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RE: Nodoka Hanamura/Honya/Pale Bride Logs - Nodoka Hanamura - 06-13-2018

Copyright Ageira Technologies 404 AS. All Rights Reserved.
NN LOG FOR: HANAMURA, NODOKA [0d1413d3-c14c-4075-a211-ccad80e150d2}
Log Number 023
Date/Time: June 13th, 825AS | 14:00 Universal Time
Location: OCS Abdicant Seraphine, Mooring Point Klaksvik, Inverness System, Auxesian Space
Subject: Jump Survey and Retail Shenanigans

Honya was able to sell off some intelligence we had acquired from the engagement the other day. We're now a quarter of a Million richer, thanks to what we know about the Cultists.

We've also made strides to expand, and now have some Order Defectors, one Alex Hawkins, to be precise, at the helm of the Skidbladnir.

Apparently they had gotten the ire of Golanski one too many times and had to leave the Order, their ship, the OCV Set, now in his custody. Now I've got two ships worth of personnel. Well, outside of the fighter, bomber and transport pilots.

Today we had undergone Operation Quantum Garmin, which was to essentially survey vital locations for the Seraphine to jump to. We have codes for quite a few systems, so We're pretty much good for a while. However..

On the way back, Honya, whilst on the Erlanger, had apparently encountered a systems issue, involving Navigation and the Joint Tactical Network - ended up sending her to a hole to Omega-58 rather than Omega-5.

Omega-58, according to Hawkins, is a Nomad Infectee stronghold, and was partly responsible for the existance of Tau-117. Not surprising. The Wild are up to all sorts of strange crap. Essentially they had built a Nomad Jump Gate there, and when they activated it it imploded and took out half the damn system.

Anywho - I've had Honya undergo checks, and she's clean, no infection, no faults - the Diagnostics logs match what she said - it was reading navdata wrong. I guess since Mercury is no longer attached to the ship, It's having trouble corroborating data on its' own.

Shinta went out today as well. She sold off some of that Intelligence with Alexei to someone from BMM. Don't know what BMM wants with Intelligence on Cultists, but they paid 180 million for it. Can't complain.

We had to replace the Rathgrith II's Port Missile Launcher - it had, outright *EXPLODED*, when it fired off today.There wasn't any superstructure or mount damage, but the turret it was on was completely destroyed. We replaced it with another Silencer turret.

Shinta also apparently has a very good aiming ability, with a hit/miss ratio on some ships of nearly 0.95. That's honestly impressive, and beats Bride's 0.79.

I'll need to have a word with Akira about something, however. During transit within Kusari from Kepler to Sigma-19 to do the next Jump, some Hogosha attempted to destroy the Erlanger in a attempt to steal some MOX. What the hell does the Hogosha want MOX so desperately for? I thought they mainly went after Carda and Alien Artifacts.

Either way, it's been a while since I chimed in with him. He is my ear to the ground in Kusari, so It would be wise to contact him.

RE: Nodoka Hanamura/Honya/Pale Bride Logs - Nodoka Hanamura - 06-15-2018

Copyright Ageira Technologies 404 AS. All Rights Reserved.
NN LOG FOR: HANAMURA, NODOKA [0d1413d3-c14c-4075-a211-ccad80e150d2}
Log Number 024
Date/Time: June 15th, 825AS | 02:00 Universal Time
Location: OCS Abdicant Seraphine, FOB Maehara, GMG Space
Subject: Hell on Jump Drives

I am so tired that I cannot believe my mental state right now. The last even remotely cognizant thought I had was Seline riding a donkey through Tau-29 with a Nemp strapped to its' stomach. I don't even want to start with why the **** my brain came to that conclusion.

Firstly, the Harpies decided to leave Auxesia for Ouroboros. That happened. They're blacklisted. That happened. Don't piss off Raven. That's a thing.

Secondly, we moved to Maehara. That happened. it's dinky. that's a fact. We also are securing an abandoned cultist base not too far out from here to make into a HQ. That's another thing.

Thirdly, we have a lot of money from our shell company now, been hauling helium to our contact on Manatum. That happened. That same contact keeps buying helium. He really likes helium.

Fourthly, Kalh got mad and is probably becoming Golanski the Second. That's a problem. Need to inform Vex about this. that's a thing.


The Log ends. It seems she fell asleep writing it.

