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Player Wipe - Long_Tra'ng - 09-18-2006

What OTHER trade roughts have changed? Will there be a list?

I'm kinda the new "Noob" to your server so it is not like I'm losing much in this wipe. :)

All though I was only 5-6 mil. away from my large train. :(

Oh well. :cool:

Any new ships as well? :)

I know... I know... Just wate for the new release. I have always had a problem wating. :D

Player Wipe - Wolfpack98 - 09-18-2006

NO more "surprises" here.. I'm not saying what routes are disappearing or being moved.

Player Wipe - Long_Tra'ng - 09-18-2006

Man... :P Oh well.... Had to try. :D

Player Wipe - Qunitinius~Verginix - 09-18-2006

lol nice. hopefully they are long, ahrd and dangerous, but pay well and u feel reward after compleation

Im thinking routs that will make u have to pay for repairs after each one cause of all the evilness and challenge

Player Wipe - Long_Tra'ng - 09-18-2006

Ohhhh... GREAT! Just what EVERY Trader wants to here! :P :D

BRING IT ON!! :yahoo:

Player Wipe - Davey Jones - 09-18-2006

First I think the wipe idea is good :)

A few things
-- How will I get our clans credits
-- will you get more credits if you have allot of members or is it just 200 for non system owning clans either way I'm happy I think it is a good ammount with the amount.

-- I also agree about the trade route it was too slow and too boring it needs some danger added to it, a little excitement is always good.

And lastly
-- I think I'm gonna fly arround in a starflyer for a while. I get kicks out of seeing how far I can go in one of those things. I've been to just about every system with one and its loads of fun.

Player Wipe - Igiss - 09-18-2006

I have to admit that I lack time to set up complicated trading stuff like I used to do a while back. There are many things that need to be done and need to be tested. But I will be doing something about VIP routes, maybe change them in some way.

As for wipe, it will take several days like I said. I remember that you are waiting, still this version is something that I don't want to be released without checking it carefully.

Player Wipe - Korrd - 09-18-2006

If we have to wait in order to get a quality release, then so be it. (spelling?)

Player Wipe - DarkOddity - 09-18-2006

It's kinda hard to do really high quality routes as NY>Border worlds is easily attainable.. I suggest maybe the jumpholes get changed alitle, for example.. the following.

New York

Connecticut (Currently Optional)


Omicron Major (one that contains nomad lair) Jumpholes would be spread in distance to add challenge of finding each jumphole without the map and they wouldn't be instantly on radar the second someone jumped into the system.

Omicron Minor (Contains toledo)

Omicron Lost

Omicron Delta

A route change of that magnitude combined with a drastic reduction in the TIVN (Train Invulnerability Vs NPCs) problem that exists currently would increase travel time to FP11, aswell as lengthen the route bringing it's length more in line with the profit, not to mention the challenge of getting through Omicron Major whichs does not have a map available at all.

Just my two cents.. it would keep it as a very lucrative trade route with great amounts of risk that would make most players think twice about doing it but those that want the challenge would jump at the opportunity.

Omicron Major & Story system side notes:
Is it possible to get the nomads used in the rest of the systems to spawn in these systems, aswell as an increased spawn rate and nomad population? As storyline mission systems use the older nomads that are incredibly easy to kill and lack the improved AI.

Edit: Further explination to side notes.
Edit2: Side note on Omicron Major system

Player Wipe - Korrd - 09-18-2006

I prefer that all profitable trade routes going through NY are deleted. That is, to avoid traders running into NY to avoid PC pirates, as most times happen.