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Rheinland 2.0 - CCI45-px/Probe149 - 11-30-2008

' Wrote:The way I see it this calls for a massive cleansing session like we did in the old times where we just kill them over and over until they finally get the picture. Either that or RM higher ups to start educating them about stuff...

Either way I very much liked the strict capship policy by RM, and by all means if it allows indies that cooperate with the RM and RP right to maintain their caps, while not allowing those that refuse to, then it's perfectly good.

Why not make a mixture of all 3 parts? Those indie RMs who cooperate can keep their caps (except BS?), those who don't can't. RM throws out the BHG caps, and the Rheinland criminals overkill them until they are out.

Wait.... isn't that almost like it used to be?

Rheinland 2.0 - Virus - 12-01-2008

BHG caps, including gunboats, aren't allowed in Rheinland. In return, the BHG get a small bounty-board they can use. That's the deal.

RM indies... I'm still torn on, and not sure what anyone is suggesting should be done. Some suggestions say kill them all, others say let 'em fly unless they go against us. Yet others say that they should be allowed Cruisers and below, not battleships.

I know that I might spend more time like the Krieg in a battleship of my own (which means creating a definite, interesting, and solid Admiral character).

' Wrote:Apropos, Virus? My application for my GB is floating on RM forums since 20 July. Never got any reply from any of the RM High Command:(.
I seem to have err... Misplaced that. If you want to go bump your thread, feel free and I will see if I remember.

Rheinland 2.0 - looqas - 12-01-2008

' Wrote:RM indies... I'm still torn on, and not sure what anyone is suggesting should be done. Some suggestions say kill them all, others say let 'em fly unless they go against us. Yet others say that they should be allowed Cruisers and below, not battleships.

I think it should be so. Any indie RH military capper should be made to start with a cruiser and learn the ropes like that.

He's one decent solution:

1) Make cap ship registration compulsory. If you are not registered -> You have stolen your ship -> search and destroy

2) Define some easy to understand guidelines how to RP with the ship.

3) Put them on probation for some definite period of time. Make them show that they are worthy of the ship.

4) After the trial period post a thread asking feedback concerning the said Cruiser's RP and decide based on that.

I think the hardest part is 2). We all know that idle hands are used by the devil as the saying goes, so think up something, some missions and orders and conventions (what and how to engage, how to behave etc.) what anyone can follow. If the RP is left to anyone's own devices then results will vary a lot. And usually to the worse at that. Put your energy and effort to "RH Cruiser 101" -course and you'll see the benefits of that in improved RP and less complaining about the Rheinland caps OORP.

I think we all can pitch in with some good advice what that course could include.

Usually the example is the best teacher, but since nobody can be tutoring online all the time the new guys even good and solid instructions will go a long way achieving that.

Rheinland 2.0 - Virus - 12-01-2008

Hum, not many of us have success as a Rheinland Cruiser Captain, only major examples I can think of off the top of my head, does not include me. Hans Krieger (Gronath) on the Falkenstein had some of the best RP, I've heard. I was not witness to it personally. I am fairly sure he would not mind writing up a handbook, so to speak, in his free time. Of course, there are differences between role-playing a Cruiser, a Gunboat, and a Battleship. Battleships are obviously just large command-centers, brought in only when the need arises or for major assaults on bases or to gain a military base in a foreign system. However, mostly only a command-center. Cruisers can do patrols through Rheinland (most patrols you see in Rheinland are Cruiser patrols, with the battleships only at major planets). Gunboats are considered support craft, I would think. Meaning each would be supporting a fighter wing.

I, personally, actually have little experience flying capitals as a role-play medium... Maybe I should try. Hum.

Rheinland 2.0 - Xing - 12-01-2008

I used to own a rheinland kreuzer, the RNC Gepanzerten Drachen, when I first joined. Was fun, participated in a few ops with the RM an all, but overall, boring in the end as nothign hapenned.
Finally, the Gepaznerten would be destroyed by Xing during his escape from Rheinland...

Rheinland 2.0 - DragonLancer - 12-01-2008

During the process of evolving the roleplay of my RNC Weser char i reached the point when i had to ask myself why did i not join the RM.

I think it is an important feature of this server/community that you are allowed to roleplay indepented chars.

Rheinland 2.0 - Cosmos - 12-01-2008

the factionised BH's are all gud apart from some of the newer ones, but mainly its the indies, they save all their money too get a cap as a BH jsut so they can kill any pirate they see...


i vote yes.

Rheinland 2.0 - Grimly - 12-01-2008

' Wrote:the factionised BH's are all gud apart from some of the newer ones, but mainly its the indies, they save all their money too get a cap as a BH jsut so they can kill any pirate they see...


i vote yes.

Rheinland 2.0 - tfmachad - 12-01-2008 (see section 2 of "Regarding the BHG")

BHG capital ships engaged in any sort of operation other than authorized fleet logistics (read: passing through Rheinland territories with silenced weapon systems) is involved in a criminal activity.

Grossadmiral Krieger

[Image: site_logo.gif]

Rheinland 2.0 - torchwood - 12-02-2008

any bounty hunter capital ships i order to first tell an officer of the militry and to keep away from the planets unless docking. there has been a large growth

any bounty hunter capital ships i order to first tell an officer of the militry and to keep away from the planets unless docking. there has been a large growth