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max size transports - Encheta - 02-06-2009

You're making it incredibly hard for me to decide on whether I should convert my indie trader to an IMG one or to something else Jinx.. Brilliant job.

Can't wait to replace my heavy tanker now...

EDIT: Yea.. It could be the SS lighting but I think Fist is right - the texturing difference is a bit.. funny. Looking past that though the layout/design is perfect!

max size transports - Asgardian - 02-06-2009

' Wrote:no you misunderstand basics of engineering... huge part increasing weight and mass, decreasing maneuvrability and containg only decoration = wasted material, time need to construct that part, space, fuel and increasing final price of product which increase time of return of investment and decrease bruto profit. In one word = FAIL.

There should be wings somewhere (but why?) but not at special GIANT part made only for them.

Yes I am fan of functionalism at ships made for work.
Fail? I say win. I reckon its the coolest looking transport of the lot:cool:

max size transports - Kambei - 02-06-2009

' Wrote:Fail? I say win. I reckon its the coolest looking transport of the lot:cool:

No it isnt, Rheinland have better ship:P

1/3 of mass of ship as decoration is just too much

max size transports - Etaphreven - 02-06-2009

' Wrote:Rheinland have better ship:P

That, I agree with. The Rheinland one looks just bloody pwnsome. <3

max size transports - underd0g - 02-06-2009

Nice looking ships, no question about that, but...

Does this mean I'll have to turn in my Whale (IC iff'd/ID) ?

max size transports - Jinx - 02-06-2009

no - the original plan is not to force anything on the players. - these ships are only for variety. - the train models - while being identical - remain generic for example.

its just for RPing traders that WISH to SHOW where they come from and where their affiliation is. - so, if you re BMM and you WANT to show that you re bretonian, you CAN fly a bret train. - if you don t want others to spot it from 30k distance, you can also use the adv. train.

really - its all about seeing different 5k transports around - cause it can get a bit old to have only one single 5k transport for all factions.

its a bit like the smuggler ID. - you can smuggle with the trader ID, too. - but if you RP as a dedicated smuggler - taking more disadantages than advantages, you can also choose a smuggler ID. - some players seek disadvantages of a certain kind ( usually RP based disadvantages ) - others still look for the greatest possible advantage. - nither of those are better or worse.

but about the trains - take them as cosmetic changes - nothing more, nothing less.

edit: about the whale - nothing changes much - but you know that the whale is a GMG ship. - so the whale itself is much more factionized than those trains, which are merely house specific.

max size transports - Frey - 02-06-2009

kusari tran is pretty awesome, it looks great so leave it as it is.

max size transports - RHYS_DALLOWS - 02-06-2009

' Wrote:will the zoner whale still have the ridiculously underlevel turret on it, or is it getting bumped up to a transport turret?

This is a good question I will like someone to answer......the whale need defensive turrets incase of piracy.
Atleast 3 or 4.....just to defend itself.

max size transports - Robert.Fitzgerald - 02-06-2009

The Whale (the basis for the new Whale) does not need defensive turrets - it is cheap and has a high cargo space. It's designed not to have turrets as its downside...

max size transports - Tenacity - 02-06-2009

' Wrote:Face it, Kusari ships have silly wings, perhaps some turrets on them would make them non-useless.

I always chose to go on the assumption that the "wings" on kusari ships are actually solar panels that provide power for nonessential ship systems =P