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Games that have changed the world - Printable Version

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Games that have changed the world - Saigo.Watanabe - 03-28-2009

Quote:4. Diablo (and sequels)

Signed a billion times over... talking of which i need to reinstall that again...

Games that have changed the world - BaconSoda - 03-29-2009

I think Dune 2 should probably be there. If not for that, no RTSes would ever had existed, since the only other RTS at the time, well, sucked.

Games that have changed the world - johnpeter - 04-21-2009

I guess it didn't sell all that great though, so it couldn't be there:(.

Games that have changed the world - Lucend - 04-21-2009

Hot damn.

It's like a list of games that I stay away from.

Games that have changed the world - kemira - 04-21-2009

i think the list is right, those games change the world may be the sims (make my mom play in the computer, i curse the day when i showed to her) and CS (i see people playing CS who actually hates computers) are missing.

Games that change my world:

-Civilization (and later Sid Meier Creations)
-Doom (LOOK he has a CHAINSAW!)
-Wing Commander (my first space sim)
-Deus Ex (so... i dont have to kill everybody? But is a FPS!)
-Homeworld (look, is full of stars!)
-Freelancer (hi my name is Matias and im an addict)
-Dawn of War (they are orks! but... have flamethrowers)

Games that have changed the world - Unseelie - 04-21-2009

Guys, read Drake's post, then do it again.

Games which affected world, not which affected other games.
Tetris might deserve the list, as might the sims, on the ground that they drew in some of the casual electron cloud which surrounds the gamer nucleus(face it. the casual gamers outnumber you by such an extreme extent)...
CnC, any other topdown rts, or rts at all for that matter(as well as the 4X games), are a niche even in the niche of gaming...not something that reaches out to the world.
Zelda, Mario, and the other platformers are actually descendants of PacMan, and look inward, not out.
Any FPS, well, you got Doom, and how much change has their really been, if you strip out graphics?

Games that have changed the world - stardust47 - 04-26-2009

Games this is missing:
Resident Evil,
Gran Turismo,
[size=17]SO MANY MORE

Games that have changed the world - serenity - 04-26-2009

' Wrote:Well, 'Games that changed the world'...

Command and Conquer is missing...

If you name Command & Conquer, than you must say Dune 2 first, it is the mother of all C&C like games, AND it is from Westwood:)

Games that have changed the world - AJBeast - 04-26-2009

I guess it didn't sell all that great though, so it couldn't be there:(.

Tecnically , if it were there , it would be Starlancer or some other , even older prequel:P

Games that have changed the world - Marburg - 04-26-2009

Heh! It figures that this would turn into a game popularity contest.

If I were to make a list & be limited only to 7 games that changed the world, it would be like this:

1: Pong- obvious cause it's the very first video game ever made

2: Space Invaders- because it kicked off the entire coin operated game industry

3: Combat- The game that was included with the Atari 2600 & kicked off the home console game industry

4: Tetris- The game that made non-gamers want to game.

5: Wolfenstein 3D- the very first FPS

6: Doom- For being the 1st game to deathmatch, thus, pioneering all of online gaming

7: Dune 2- The 1st real RTS that set the standard for the rest of the RTS's to follow