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Petition: NY cap free zone? - Printable Version

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Petition: NY cap free zone? - Donutman - 03-01-2009

' Wrote:So to all CAP drivers, GET ON MORE OFTEN and show NewYork how to RP.

/SIGNED with a capital S-I-G-N-E-D

I love RPing as a Gunboat. Having all the people onboard talk to each other, sitting in drydock after a bomb went off in your H-Fuel storage tanks and RPing repairs, It's a leve of roleplaying you can't get in a fighter.

Petition: NY cap free zone? - Derkylos - 03-01-2009

' Wrote:Well I dont know what you are suggesting, BUT the answer is NOT to stop using caps.

The answer is to use more caps. Interesting eh?

The reason we see caps as being whored and PVPwhores because largely all they are used for is PVP. You hardly see any capships on just going about their regular duties, RPing. Often the caps only come around to wtf pwn things.

So to all CAP drivers, GET ON MORE OFTEN and show NewYork how to RP.

I have to agree-from my experience of faction capships, they only ever come out when some huge force is invading.

This has two downsides: first, they are viewed as "omgenemyspamgettehcaps" PvP tools rather than RP platforms, and, secondly, whenever someone does bring out a cap, I have no idea how to fight alongside it...

Petition: NY cap free zone? - Xing - 03-01-2009

what, you dont like the Marx?

Petition: NY cap free zone? - Grumblesaur - 03-01-2009

What bugs me is when a BC is sent after a fighter squad. We can't kill that! And when we run we're called cowards. That's powerplaying. Sindroms is a bit right. Caps in NY need to be restricted, and maybe Liberty entirely. We're giving new players a bad example. They get a cap and blow people up. When they get killed by a bomber, they whine and complain about the SN cannon. It's an endless cycle. This goes for both sides, lawful and unlawful. Even us Rogues don't like it when we see two Outcast dessies and a Red Hessian Cruiser come through California. It's pissing us all off, really.

Capitals need to be sold in guard systems only. They can earn guard rep in a fighter. Teach them to play in smaller stuff.

Honestly, having a BC sent after two Barghests and a Sabre isn't really fair. We had to call for backup when they brought a BS in.

Petition: NY cap free zone? - Xing - 03-01-2009

people screaming around cowards always bugged me. its retarded and not disciplined. If any men under my command ever come up with that, I'll slap them in the face I think...

Petition: NY cap free zone? - Tomtomrawr - 03-01-2009

I agree with it all, i think that either people should learn to role-play or no cap-ships in NY, but thats not fair for the LN.

And i've seen Corsair ships in NY aswell, but they SHOULD NOT be there, PERIOD.

Petition: NY cap free zone? - Grumblesaur - 03-01-2009

' Wrote:I agree with it all, i think that either people should learn to role-play or no cap-ships in NY, but thats not fair for the LN.

And i've seen Corsair ships in NY aswell, but they SHOULD NOT be there, PERIOD.

Irresponsible cap pilots that hunt fighters should be banned, or at least cut down to size. If you want to go after fighters in a cap, get a gunboat and strip the missiles. Missile spam is only fun for the spammer. When you spam to wipe our hardpoints, you're only encouraging us to suicide, which is another issue that people have a problem with.
Heavy caps need to be restricted. Any cap with more than 10 turrets is what I would consider heavy, because that many turrets can be easily abused.

Petition: NY cap free zone? - hack - 03-01-2009

' Wrote:Capitals need to be sold in guard systems only. They can earn guard rep in a fighter. Teach them to play in smaller stuff.

Not a bad idea actually.

Petition: NY cap free zone? - Xing - 03-01-2009

idea been around for a while, not sure if it will ever happen.

Petition: NY cap free zone? - Tomtomrawr - 03-01-2009

' Wrote:Capitals need to be sold in guard systems only. They can earn guard rep in a fighter. Teach them to play in smaller stuff.

Signed, and it's NOT THAT hard to get Guard Reps in fighters anyway, a couple of missions and there you go!