RE: Nodoka Hanamura/Honya/Pale Bride Logs - Nodoka Hanamura - 06-16-2018

Copyright Ageira Technologies 404 AS. All Rights Reserved.
NN LOG FOR: HANAMURA, NODOKA [0d1413d3-c14c-4075-a211-ccad80e150d2}
Log Number 025
Date/Time: June 16th, 825AS | 00:13 Universal Time
Location: OCS Abdicant Seraphine, FOB Maehara, GMG Space
Subject: Friends (and enemies) in Scaly Places

Diplomacy is such a fun thing. You get to meet new people, talk about how much you like and hate other people, talk about your interests, and if you're lucky, you get interrupted by interlopers from another faction which you then have to run from.

Clan Kijima, to be precise. Whilst talking with Akemi Ando from.. well, Clan Ando - One of their men, Victor Kijima, apparently decided to be a smart acre and interrupt our talks. And to top it all off, the Kirishima, Ando's ship, failed to jump ours. Not that I'm mad at her, the Mendicant Didact is a pretty.. unique ship - so I'm not surprised in the slightest that she couldn't be jumped out.

Afterwards we tried to flee, only for Kijima to open fire with disruptors and, well, as protocol dictates in the H.D.A.D., We had to open fire in response, Once he put two and two together, the prick screwed off, knowing that the engagement wouldn't bear favorable fruit for either party. Given that the Kijima clan seems to have a lack of realization that "Curiosity kills the cat", I don't think we'll be touching them with a barge pole. Ando, however, has brought most favorable fruit, in the proverbial sense - to the table. I genuinely like Homura, and I'm wanting to see to it that we can do our best to save Sakurai Augus, even if it comes to putting her brain in a jar and converting her into an AI.

Meanwhile, Auxesia is being Auxesia and frankly I'm getting irritated with their constant lack of response. I understand they've got a lot of crap on their plate, but nearly over a week of no response without even a notice that they've recieved it is a bit much.

As for our other diplomatic front with Natio Octavarium, Honya has been charged with diplomatic affairs to them as Kobayashi requested a week off. After the mess that was today, I don't blame her. Harold Kane seems like a very fine man that I'd love to get to know sometime. As for the Crayterians.. I have my concerns. I still remember the stories Leviathan told about how Auxesia was screwed over by the Crayter Military. I'll probably have Alexei act as delegation. I know he doesn't really do diplomacy, but I've got enough on my plate as is, and again, Hakugyokrou's commander is on leave.

Christ, running a military is exhausting.

RE: Nodoka Hanamura/Honya/Pale Bride Logs - Nodoka Hanamura - 07-06-2018

Copyright Ageira Technologies 404 AS. All Rights Reserved.
NN LOG FOR: HANAMURA, NODOKA [0d1413d3-c14c-4075-a211-ccad80e150d2}
Log Number 026
Date/Time: July 6th 825AS | 1840 Universal Time
Location: OCS Abdicant Seraphine, FOB Maehara, GMG Space
Subject: Progress

Starcat Holdings made a new acquisition today, a Shukensha-class liner. We're mainly going to have the guys over there handle transporting VIPs and civilians along with the usual major hauling job. I have the crew of the Utsunomiya slated to haul supplies to Sekigane, the Clan Ando installation in Tau-44. As far as the Crayter Republic is concerned, it's just a Zoner Shukensha-class doing hauling under contract to Ando.

Honya is making strides on disabling the Direct Restraint Module Control System, which is what's keeping our FCS from being engaged proactively rather than just retroactively. She's running a few more simulations, but in a few weeks, we should find out what the result will be and if we can apply it to the Seraphine's firmware.

We've recovered Noel's sister, Serena, after she had come across me in a engagement near Maehara. She is- was as aggressive as Noel had reported. Alexei and Shinta were able to wear her down until Noel got her to cease and desist. Honya has taken quite the liking to Serena in recent days. I have my worries that she might end up losing her body if Serena goes belligerent again, but so far the Psychologists in medical reported that she's for the most part stable, with exceptions such as C-PTSD (Complex PTSD), MPD (Multiple Personality Disorder), according to the Sirian Diagnostic/Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (Revision 524 - SDSM-DXXIV).

