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300 Million Bounty... - Printable Version

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300 Million Bounty... - Wolfpack98 - 08-25-2006

Based on the above, i do believe I know where the $300 mil bounty came from.

And no, I will not say a word.

300 Million Bounty... - marauder - 08-26-2006

SiN|Tech,Aug 25 2006, 09:24 PM Wrote:It would appear I'm not in the minority when subject to the tricks of the
named individual 'Jessica'

Your bloody right there.

Quote:Also the more memorable occasion when I was accused of 'stealing' from her, a large number of credits, which mysteriously vanished in a short space of time with no reward to show for it. When repeatedly asked how this was possible, no answer was ever received. This did not stop her calling on the help of one Phantom character named Bloodfrenzy to track down and kill me when I left New York.

I apologise wholeheartedly for that incident.

I learned later, the hard way, that she could not be trusted to tell the truth or be honest about what she does or why she does things.

I also think something should be done to stop her conning any more people out of cash, equipment or conning them into helping her break server rules and hunt people just because she has something against them.

I've got a rough idea of who wolf is on about and I seriously doubt anyone will ever see any money from them, even with proof.

300 Million Bounty... - TOBY - 08-26-2006


you say you cant atack neutrals or without warning, like when Aries
dry gulched 003 comeing out from Toledo.

300 Million Bounty... - Corsair420 - 08-26-2006

Not everyone follows the server rules, the Corsairs that actaully follow rules won't attack without warning, unless they don't intend to pirate

300 Million Bounty... - DarkOddity - 08-26-2006

TOBY,Aug 26 2006, 10:33 AM Wrote:oddity

you say you cant atack neutrals or without warning, like when Aries
dry gulched 003 comeing out from Toledo.

003 is a modder according to what I saw, in my opinion, rules do not apply to that situation.

300 Million Bounty... - Wolfpack98 - 08-26-2006

DarkOddity,Aug 26 2006, 12:09 PM Wrote:003 is a modder according to what I saw, in my opinion, rules do not apply to that situation.


Rules apply to *ALL* situations.

ANYONE caught violating rules.. regardless of situation.. will be subject to the Admin's Wrath.


I will NOT tolerate this kind of attitude on the server. Let the Admins take care of the server and you guys mind your own business and keep playing. Taking matters into your own hands will make our jobs much harder, and I will not allow it.

I want that clear.

300 Million Bounty... - Charlie - 08-27-2006

This incident occurred in the not to distant past. I'm very disappointed after perusing this thread to note very little has changed in her disposition.


300 Million Bounty... - Dab - 08-27-2006

Yes, I know of Jessica's temper. I killed her in my [Wraith]Shadow char, and she said she was going to slit her wrists because she "hated life." Then I flew away and attacked someone else in Connecticut, and she came back after me, and killed her again and she said she was going to commit suicide. Took about 3-4 deatrhs on her part just to get her to stop attacking me.

300 Million Bounty... - Aggelos - 08-28-2006

I just recently found her bount on the server to be 300M, as great as this is i asked if she needed response so i take back my seltering invitation also in fear the bount would climb unto me, my freind in our 'group' found her to be very pushy in joining the UTC and after refusal to join was threatend on several occasions to be had at any of my 'groups' locations, i asked if she'd excuse my freinds manner since i beleived it was him who made his own bed.... but i do not know her intent tword us as of yet, i now beleive she is not a fit ally, if any of u kind persons have any info on her capability as a fighter (or BS) i can try to find means of which to 'defend' (PM info). the matter is the bount...not her countless rule breaking, but a theif of 'chance' in space might be fun.......if not alittle unfair. thank you,

The Voice

300 Million Bounty... - Kyosji - 08-28-2006

wow guys, im about to set bounties on alot of you guys. this thread has shown a newbie like me how shameful you guys can get in a situation. I dont want to sound like a jerk, but come on, do you guys even read what you post half the time? A bunch of whining and complaining and actually DarkOddity started to sound like an admin. as a newbie that i am, (week and a half playing) from comments posted by him on this thread i could have sworn he was an admin setting down rules. thats just wrong. let wolf and the others set the rules and determin bans and whatnot.