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RE: The Blood Dragons Comunication Relay - SlappyTheRoach - 08-05-2019

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Identification: Daimyo Nakai Shun
Subject: Supply and Patrol

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Aisatsu Honorable Dragons,

An interesting start of my day, i headed into Tohoku to see how our installation there was going where me and Daimyo Kenji Takeda came across two core ships. They were wanting to see us about the Nomad remains that myself, Dragon Hayashi Aiko, and Dragon Shizumo had gathered form deep within the Omicrons to deliver back to Osihi Ronin Station. The talk was starting to lead to a fight, but these two Pirates came out of no where and interrupted us talking about the sun and wanting to take it with them, a bit crazy talk from them. In the confusion the two core vessels slipped away, we will get them next time. Chat log will be attached bellow.

While i was on my way to start the supply run for Osihi Ronin Station, I link up with our fellow Daimyo Kenji Takeda who escorted me through the systems. Just before we had our last run to Osihi Ronin Station, Daimyo Kenji Takeda took off to the Honshu system to return to base. I have sent the supply run contents to this communication.

When i returned home, I hoped into my Experimental ship the "DarkMatter" and link up with Captain Kuroda of the cruiser Ikazuchi. We paroled around the outer reaches of the Tohoku and Omicron Sigma where we came across a Order pilot bearing the name of Yakovich. We had a quick chat with him as he invited us to tag along with him to Omicron Mu in order to buy a new vessel. Not long after he brought his ship and showing it off to us, we departed and headed home. Chat log attached bellow.

Nakai Shun
Daimyo of the Nakai Clan

RE: The Blood Dragons Comunication Relay - ddogg - 08-06-2019

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Identification: Cpt. Tatsuo Kumahata, Kagutsuchi-class Hamamatsu, Nakai Clan

Subject: Encounter

[Image: KxINWT1.gif]

Aisatsu, Dragons. Nakai Clan's investigation into Mr. Alexander Lafferentz and the missing O'Rhu operatives has seen substantial progress.

I was extremely resistant to the idea of dispatching my ship, the Hamamatsu, to assist a gaikokujin. Our support of Dragon assault-wings in Nagano and our assistance in defending the Nampo Cloud against the Aoi Iseijin pouring out from the Tohoku Planetary Arch have been invaluable to the Blood Dragons, and shifting such a tactically important vessel seemed to be a dubious, at best, use of our time. Nevertheless, the Order are our allies, and I understand we are honorbound to assist if they are faced with existential crises. I have seen the results of Mr. Lafferentz' tests: he is no alien, and certainly not a Kempetai after his assistance in striking Yukawa. And I take Shizumo at his word.

Dragon Shizumo, though he is still too young and too idealistic for my tastes, is a professional and committed member to our cause, and he has sworn on his honor that Mr. Lafferentz is telling the truth. Rest assured, if Shizumo is wrong in this, I will see to his hanging myself. But after what happened today, I am sure that won't be necessary.

The Hamamatsu rendezvoused with Mr. Lafferentz' Katana-class loan-fighter at Outpost Ryuku, and it was... amusing... to watch even an experienced Order pilot struggle to grasp the controls of a Blood Dragon fighter. He was ill-prepared for the substantial thrust of our engine and thruster designs, but I know Order pilots to be quick learners. After letting him get in a brief shake-down flight through the Nampo Cloud, we set off on our mission: to find any traces of the missing O'Rhu convoy in Sigma-13.

As many of you know, Minamoto Clan has been working on advanced scanner designs capable of penetrating nebulae. Though the designs are still in the early prototype stage, and primarily designed for our Hachiman-class gunboats, some bare-bones components have been adapted for use on the Hamamatsu. My second-in-command and chief navigator, Lieutenant-Commander Kiwami, brought all of these new systems online to aid in our search.

We were intercepted by some Bounty Hunters in Okinawa, and stumbled upon a dangerous pocket of volatile gasses, but our flight to Sigma-13 was largely uneventful. We moored ourselves at Gas Miner Naha to refuel and prepare for our search, and I suggested that Mr. Lafferentz seek out rumors and information on the Freelancer-hideout, Newport.