The Doctors reported that they had done a test on her involving Honya. According to the test, when Honya would be present, her heart rate, blood pressure and aggressive neural activity would be at normal levels. She seems to also, according to psychological analyses, Take a strong liking to her.

I still have my apprehensions about Serena, but I want to help her. There's no cure for PTSD or MPD, but there are ways to sate it.. and it seems being around Honya is one of them. Someday we're going to burn the Royal Court to ash for what they did to that poor girl. She didn't deserve to be corrupted into such a raging psychopath. She deserved to be treated with love, like my parents did to me. Goes to show how terrible it really is in Gallia. People being dragged out of their homes, disobediant members of royal families being forced into brainwashing, and a virulent military driven to conflict because of the biggest lie in Mankind's history. Gotta love Gallia. I'm going to make damn sure every member of the Soraya family, Noel and Serena exempt, are gored alive for what they did to her, that or tortured as they did to her.

As for other things, ABH Laboratories suffered a catastrophic attack by some random Blood Dragon. I still need to get on the horn to Ando and ask what the hell's going on. Luckily we got the engine we needed from them and the schemata. I'm hoping they answer us soon about payment - After the attack on Tsukihime, I am certain they need the money now more than ever.

Things are going smoothly for Ouroboros. Once we have Seraphine ready we can make inroads to start development of Maehara into a full installation rather than just a FOB, with the nearby base the Harpies found as a fallback position if something were to happen to it.

RE: Nodoka Hanamura/Honya/Pale Bride Logs - Nodoka Hanamura - 07-23-2018

Copyright Ageira Technologies 404 AS. All Rights Reserved.
NN LOG FOR: HANAMURA, NODOKA [0d1413d3-c14c-4075-a211-ccad80e150d2}
Log Number 027
Date/Time: July 23rd 825AS | 1929 Universal Time
Location: FOB Maehara, GMG Space
Subject: Mei / Carving a place for us in Sirius

I've heard nothing from Mei for quite some time. Sometime today I'll be chiming with her and see what all has gone on. So far she's been as more or less a referrer for disgruntled Dragon personnel to Ouroboros - not many people have come to us through her, but given her lack of interest in politics, I can understand this - Sirian Politics is a shit-show of highest caliber. You have the Gauls and Allies in the Tau Corridor, the Corsairs and Outcasts fighting each other, the Rheinlanders and Kusari fighting in the Sigmas, Liberty with Internal problems out the ass, and Nomads roaming around like they own the place. - You'd think that somewhere in Sirius there'd be peace.

I've been considering moving us out beyond occupied space and taking residence in a nearby uncharted system. There were many choices that were made available to us from Sanzu R&D, but one that caught most of our eyes was SAA (Sirian Astronomical Authority) 94150, a Binary Star system to the planar Upper east of Sigma-19, about 4,290 CAU (Conventional Astronomical Unit, as opposed to the shorter distance Sirian Astronomical Unit) away.

[Image: Post+-+August+2014+(10).jpg]

According to a request we had made to a observatory on Gran Canaria, the system has at most 2 or three major planets and what seems to be several outcroppings of the Crow Nebula, quite colorful looking ones if you ask me, to be honest.

The sooner we can send a crew out there with a jump probe and a few Neural Net RAIS arrays, the faster we can try and establish a place for ourselves. If we can do that, we should be pretty much safe from the war in the sigmas knocking on our door. With our faction in its' infancy like this, we need to go somewhere where at least we can set up shop, put up defenses and try and establish jump-hole connections. Maybe if we're lucky, the system may have jump holes that lead back to known space. We don't have a larger faction to lean back on, given the GMG are buddy buddy with Kusari, and ergo, may have them beat down Maehara at any moment.

Irregardless, I'm having Sanzu and a special working group devise a plan to get us out of here before things get worse. In the interrim, we'll build up Maehara to the best of our ability and attempt to Maintain our operations here until we can set up a outpost in SAA 94150. There were many names suggested for the system, but I've decided to declare it as Tochigi.

Heh.. at this rate, I might as well consider starting a successor state - I mean, doesn't hurt to have something to present to the people of my house, when it comes to how a state should be run.

