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Rheinland Military Message Dump - Wolfpack98 - 11-28-2006

Normally, I'd say "fine"..

But Virus.. a Battlestar *IS* a military ship. Always has been. I'm not really in the mood to convert it to a RM Battleship just to comform to rules. Waste of money.

But *shrug* okay. I'll drop it.

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Qunitinius~Verginix - 11-28-2006

Schmetterling agrees with this. I do not think that there should be a Battlestar in the Chancellors glorious fleet. It is too alien and it should not be trusted.

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Virus - 11-29-2006

Transmit to: Rheinland High Command
Comm. ID: Nickolaus Reinhardt, Vice Admiral [Recruitment Officer]

Rheinland Military membership is up since earlier. We're still a little on the short side, but there's enough of us now to fight off the pirates that are beginning to plague Rheinland and the Omegas. If need be, we could even defeat that pathetic Liberty Navy. Any of the rumors of war true?

Also, please inform Lukas Sliwiak that he is in charge of fighter combat pilot training as of now. He should attempt to schedule a training day.

That is all, for now.

End Comm.

Transmit to: Rheinland High Command
CC: Rheinland Fighter/Bomber Pilots
Comm ID: Lukas Sliwiak Damon

Lukas here. Heard I was to schedule a training day. I've chosen a date. I'd like any Rheinlander able to, to show up for training. Remember to leave your guns on practice mode, we don't need any deaths.

Date: Sunday; December 3; 19.00 GMT

Any further questions?

End Comm.

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Wolfpack98 - 11-29-2006

COMM ID: Erich Hartmann
Re: Training

I'll be there... Must make my anchestors proud!!!

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Chucc - 11-29-2006

Message To: Nickolaus Reinhardt, Vice Admiral [Recruitment Officer]
COMM ID: Mythos

Greetings Vice Admeral. I understand you are the person I need to contact to attempt to join ranks with the Glorious Reich of The Chancellor. I have been looking for such an organization both worthy and in need of an extra pilot. I would bring my own Guardian to New Berlin for a trade in towards a nice shiny Valykrie (sp?) or similar VHF.

I am a former freelance bounty hunter that as a taste for the technology of the Rhinelander fleet. I have hopes of some day becoming a bomber pilot in your organization. Any requirements can be forwarded to me at my private address encryption in v6K; keys sent seperate. I look forward to your reply and to working for the Chancellor.

Mythos out.

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Nightfall - 11-29-2006

Transmit to: Nickolaus Reinhardt, Vice Admiral [Recruitment Officer]
Comm ID: Walter 'BlauMax' Nowotny

Lt. BlauMax here sir!
Reporting all systems show green status and ready to go. Our Engineers have done an excellent job with the Wrath if I may say so. A lot of raw power to harness it has a real Rheinland spirit, pleasure to fly.

70 kills added to my name. My Wrath shall fall with green death upon the enemies of Rheinland.

BlauMax out!

Transmit to: Lukas Sliwiak Damon
Comm ID: Walter 'BlauMax' Nowotny
Re: Training

I'll be there sir!

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Virus - 11-29-2006

Chucc,Nov 29 2006, 12:58 PM Wrote:Message To: Nickolaus Reinhardt, Vice Admiral [Recruitment Officer]
COMM ID: Mythos

Greetings Vice Admeral. I understand you are the person I need to contact to attempt to join ranks with the Glorious Reich of The Chancellor. I have been looking for such an organization both worthy and in need of an extra pilot. I would bring my own Guardian to New Berlin for a trade in towards a nice shiny Valykrie (sp?) or similar VHF.

I am a former freelance bounty hunter that as a taste for the technology of the Rhinelander fleet. I have hopes of some day becoming a bomber pilot in your organization. Any requirements can be forwarded to me at my private address encryption in v6K; keys sent seperate. I look forward to your reply and to working for the Chancellor.

Mythos out.

Transmit to: Mythos
Comm. ID: Vice Admiral Reinhardt

You've come to the right place. I am indeed the one to contact. There are a few simple steps to joining:

Report to a Recruitment officer; you've already done this.
Once you are accepted, which I am doing right now, report to Battleship Strausberg in New Berlin for a Wrath VHF or Battleship Schwerin in Omega-15 for a Bomber. Coordinates included with this transmission.
Before or after the previous is included, you'll need to update your IFF (OOC: Get ID, tag if you want it and name change).
Lastly, send me all the remaining information... Precise name, etc. so I can add you to the roster.

Welcome to the military.


End comm.

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Chucc - 11-29-2006

Virus,Nov 29 2006, 03:08 PM Wrote:Transmit to: Mythos
Comm. ID: Vice Admiral Reinhardt

You've come to the right place. I am indeed the one to contact. There are a few simple steps to joining:

Report to a Recruitment officer; you've already done this.
Once you are accepted, which I am doing right now, report to Battleship Strausberg in New Berlin for a Wrath VHF or Battleship Schwerin in Omega-15 for a Bomber. Coordinates included with this transmission.
Before or after the previous is included, you'll need to update your IFF (OOC: Get ID, tag if you want it and name change).
Lastly, send me all the remaining information... Precise name, etc. so I can add you to the roster.

Welcome to the military.


End comm.

Roger that sir. I will send all pertinent data on arrival at designated BS. Hopefully by end of the weekend.

Recruit Ansel Hoffstetter out.Snaps of a salute and runs to his ship

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Fellow Hoodlum - 12-01-2006

Transmission to: Admirals Kreig and Komet

Comm ID: Oberst Bruno Stachel. Jag 52 ShildKerl.

Admirals, reporting for duty as ordered. My absence from active duty following the accident,
has been resolved now and the injuries have healed. As you will note the Jag 52 has come
of age and is joining the existing forces in the protection of our glorious Rheinland space.
Any pirates foolish enough to thing we are an easy target, are sadly deluded. Traders caught
smuggling now will be given fewer chances to co-operate.
I shall be running a zero tolerance policy, concerning regulation breakers.
I am currently based on the Altenburg, and have been assisting the Schwerin forces to clear
the Corsair and Hessian scum from our skies.
I can be reached quickly in any event of our craft being needed elsewhere.
Your servant as always


Transmission ends:

Rheinland Military Message Dump - General Nakazawa - 12-01-2006

To: all ranking members
From: Commadore Yakov

I am requesting permition to join the ranks of the RM at any pay rate. I am a fairly desent pilot who graitly misses upholding the law. I am willing to to fly any ship you whant me to and i promis to be loyal and trustworthy. If i am not go right ahead and shoot me. I am also aware of your manpower shortages whitch is the mane reason im hopeing you will take me in. I will work hard for you and go where ever you whant me.
That is all thank you for listening.
Commadore Yakov