Our refueling was interrupted however, by a wing of Kishiro fighters that came through the trade lane in attack formation! In perfect synchronization, the turrets on the Naha opened fire on us, likely as the result of some Kishiro bribery. Unfortunately some of the crew of the Hamamatsu were onboard the Naha at the time taking care of some errands, assuming they were safe on the base of a friend. GMG's partnership with Kishiro, however, presents a potential danger for any Dragons venturing through GMG sovereign space. We were forced away from the miner by the Naha's turret battery, and regrouped in empty space to come up with a plan. I was concerned about the crew we left behind, but I knew the GMG would not permit them to be captured. Turrets firing can be dismissed as a computer error, but capturing Blood Dragons would be inexcusable. I knew my crewmen could hide out aboard the station. Lieutenant-Commander Kiwami was furious, rightfully, though I reminded her of the resourcefulness of our crewmates, and the importance of our mission. Despite my advanced age and high rank, I find myself having to continually earn her respect. As long as she does not openly disobey me or threaten my authority, I will permit her borderline subordination-- her sharpness keeps me on my toes, constantly analyzing. My mind remains clear thanks to her.

Mr. Lafferentz had a better idea than my seek-out-a-rumor-on-Newport idea... he remembered the convoy route O'Rhu ships would take from Frankfurt through Sigma-13 to Sigma-17. It was a slightly variable route; the inclination was randomly changed to avoid predictability, a wise precaution. The Order certainly share our talents for staying hidden when it suits them. The Hamamatsu followed him to the old jump hole into Rheinland, which Kiwami identified as leading to Frankfurt. Itachi received a communication that Dragon Shizumo would be able to safely retrieve our crewmen from the Naha after a changing of the guard. Lieutenant Itachi, my communications officer, later informed me that he was successful.

Mr. Lafferentz led the Hamamatsu along every possible route between Sigma-13's various anomalies, and aside from encountering a Corsair base (which thankfully did not mobilize larger ships to engage us), our hunt for any trace of the Ma'at or its escort, the Sakir'har, was peaceful. Mr. Lafferentz' sense of where to go combined with Kiwami's excellent ability to read what is shrouded in the complex ebbs and flows of a nebula to finally produce what we had searched for... we found something.

Lieutenant-Commander Kiwami found MOX-fuel burnoff byproducts, which Mr. Lafferentz informed us are commonly produced by O'Rhu engine designs. The patterns were decayed, roughly two or three months old, but following one of the convoy's paths brought us to a small piece of wreckage. The Hamamatsu followed Mr. Lafferentz in to examine the object we found, which was identified as an O'Rhu escape pod from the gunboat Sakir'har. That ship was escorting the Ma'at when the O'Rhu operatives went missing. Lieutenant-Commanader Kiwami and Lieutenant Itachi worked to restore the pod's power, and the Hamamatsu gunnery crew held off Corsair fighters while Mr. Lafferentz performed an EVA-boarding of the surprisingly intact escape craft. After a tense battle, Mr. Lafferentz was successful in interfacing with the O'Rhu's interface system, TAVIA, restoring shielding and beginning the data retrieval process. The Hamamatsu pulled the escape pod into its cargo bay under heavy guard, and Lieutenant Itachi took charge of towing Mr. Lafferentz' Katana. We returned with haste to Tohoku, eager to be free of the system's foreboding murk and numerous volatile pockets. We put into moor, took our crewmen back aboard, and offloaded the escape pod to a secure cargo bay on Outpost Ryuku.

I brought Mr. Lafferentz into my ready room for a brief chat before permitting him to depart, asking him to debrief me on what he had learned from interfacing with TAVIA. Unfortunately, the investigation is not yet complete. The pod's long-range communication system is currently offline and needs to be repaired; without it there is no way to easily locate the Ma'at, Sakir'har, or any other missing O'Rhu ship. Additionally, the local database had been partially corrupted with numerous errors in the memory cache. I will seek out capable engineers to assist Mr. Lafferentz, and I have also contacted Dragons Shizumo and Hayashi to provide further assistance to Mr. Lafferentz. The Hamamatsu is well suited for deep-space recon, however it lacks the subtlety of our snub craft and we attracted attention that I do not wish to bring upon Nakai Clan's crucial assets.

Be it known: At least part of Mr. Lafferentz story has now been confirmed beyond any shadow of a doubt: He has an intimate knowledge of O'Rhu systems that only belong to a true operative. An O'Rhu convoy was indeed lost in Sigma-13, and at least one escape pod was launched from the escort gunship. We won't need to hang Shizumo for dishonor. For now.

Attached: Moored at the Naha, Discovery of the Escape Pod, and Moored at Ryuku X

Attached communication logs:
// This post is a continuation of this report and is a part of this story.

RE: The Blood Dragons Comunication Relay - ddogg - 08-08-2019

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Identification: Davizu Shizumo, Nakai Clan

Subject: A New Threat!

