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Ship Suicides - Spear - 01-29-2009

Again I have not read the whole thread but heres my 2 bits.. Suociding under fire is uterly, uterly lame! If you can escape completly fromn your foe then suicide then that is acceptable. Suiciding in combat is contemptable.

Ship Suicides - zeinstruktor - 01-29-2009

Well, in some cases, I'll suicide under fire for one reason and one reason only:

When I'm having a great even fight with someone, one thing that really angers me, is having a capital come and ruin it. Or, if they send out a squad of 4 fighters who chase you around even when you don't fire a shot, spamming missiles in your rear to make you lose guns so you can't dock...

I won't let them get that oh-so-sweet blue message they were hoping to get by pulling a cheap stunt.

Ship Suicides - Varyag - 01-29-2009

For my Hessians, I have a ship loaded with weapons sitting on Vogtland. Most of those fighters don't get popped enough for me to have to reload it THAT often. My lawfulls are easy to rebuild and my Outcast has to haggle a bit or go on a road trip. Not too hard.

Hey Spear, when ya getting on TS? I still need to learn how to make deep fried pizza!

Ship Suicides - Spear - 01-29-2009

' Wrote:For my Hessians, I have a ship loaded with weapons sitting on Vogtland. Most of those fighters don't get popped enough for me to have to reload it THAT often. My lawfulls are easy to rebuild and my Outcast has to haggle a bit or go on a road trip. Not too hard.

Hey Spear, when ya getting on TS? I still need to learn how to make deep fried pizza!

I#ll let you know m8 when I figure how to use Vista, still cant get Discovery to activate, arrrgggh!

Ship Suicides - McNeo - 01-29-2009

EDIT: @zeinstruktor

I can imagine, if more people took that view, the amount of suicide messages would skyrocket. There are a lot of people that could be classed as PvP idiots out there.

Lets be honest. Its a game where people die. If you die for whatever reason, you could always go trading and increase Sirius' GDP and your own. If the blue message is so valuable to them, let them have it and let them gloat. Doesn't matter that much, really. For the record, I actually dont mount missiles or torpedos, except for a sunslayer on my KNF catamaran (which was a really stupid, useless choice).

I used to take this game very seriously indeed. I used to be an addict of those blue messages too, but it just fell away over time. Im sure other people calm down too. Right now, all I want to do when I play is to fly with my friends, trading or fighting. If I die, I die. Big deal.:sleep:

Ship Suicides - zeinstruktor - 01-29-2009

Bleh, I see where you're coming from there...

I'll keep that in mind from now on.

Ship Suicides - Tidomann - 01-30-2009

It's a tough world out there in freelancer. I think committing suicide at any point while in any kind of engagement is lame. If you are outclassed, outmanned this doesn't give you the right to suicide. In a world like this, you character shouldn't be looking for a fair fight, you should be looking to play cheap, and get the upper hand. If a group of 4 ships engage you. Why would you think "what a cheap move, this isn't a fair fight"? They don't want to lose their ship, so they've grouped together to increase their chance of suriviving. What is stopping you from doing the same?

I think that yes, after an engagement when everything is said and done, and no one else is present that is threatening, you may commit suicide to get your weapons back. Although there are no rules against it, I should hope you don't immediatly return to the system. Your ship technically in RP needed repairs, and replacements. This does take time, maybe not 4 hours. I'm not saying this is a model for others to follow, but I personally would take a quick 30 minute break.

Ship Suicides - eyvind - 01-31-2009

I'm proud not to have died yet in my Slippy, and I plan to keep it that way until I'm not allowed to fly it anymore. I did try to suicide with a transport once, but I ended up bouncing off the star until I grew balls and paid for the repairs.

I get a sick feeling every time someone suicides -- unless it's CD-initiated, then I exult -- but I have the firm opinion that roleplaying at the expense of fun is bad. If you don't enjoy flying your ship after taking damage, for whatever reason (you used to have codenames or don't have the money to replace your entire loadout, for example), then suiciding is validated.

It's not black and white, that's for sure; whatever decision anyone makes they should feel good about seeing it through and no one should judge them harshly for it.

Ship Suicides - Jihadjoe - 01-31-2009

Deliberately crashing into a planet during combat is lame. I think we can all agree on that.

Waaaaay oorp and stupid. I think quietly going off after a fight into an empty system and sundiving is fine, provided there arn't people around to watch you do it.

Docking minus a supernova, mini and four codes is something only the masochistic amoung us would do. If you can't find an opportunity to do it quietly, just log off in space and wait for some other time.

Doing it in a fight though because you can't win and can't escape... LAME.

Ship Suicides - zeinstruktor - 01-31-2009


Sometimes there's a bug with the F1ing in space that when you log on the next time your ship is docked...

And all your damaged items are still damaged or gone :/