after his recently publicized trip to Planet Gran Canaria (formerly known as Planet Sydney), officials from Borderworld Exports have confirmed that Sir William Burke, long-time Director of Operations for Bowex, has died. Burke is believed to have passed away in his sleep early this morning. Though the Medical Examiner's report is still pending, it is believed that Burke's death was due to complications arising from poor health, and the stress of his recent trip to Gran Canaria. Foul play is not suspected.

George Malbourough strode the floor as the broadcast ended. Much of parliament was out, as session had ended for the month. It wasn't a huge proposal, nor a drastically important one, but it was a thing of form, and had to be observed.

Gentlmen, Sir William Burke has served this great house as Director of Bowex for the last twenty five years. He's been instrumental to our success. Form dictates, in this case, that his life and extensive service be honored by dedication of a full State Funeral.

Malbourough ceded the floor, expecting no debate on his motion. It was only propper.

In the Bretonian Parliament - Unseelie - 07-27-2009

Before Session had opened, while Malbourgouh himself was absent, that damnable bastard, Sir Edmond Grey, had been bought. He'd taken some payment from the BMM concern, and used his position as secretary of state for Trade and Industry to hand the BMM, of all the worthless, useless louts available, a government contract to explore Sprague. He'd secured the floor immediately after recieving the news from the BBC Vids.

Gentlemen! We've seen, during the interim, unilateral action by my collegue, Sir Edmund Grey, on behalf of the BMM to cede government contracts and exploration to said company. When such decisions were made, the out Session Quorum was decidedly lower than a full Quorum, and one can only assume that the motion was sent through out of Session because granting the BMM a planetary contract is so damnably irresponsible that it would never pass a full quorum. There Certianly wasn't any discussion of the thing in this House beforehand.

The BMM, Gentlemen, should have no rights to planetary bodies, and definately not planetary bodies with even marginally liveable ecologies, as their incredibly poor ecological track records show very clearly. I propose a Vote of no confidence in th BMM's ablity and responsiblity in regards to any further organizational guidance of the development on Planet Sprague, and suggest it be transfered to the oversight of the Bowex Colonial Authority, which has already begun overseeing colinization of Port Jackson on Planet Gran Carnaria, paired with a Planetform detatchment to oversee and guide the ecology.

In the Bretonian Parliament - pbrione - 07-27-2009

The session being during the summer recess the deputy Lord Speaker filled the chair and was somewhat taken aback by this sudden and unexpected outburst on the part of the Chancellor of the Exchequer.

"Order! Order!" he cried, looking around for some suitable figure wishing to speak who was unlikely to further enflame the debate "I look to the right honourable Lord Canning..."

Canning spoke, trying to restore some element of calm to the restless chamber;

"My Lords, let us not get carried away with such accusations. I am sure my right honourable friend the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry has acted in good faith regarding his approval of this, might I remind the house, "provisional exploratative" expedition. I have no doubt that there will be full parliamentary consultation before any more permanent settlement, colonisation or resource extraction programmes are approved. I see no harm in allowing BMM scouts to search the planet for minerals and, indeed, their surveys will no doubt prove useful to this house in deciding on the future of Planet Sprague at a later date. However, I concur with my right honourable friend the Chancellor of the Exchequer that given BMMs past history, granting them free license to develop the planet may prove short-sighted."

"In this instance, however, I would like to remind the house that the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry has acted fully within his authority, given that Sprague falls under the Kingdom of the Near Omegas rather than the Kingdom of Bretonia and, as such, may be governed by appropriate secondary legislation emanating from the Cabinet through exercise of Royal Perogatives. I would also like to remind my right honourable friend the Chancellor of the Exchequer that any accusations of malpractice against government ministers are most serious indeed and should either be retracted at once or refered to the Parliamentary Committee on Standards in Public Life for investigation."

In the Bretonian Parliament - Capt. Henry Morgan - 12-31-2009

[Image: CarinaStateOpeningInvitation.jpg]

In the Bretonian Parliament - pbrione - 01-01-2010

The House of Lords was full, every Peer of the Realm was assembled, waiting for the ceremonial state opening of Parliament to begin for the new year.

Suddenly, trumptes were sounded and every Peer rose to their feet, as Queen Carina entered the House, dressed splendidly in her coronation robes and with the Crown of Settlement bourne majestically upon her head. Escorting her were the Royal Heralds of the Order of the Bretonian Empire and the Knights Commander of the Imperial Order of the Legion of Tau.

[Image: QueenDukeEdinburghAttendStateOpenin.jpg][Image: QueenElizabethIIandPrincePhilipDuke.jpg]

She took her seat upon the Royal Throne behind the Lord Chancellor and said simply "My Lords, pray be seated." She then turned to the Lord Great Chamberlain and said "Summon the House of Commons." The Lord Great Chamberlain bowed and walked to the doors of the House, from where he signalled to the Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod to go and fetch the Commons.

The House of Lords was silent for a minute. Then, from outside in the lobby of New Westminster Palace the sounds of the MPs of the House of Commons approaching were heard, led by their Seargent-at-Arms, bearing the great Mace of the House of Commons. The Lord Chancellor signalled to the two Assistant Seargents-at-Arms of the House of Lords, who forcefully shut the door in the face of the commons procession. A few moments passed and three loud knocks were heard at the door.

[Image: v0_master.jpg]

"Who goes there?!" shouted the Lord Chancellor

"Black Rod. In the name of the Sovereign, I command thee to open the door."

"Very well," cried the Lord Chancellor, "let the door be opened!"

The doors were swung open once more and the MPs poured into the already packed House of Lords, filling all remaining space on the floor.

Finally, when all was silent once more, Carina spoke.

[Image: lords460x276.jpg]

My Lords and Members of the House of Commons, my Government's overriding priority is to ensure the continued welfare of the Bretonian people, and the stability of our economy in the face of the continued ravages of war.

My Government will continue to work closely with the Ministry of Defense and the Admiralty Board in managing the conduct of the Tau War, with the hope of bringing that conflict to a quick and satisfactory conclusion.

Legislation will be introduced concerning Martial Law and Conscription on Planet Leeds, and the transformation of the Planet to military purposes in order to increase our defenses.

My Government will continue to support all of it's citizens who have been displaced due to the Tau War, and will expand the refugee camps on New London and Cambridge as needed to accommodate the needs of our people.

Members of the House of Commons, estimates for the public services will be laid before you.

My Government will introduce legislation to open previously closed planets, such as Planet Sprague, for refugee camps and rapid colonization.

My Government will devote resources as needed to emphasize exploration with the intention of increasing Bretonia's resources.

A Bill will be introduced to strengthen the law against bribery.

My Government will open a diplomatic initiative with the leaders of the Molly Republic, with the intention of reaching a mutually beneficial settlement.

My Government will foster closer ties with the Republic of Liberty and the Federal Republic of Rheinland.

A Bill will be introduced to reduce regulatory burdens on business.

My Government will also strengthen key public services, ensuring that individual entitlements guarantee good services and will work to build trust in government institutions.

My Government will introduce legislation to expand and improve on our nation's infrastructure, in order to improve our people's quality of life and the strength of our economy.

Legislation will be brought forward to introduce large-scale recycling and scrap salvaging programs in order to provide materials for shipbuilding.

Other measures will be laid before you.

My Lords and Members of the House of Commons, I pray that the blessing of Almighty God may rest upon your counsels.