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Aisatsu, Dragons. While on patrol, Dragon Hayashi and I made a discovery that represents a clear, grave danger to the Blood Dragons. We must urgently destroy the Hoshizora Travel Company's installation orbiting Planet Kyushu as it is part of a cloak-smuggling operation into Kusari, sponsored by the Hogosha owned station and supported by Samura contractors.

In the New Tokyo system, between Planet New Tokyo and Shinjuku shipyard, Hayashi intercepted a Ryuujin-class Kusari Transport belonging to vile Samura Industries. The cargo hold was loaded down with sophisticated robotic hardware, and my armored combat-Drone arrived on scene to assist. Upon inquiry, the Ryuujin-class "Seiuchi" informed us that the robotic hardware was destined for the Hogosha-owned Hoshizora Travel Company orbiting Planet Kyushu. This transport vessel is one of two registered contractors shipping supplies for the completion of this station.

Attached: Official documents on Hoshizora Travel Company: Brochure and Registration Request.

We were familiar with this base as we have eyes everywhere; I have personally seen this station before while patrolling my treasured home system. We have also noticed these same exact two contractor vessels delivering supplies to this station. On those occasions, we did not engage, merely observing and collecting intelligence.

We demanded that the Samura vessel drop all of the hardware, we tractored in what we could (later delivered to Oishi Ronin, just over 600 units), and destroyed the rest. The vessel was permitted to depart unharmed.

Though I hold the Hogosha in contempt for propping up the current dishonorable Kusari regime, I understand their position: they simply want to maintain control over lucrative legal and illegal markets with as much freedom and latitude as possible. They will fall in line with whoever is in power in Kusari. Though travel companies exploit land and represent an obsession with frivolous, wasteful spending that has become all too common in Sirius, this hardly represents a significant threat worth engaging... or so we thought.

Upon jumping to Kyushu to examine the base again, ensuring our intelligence is as up to date as possible, we intercepted the other Ryuujin-class Samura contractor vessel "Tsuyoi_Kaze", also with a cargo hold full of robotic hardware. My first inclination was to treat this contractor the same as before: demand that the robotics be surrendered to us, and we would destroy the rest, permitting this poorly armed vessel to continue on its way. Hayashi intercepted the vessel, brought it out of cruise speed with a well-placed disruptor, and I inquired what this vessels' business was, same as with the "Seiuchi".

This time, however, we received a different answer, and that is why I present this report to you with the highest priority: Hoshizora Travel Company is not what it seems. This contractor did not say these robotics were intended for a mere travel company, but for a Samura cloak-production factory! The captain of the "Tsuyoi_Kaze" quickly realized they had erred in telling us this... for when we began to pry further, their tone changed quickly. At first, they offered to bribe us with cloaking devices for our own use. The prospect was... interesting, though he became more tight-lipped when he realized the threat we posed to his suppliers. He did mention one helpful fact: the source of the cloaks is some illegal base in Gallia owned by non-Gallics. We should investigate the source of these cloaks further, but the biggest takeaway is that Hoshizora Travel Company is not just a travel company: it is a front... a supply depot for cloak-production components destined for underground cloak-building facilities in Gallia.

Construction components depart the Travel Company's cargo bays, and completed cloaks come back in. Given Hogosha's relationship with the government, Naval Forces, Samura, and potentially even the Kempetai, this supply line represents a clear and present danger to the Blood Dragons. Imagine cloaked KNF or Kempetai operatives operating undetected near our most sensitive installations! We quickly destroyed his ship along with the robotics components and fled with all due haste to Chugoku to assemble this report.

Most Honorable Daimyo Nakai Shun, Nakai Clan, and all other Blood Dragons, I most humbly and respectfully request that we mobilize all available capital ships and bombers to eradicate this crucial link in a supply-chain that threatens our very survival. I respectfully request we minimize any and all collateral damage so close to my home planet, but cloaking technology cannot be permitted to fall into the hands of our enemies, especially not under our very noses!

Attached: Scans of the Samura contractors Seiuchi and Tsuyoi_Kaze X

Attached communication logs:

RE: The Blood Dragons Comunication Relay - Jayenbee - 08-18-2019

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Identification: Hayashi Aiko, Nakai Clan
Subject: Reports

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Yet again, I have been relegated to relaying the intelligence of Dragon Kuroda in addition to my own belated reports. Reports are as follows;

[Report : 13.08.826 18:24 KST - Raijin] . . .
  • Incursion into alien systems unsuccessful, suffered heavy damage, withdrew to allied positions.
  • Encountered Zoners, designation 'Velvet'. Communications log attached.
  • Recommend opening communications with this organisation.

