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Permits & Licenses Registry (iRP) - Printable Version

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RE: Licensing and Permits Office - The Gallic Union - 05-28-2020

[Image: I0Bdvua.png]
The Parisian Assembly

Baronesse Acton,

The Assembly emits the necessity of restricted areas regarding utilization of jump drive modules within Gallic Space. Therefore the systems of Zurich, Lorraine and Languedoc are the three systems where your warship is authorized to jump in. Jumping in another Gallic system may result in a disturbance of the local order.

Your application has been approved.

You may then pursue the Jump drive with EFL. You won't be disappointed in dealing with them.

We appreciate your patience on the matter.

RE: Licensing and Permits Office - SquigglyKey - 06-06-2020

[Image: unknown_1.png]
Incoming Transmission

[Image: SqZvYhk.png]
User ID: Zachary Lee
Recipient: Parisian Assembly - Licensing Office
Subject: Xeno Relic Import License.


Good morning,

My name is Zachary Lee, I represent Bristol Constructions and Manufacturing, an independent corporation based in the Bering system out of Bristol Depot.

It has come to our attention that Xeno Relics are of particular interest amongst the research community within Gallia and our company has found ourselves in a very unique and fortunate position to have access to a steady supply of these relics. While it is out of our normal remit, it'd be rather silly of us to completely ignore any business opportunity that arises and we've decided to reach out to the Assembly to try and secure a license to import these curiosities into Gallia.

Our company already has a permenant B2 Visa within Gallia, attached here. I've also attached the required form below.

I look forward to your response.

Transmission Ends

RE: Licensing and Permits Office - LordBuglette - 07-04-2020

Sender: Ghjuvan Lazare
Recipent: Parisian Assembly
Identification: Unione Corse
Subject: A License, Restricted Ships.
Bonghjournu, Parisian Assembly.

I am Ghjuvan Lazare, a representative of the Unione Corse. I was suppose to present this license request much earlier however the sudden spark of war has given some setbacks.

I am here to request an A license for the lawful usage of all ships located under section §4.2. The sudden existance of hostile Kusari ships at the southern part of Languedoc have become a detrement on our profits and thus require usage of commercial equipment, to sustain ourselves and to assist those who we can.

In this request I not only ask for the legal registration to use all ships under catagory A for my own sake, but for any pilot who bares Unione Corse identification.

We eagerly await your response.
Ghjuvan Lazare.

The message ends.

RE: Licensing and Permits Office - The Gallic Union - 01-15-2021

[Image: sgPIkRy.png]

The Gallic Union
Licensing and Permits Office

To the attention of license holders,

The list of license holders has been up to date.


Licensing and Permits Office

RE: Licensing and Permits Office - adzcriz - 01-21-2021


I am Chance Temple, native of New Paris, I work currently for IDF Shipping however I have had offer of work with Universal shipping which has some favourable benefits. Currently fly the Pachyderme Transport, and I would like to continue commanding her, took many years of sweat to buy my own as an Independent Contractor with IDF. So I would like permission and License to continue using it if I accept offer from Universal Shipping. Vessel remains unarmed.

Name and affiliation: Chance.Temple Universal Shipping
Category of the request: A
Requested Equipment and Ships: Pachyderme
Intended Use: Trading around all houses of Sirius, importing to New Paris of grapes for wines and luxury items from all corners of Sirius.

Many thank yous for your consideration.

RE: Licensing and Permits Office - The Gallic Union - 01-21-2021

[Image: sgPIkRy.png]

The Gallic Union
Licensing and Permits Office

Monsieur Temple,

Your request for Class A Permit (Pachyderme-class Heavy Train) has been reviewed and approved. Do not forget about your Patrie and her Core Values in your journeys in Sirius, and make our neighbours see the glory and power of Gallic civilian industry.


