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This game is toxic to new players. - Printable Version

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RE: This game is toxic to new players. - Banned player t202085 - 10-03-2017

Then stay still XD

RE: This game is toxic to new players. - R.I.P. - 10-03-2017

You want toxic, go back a few years. Disco is actually pretty tame now compared to what it once was, listen to the advice many have given. Even back when there were way more players and way high toxic levels in this game, i would say 80% of the time i could talk my way out of paying anything or with paying a couple mil. And the advice about carrying some booze is really a very good tip. I could not even imagine the amount of times having a good drink and some really fun RP would get me moving along again without hardly any loss of funds if any. Population is low now, and most of the players left in this mod are generally good people even when pirating, like someone said most do it for RP and pirating is not a great way to make tons of credits. So yes stopping completely and Rp with them and usually you would be surprised how well things can go. I quit a couple years ago when the server was getting pretty bad, swore i would never return, but i did and honestly this community has improved a ton. I only log in at times and fly around trading random stuff on my freelancer, and well you do not really get pirated very often at all. Yes lolberty and rheinland are usually better chances of getting stopped but even if you do as long as you stop and RP things usually go pretty well. My last encounter with getting stopped by a rouge was really enjoyable, did not have any booze on me but a 1 mil donation to the rouges and the very short trip of grabbing some liberty ale to drop at the rouge base was a great RP encounter that i enjoyed. Most times many players will make getting pirated a enjoyable RP encounter in game. I have only ran into one toxic situation since i have started playing this again. It started out with some RP with one member of a faction, then here come another member who told the first one to move along he was taking over/ Sadly it was a fairly toxic person who's RP just seemed to be trying to piss me off so he could kill me, no demands really just basically saying anything to get me angered so he could kill my little serenity with his cruiser, sad but yes once in a while you do get those types, but honestly it is pretty rare since most are really good people here. Luckily he was dumb enough to try this while i was sitting less than 1k from the freeport in Bering, so when i got sick of his attitude i just docked and logged out for a few hours. But the chances of running into the toxic people like them are very rare anymore. So you have to just stop and see how the encounter goes, most times you will be surprised. If they do get out of line or do something that break server rules then you screenshot and report, But quitting over an interaction that you described seems a little over the top for a reaction, if you would stop and talked things may have surprised you. We are long past the 10 mil or die lolwuts, most of them have been banned or straightened up. Don't give up, if you run into a situation try and RP it out, if it does not work out, or you get killed. just log a couple hours, make a sandwich and watch TV. then come back and try again.