[Report : 15.08.826 01:06 KST - Teisatsu] . . .
  • Mission Commence - Objective : Explore system. Designation Laptev
  • Jump Hole location confirmed.
  • Jump successful.
  • Instability present, recommend sending snub craft only.
  • Encountered Chrysanthemum in the system.
  • Proceeded with co-operation in mind.
Communications Log attached.

[Report : 16.08.826 20:34 KST - Teisatsu] . . .

Following what was supposed to be a routine patrol into Hokkaido, I was informed of the Dragon's Claw being tripped by a pair of Order vessels. Intelligence suggested they were somewhere in the Hokkaido system, I proceeded to intercept and investigate our apparent allies. During this time a Farmer's Alliance vessel also approached.

[Report : 16.08.826 05:54 KST - Teisatsu] . . .

The following day myself and Dragon Shizumo proceeded to intercept various vessels within Kusari, preventing their support of the corrupt Keiretsu, during which we logged four successful kills. Two Transports, one (1) Hogosha and one (1) Farmer's Alliance vessel, the latter two Shizumo has expressed he desires to claim from his Drone-class Battle Freighter.

I would provide the logs, however there was an error in my communication system which is preventing me from accessing it at this time.

More reports will follow.

Hayashi Aiko
Dragon of Nakai Clan.

RE: The Blood Dragons Comunication Relay - Jayenbee - 08-18-2019

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Identification: Yoshida Akira, Hachiman-class 'Jintsu', Nakai Clan
Subject: Allied Collaboration

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Nakai Clan Hachiman-class 'Jintsu' reporting.
  • Rendezvoused with Chrysanthemum Gunboat 'Kogarashi', jointly proceeded to intercept Keiretsu within Kyushu.
  • Gained further intelligence on base : 'Hoshizora Travel Company' - Core two (2), single basic defence platform, base likely shielded.
  • 03:07 KST - Joined by Dragon Shizumo
  • 03:23 KST - Received a long range communication from the Dragon's Claw Network, Volgograd Industrial vessels within Chugoku.
  • Jintsu and Shizumo withdrew to Chugoku. GC vessel 'Kogarashi' offered to assist. - Temporary clearance granted to Chugoku in the effort of mutual assistance.
Communication logs with the Coalition are attached.

  • I would note that we encountered a Gallic Battlegroup patrolling in Lorraine, it was at this time we lost contact with the GC vessel. Our convoy was then split in two, with myself escorting the Novorossiysk and Shizumo escorting the Solidaridad.
  • The Jintsu engaged the Gallic Fighter, performing deterrence rather than intent to destroy. - Shizumo remained with the convoy to act as the next line should the Jintsu fail.
  • Friendly vessels succeeded in arriving into Nagano. The Jintsu acted in accordance to fire and fade doctrine, following behind the friendly vessels into Nagano.
  • The Gallic vessel chose not to pursue.

That is all.

Yoshida Akira
Dragon of Nakai Clan.

RE: The Blood Dragons Comunication Relay - SlappyTheRoach - 08-21-2019

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Identification: Nakai Shun
Subject: Blood and Deliveries

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Ko'nichiwa honored Dragons,

I have delivered six loads on materials to Osihi Ronin Station and have left a note of it here. Half way through my trade routes i had a feeling of dangerous foe near by that could get me at any time, so I decided to add more reinforced armor to my transport while at Hikone Base. After the reinforcements added to my transport I felt a lot more safer.

After my transport runs, I hoped in my "Tachi" class vessel and went on a patrol throughout Kusari. While in Honshu i came into contact with a trader with the call sign "Atran". when asked to cut his engines he tried to run so i shot of a cruise distributor to kill his chances of running. He continued to try running so I gave him one last warning he did not heed, so i engaged and siabled his ship. Chat log on the encounter will be attached bellow.

Gun Cam - [X]

RE: The Blood Dragons Comunication Relay - Jayenbee - 08-31-2019

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Identification: Hayashi Aiko, Nakai Clan
Subject: Defence of Kinkaku-ji

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Gomeiwaku meiwaku o kakete sumimasen, Daimyo. Myself and several other volunteers have acted without your direct approval or orders in assistance of the Gen'an cell and for that I personally am willing to accept any punishment you desire to enact upon me.

However, I shall not apologise for defending our allies, nor shall I apologise for our actions today in which the unified might of the Blood Dragons, the Gen'an Cell, the Lane Hackers and the Outcasts successfully brought several battleships and strike craft to their knees in the Shikoku system.

