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Remove POB regulation double standards from rules - Printable Version

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RE: Remove POB regulation double standards from rules - Stoner_Steve - 11-13-2016

So with all the drama about PoB's again, perhaps this is something the team should look into? (aka bumpy)

RE: Remove POB regulation double standards from rules - Shiki - 11-13-2016

Oh right, let's bump another drama thread after the main one was finally closed.

RE: Remove POB regulation double standards from rules - Benoit - 11-13-2016

How about allowing to official factions the possibility to use some part of the PoB pluggin on their NPC base? Would not that solve everyone's problem? Allow me to explain my point of view:

So Let's say for example: Kruger wants Elbich to be able to stock their ore minerals. They can because they have that base in O-7 that would be inRP the logical place for them to store their mining products. But they can't sell it there, because it is just a depot of some sort. To sell it, they need to deliver their ore to Essen in New Berlin (Their HQ) for other traders to be able to pick it up. Still would make sense inRP logics. Surely some price adaptation will be needed for it not to be overkill. But it would finally allow miners to transport their ore on their transporters if they have done all the process in the production line. Meaning you can play some logistics while being the only one from your faction online.

Now let's say the [RM]- or the RHA has a huge needs for light cloaks as they want to create a special wing of fancy snubs: They need to bring all the necessary commodities to one of their respective HQ. But in order to do so, they would need to contact their house trading faction / traders division for some delivery contract (RP) to be made. Then the cloak would be produced and only on the HQ bases as it is sensitive stuff. Extend this to produce CAU8 would also be cool (if not too much of a hassle to produce). And it would finally make sense inRP for the militaries/polices/pirates to obtain their fancy gear and solve the problem of equipment trading on the forum only between players instead of between characters.

This would mean no more base can be in a mining field and that no base's owner would suffer from a huge loss. It would also finally give a good reason to join a trading and/or mining faction. Like what the official police faction get to check on the trade lanes.

Moreover, for those who think that PVP isn't the only thing to do in the game and for those who like the logistic / transportation RP, it is a very good reason to keep on playing their trading faction: because, let's face it, other than few freaks like myself, the entirety of the server consider trading / mining factions as cash cow factions: You either make money then move on to your PVP faction, or you endlessly supply your "cancerous" PoB. In short: at the moment, a trading faction is always doomed to lose all its members by principle unless it has a constant flow of new players. Which is no longer the case.
Plus i think it would be a good purpose to give to for those NPC base nobody docks on.

RE: Remove POB regulation double standards from rules - Epo - 11-13-2016

Quote:Make player bases owned bases indestructible

I'm against. And yet I'm saying it as POB owner. I'd say just not to block system entrance / mining fields and POBs are fine as they are. They were never meant to work as solo-project and that means you need people to mantain it properly. What's more it creates opportunities for RP, both for base's owners and possible aggressors. The most difficult thing to do about POBs is building them from scraps, as it needs some people to haul all the stuff, which is necessary for construction. But once again, it also gives some opportunities for RP (delivery contracts etc.). Mantaining one (I'm speaking about core2 currently) is like 5 hours a week of solo-flying +30m, when you only need to travel to the system, which is 1 jump away from your base's location. Building POBs in house capital systems is even easier as everything is sold at capital planet or it's close proximity. Bretonnia is currently a POB heaven as most of the things you will ever need to bring are in dublin, newcaste or new london, so if you build a base in NL it really takes no time to keep it alive. Maybe some bases built a bit further from supply depots may be a bit more annoying, but still it's your decision to build them that far. POBs are your own piece of discovery and, as they tend to be cancerous sometimes, they're rather generating more profit that costs, it's up to you what policy will you take to keep them alive as long as possible.

So yeah, POBs are fine as they are, provided that your faction or group has at least 3 active players to fly. POBs (and factions) were never meant to be solo projects.

Also applying POB hook stuff to NPC bases would more or less mean a POB withno wear&tear and being immortal. I'd say nope.
I'd be for adding buildable armors tho, that would be interesting to see.

If you can't afford to build one and keep it alive, don't even try to. It will just be an unnecessary source of nerves and getting pissed.

RE: Remove POB regulation double standards from rules - Wesker - 11-13-2016

I'm completely down for option one totally not because it will allow me to extort bases as GRN because it makes sense for lawfuls to regulate bases in the house sapce. Its technically their claimed space after all. However, taking away unlawfuls ability to intervene basically takes away a huge chunk of the unlawfuls RP power. Speaking realistically no one would build a PoB in the Omegas or in any other borderworlds with the exception of the sigmas. Forget the Hessians, the Outcasts and Corsairs would be hit by this immensely. They would have no control over major PoBs in their ZoI because of the lawful house space restriction. Which grants PoB owners complete immunity, which is wrong, if you're going to build a PoB that gets you billions of credits, there should be serious risks. It's completely unfair to base owners in the borderworlds and the unlawfuls.

That being said, leaving the Unlawfuls restriction alone without changes and adding more power for the lawfuls is something I'm certainly down for. Untouchable PoBs like the Molly PoB would be vaulnerable as would any others in house space.