Licensing and Permits Office

RE: Licensing and Permits Office - MasterL410 - 01-24-2021

[Image: JQyX7xK.png]

[Image: n3tHzPy.png]

Sender: Vice-almirante Lucia Jaquez

Subject: Trading license

Encryption: Alta Criptografia

Belo dia.

The Corsair Empire welcomes the return of political stability to Gallia after many years of struggle, thanks to new formed Gallic Union. With this political stability, there comes the opportunity for us once again, to share the Empire's finest products with your people.

The Corsair Empire is willing to export various forms of Artifacts to the nation of Gallia, which are always in high demand of collectors, researchers and noblemen alike. Therefore, we request to recieve a license for all our offered products. We are experts when it comes to Artifacts, and will guarantee that no dangerous or harmful types of Artifacts will endanger our customers. Naturally, we will ensure none of our products will end up on the black market, and will only be sold to law-abiding customers.

Furthermore, we would like to request a license to import scrap parts and Military Salvage to our shipyards in the Omicrons. Of course we understand if you would be unwilling to spare Gallic parts to foreigners, but if you have any other Military-grade spare parts, we would be glad to purchase them.

We thank you for your consideration.

Vice-almirante Lucia Jaquez
Black Flag Corsairs
Corsair Empire


RE: Licensing and Permits Office - Kanzler Niemann - 01-24-2021

[Image: nbrdabW.png]

RECIPIENT: Gallic Licensing and Permits Office
SENDER: Ian Gunn, Generaldirector of DHC


[Image: IgtmGYE.png]

Good evening.

my name is Ian Gunn, CEO of DHC. I'm sending you this to request a license to allow my corporation to haul Military Salvage through Gallia into Rheinland space. Everything important will be added now.

This is all for now.

With utmost respect,

Ian Gunn,
General director of DHC

  1. None


RE: Licensing and Permits Office - The Gallic Union - 01-25-2021

[Image: sgPIkRy.png]

The Gallic Union
Licensing and Permits Office

Dear applicants,

Monsieur Gunn, the Gallic Union sees no issues with granting a license for the Military Salvage transportation. Enjoy your journeys throughout the Gallia.

Mademoiselle Jaquez, your request is currently under discussing. Await our answer within a week.


Licensing and Permits Office

RE: Licensing and Permits Office - Louis Robiquet - 01-28-2021

[Image: tunIG4a.png]

Incoming Transmission

Bonjour esteemed Gallic Union,

I'm Sénateur Louis Robiquet of la Fraternité Noire You're likely familiar with by now. Today I'm reaching You out to obtain Your consent to acquire a Series ME-UH "Vache" and an Armored Transport "Taureau" to expand my organisation's logistics wing. My group is confronting a crisis due to repercussions left behind the war against the invaders.

Gallia is severely exhausted due to several conflicts, aiming to regenerate its economy; same as my people. Therefore, we Corsicans demand additional assets with higher capacities to fulfil our demanding necessities. We desire to launch logistics plans to convey common commodities responsible for maintaining our installations, including the Gallic Union's few facilities. Besides maintenance, we'd like to trade certain items with Gallic Authorities or Corporations to earn a trivial profit.

As for the Armored Transport "Taureau", we'd utilise it to acquire several Sirius products that might benefit us, regenerate the economy, and potentially support us with accessible resources. Travelling throughout the Sirius is dangerous and difficult, primarily due to Kusari's and Maltese presence in the Taus. Our logistics would unquestionably convey some of the products towards the Gallic facilities. Besides the economy-important items, we'd transfer electronic equipment produced by the Union towards friendly houses, and return with appropriate Sirius technology.

Name and affiliation: Louis Robiquet, La Fraternité Noire • FN|
Category of the request: A
Requested Equipment and Ships: 1x Vache; 1 Armored Transport "Taureau"
Intended Use: Transportation of maintenance commodities, appropriate technology and potentially beneficial products to support my organisation against the crisis, and assist the Union with the similar.

[Image: U85QUfE.png]
Sénateur Louis Robiquet
L'Autorité, La Fraternité Noire