A statement was made today, one that should shake the Kaigun to their very core. We are not to be trifled with and no longer will we live in fear of their corrupt regime.

[Gun Cam] : [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] . . .

Long live the Dragons! Glory to Nakai Clan!

Hayashi Aiko
Dragon of Nakai Clan.

RE: The Blood Dragons Comunication Relay - SlappyTheRoach - 09-08-2019

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Identification: Chieko Meisa
Subject: Kusari Navy in Chugoku

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Konbanwa honorable brothers ans sisters,

We have had a breach in our system with a few KNF ships 2 "Wyvern's" and a Gunboat, the name escapes me, had entered our home system. I and Yoshida Akira engaged them, after i had taunted them with a few words.

I was able to disable one of there ships, after which i was cut off from Yoshida Akira and had to find his where abouts to help him defend against the other to vessels. By the time i had caught up with Yoshida Akira, i was a little late his ship was badly damaged and he had fought in great honor against 2 vessels a gunboat and "Wyvern". I engaged the "Wyvern" as sadly Yoshida Akira vessel was disabled. My ship was already used up in the last fight I lost with honor and fought till the end, till no avail i lost this fight I will get them next time.

As i was towing my ship back to home base for repairs, i over heard that a few other Blood Dragon ships went to engage the KNF but i do not know how they did I hope they had honor and fought till the end as I had.

Logs and cams are logged bellow.

Chieko Meisa out....

Gun Cam: [X]

RE: The Blood Dragons Comunication Relay - SlappyTheRoach - 09-14-2019

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Identification: Chieko Meisa
Subject: Patrol, Found a Base

[Image: KxINWT1.gif]

Honorable dragons,

I patrolled around Honshu and found nothing of interest, the same can be said of Sigma-13. So i decided to head into sigma-21 where i patrolled around the entire system, since i have not been there for a very long time I had decided to see if anything had changed there. This is where i came across this base, "Tengu-Station", cams are attached at the end of this transmission.

We should ask the Gas Mining Guild if they are aware of this and if they would like us to dispatch a fleet of ours to take the base down, could be valuable scrap with the left over parts that are not destroyed.

Chieka Meisa out....

Base Found [X]
Base Identification [X]

RE: The Blood Dragons Comunication Relay - Jayenbee - 09-28-2019

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Identification: Kuroda Taiki, Cruiser Raijin, Nakai Clan
Subject: Tau-37 Conflict

[Image: KxINWT1.gif]

Aisatsu Dragons,

Following an anonymous tip the Raijin was relocated from the Nagano system to collect intelligence on a conflict within the Tau systems between two separate alliances of convenience. The first being composed of various Outcast forces. The second being vessels of the Independent Mining Guild, various Gallic Military, independent Bounty Hunters and most concerningly, Order. The objective of the first alliance is to terminate an IMG base located not so far from Falkland, the second's is to prevent it's destruction.

Whilst in system we announced our intentions clearly and proceeded in rescue efforts of various personnel within the southern asteroid cluster, returning them to the Freeport in system. This allowed us to more effectively fly under the flag of neutrality whilst gathering intelligence.

Unfortunately, due to the various radiological interferrence from the battle and our vessel still undergoing repairs from a prior skirmish, we were unable to obtain any visual evidence, however comms logs are attached.

During our sweep we had the chance to personally speak with an Order vessel present. They provided us with some intriguing intelligence, though may I suggest we take this information with a hint of scepticism, I have personally heard conflicting claims from multiple groups in passing and I highly doubt we have time to delve into this political game of theirs.

However may I add as a personal note; I would wish to express the concern of this conflict's proximity to Kusari. It may very well be the goal of the Outcast Alliance to further secure their dominion and open up a route into Kusari proper. In addition, this would serve to fuel the Chrysanthemum's Cardamine addiction as well as increase Outcast pressure on the region should they choose to proceed in a more active involvement following their assistance in the defence of Kinkaku-ji. The Order's involvement presents us with the irritation of our space becoming a route for their Military vessels to wage war on both the Outcasts and inevitably our Chrysanthemum allies. This may provoke vessels from both sides violating the use of our space and extending their war to us, regardless of whether or not we choose to get involved in any manner.

I would suggest we watch these events closely and adapt our diplomatic approach accordingly. Of course, I dare not speak out of place, I am merely offering my suggestions as a lowly Dragon of Nakai Clan.

Long live the Dragons! Glory to Nakai Clan!

Kuroda Taiki
Dragon of Nakai Clan,
Captain of the Raijin.