RE: Nodoka Hanamura/Honya/Pale Bride Logs - Nodoka Hanamura - 08-26-2018

Copyright Ageira Technologies 404 AS. All Rights Reserved.
NN LOG FOR: HANAMURA, NODOKA [0d1413d3-c14c-4075-a211-ccad80e150d2}
Log Number 027
Date/Time: August 25, 825 AS | 1717 Universal Time
Location: FOB Maehara, GMG Space
Subject: Mei

The feed starts with what looks like the display of a computer's TTY interface.

nhanamura@ouroborostty993 $NETDOMAIN001/noncoms/highcom/nhanamura/home # nnsip -call -enc 4098
Neural Net Caller v4.49
Hooked /dev/alsa3io3!
Hooked /dev/alsa3io4!
Connecting to nnsip:// using 4098 encryption.

Awaiting SYN-ACK From
Awaiting SYN-ACK From
Awaiting SYN-ACK From responded 403 - SIP_DESTINATION_BAD, ABORTING!

nhanamura@ouroborostty993 $NETDOMAIN001/noncoms/highcom/nhanamura/home #

It shifts back to Nodoka, sitting at a desk in her room. She is in her usual bodysuit, gazing at the display with a sizable amount of concern.

"Why the hell isn't it working? Did they kill her or something? Jesus.. Let me try.... Given she possibly still has that old legal account.. Here's hoping.."

nhanamura@ouroborostty993 $NETDOMAIN001/noncoms/highcom/nhanamura/home # nnsip -call -enc 4098 -proxy

Neural Net Caller v4.49
Hooked /dev/alsa3io3!
Hooked /dev/alsa3io4!
Connecting to nnsip:// using 4098 encryption via proxy @ on Port 49400.

Establishing connection to
proxy requests nnhttps authentication, halting to open w3m..

[Image: Starcat_Forumfriendlyt.png]



[ **************** ]



Response SIP 400 OK recieved from proxy.

Connecting to
Connecting to
Connecting to

Connection established, Account found : Ayasato, Mei
Commencing with call via RTP...


Attempt Successful, client connected.

A faint voice is heard on the other end. "H-hello? I.. I guess someone got in range." The girl responds, feeling weak.

"Mei! Mei, do you hear me?" Nodoka says frantically to the girl on the other side.

"Hai.. who is this?" She responds, unaware of the caller's identity.

"Nodoka, what's going on? You've been dark for months on end and I've been worried. What's going on?" She responds.

"Well.. uh.. for lack of a better word.. I.. I kinda left the Dragons. I had been hearing rumors being passed around that I possibly had ties to your group and.. well.. impulse told me to run."

"I assume someone squealed after you talked to them?" Nodoka says, still concerned.

"No.. but given that some people had left and ended up flying under your Ident, and I'd been talking to them before they left.. People started thinking I was a turncoat.. Oh god.. what have I done.. I've sold out my mother, sold out my honor.. Nodoka.. Why did you tell me to do this?" Mei responds, depressed and upset by her actions.

"Mei, Look - You did the right thing in helping us, and you have my thanks - What matters now is we're going to get you out of the mess you're in. Honor doesn't mean a thing when your life is on the line, nor does it mean a thing when your superiors are knowingly looking the other way to monsters. Now, where are you?"

Mei doesn't respond for a moment. "I ended up drifting into Tohoku after running from Kyoto - My engine was shot out by some KNF pilot while I was in cruise.. my engine's out and I'm drift--" She says, a loud clunk audible to Nodoka.

"Mei!" she shouts, worried about what happened.

"Uh.. y'know how I said drifting? Scratch that.. I'm stopped.. in a asteroid... I think I'm in the Izu field.. How soon can you get here...?" She says, a little melancholic.

".. We'll get a team out to you within a few hours. Given it's Tohoku, We'll need a heavy escort." Nodoka answers.

"Please get here fast.. the mere thought of the Nomads being nearby scares the everliving hell out of me.."

The call ends with a click.

Nodoka moves to open a comms channel to the personnel aboard Maehara using her neural lace.

"All hands, all hands, your attention is required. Kotetsu 7th Fighter Squadron, Harpy Squadron, and crew of OCS Skidbladnir and Rathgrith II, proceed to combat stations. I say again, Kotetsu 7th Fighter Squadron, Harpy Squadron, and personnel of OCS Skidbladnir and Rathgrith II, report to combat stations for emergency briefing."

She stands up and turns off the terminal, heading over to the door to her room. "It's my fault she's in that damn mess. Now it's going to be my job to get her out." She thinks to herself, before closing the door.