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RE: OS&C| Orbital Spa & Cruise - Flight Logs & Internal Communications - Lord Helmchen - 03-07-2020

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ID: Caitlyn Cross
Location: Planet New Tokyo
To: OS&C
Subject: Hispania Tour

Good Fellow Capitans.
Today the Red Velvet Club made a Tripp to the Wreckage of the Hispania originaly i Hierd an Old Friend of my Mother who makes Regular Buisness with the Maltese but as the Red Velvet and her Escort Arived at the Meeting Point at Freeport 10 we where Greetet by a Maltese Flotilla
[Image: QLKP1CJ.png]
the Cruiser -|-Vulturo had even some Maltese Artist Coocks and Charmers On Board after a quick Conversation with the Leader of the Formation -|-Garcia.Ortega
we had an Agreement we would get an Escort to One of the Remote and Ancient sites of Sirius and the Maltese Would get some Money i Know Mr Ortega we meet a Cuple Times in the Past and Despite the Fact that most would consider them Pirates we had no Problems with them as we Wanted to Depart the Zoner Carrier Velvet|Nyx iritated by our Fleet he asks us "Okay what's thuh sit-rep 'ere" we where a sight not even Zoners Gett to See very often after that the Zoner Tock Position above the Freeport
[Image: ylG320k.png]
and Stayed ther thill the End off our Tour our Flotilla Departed to the Jumphole to the Omicron Tau System as we came out on the other Side a Dark But at the same Time Colorfull System Litle Blue Particles could be observed as they danced behind the Windows
[Image: csYHe3R.png]
we Continued our Journey trough this Wonderfull Phenomenon we Flew to the Jumhole in to Omicron Alpha as we Almost could see the Wreakage of the Hispania a Corsair Armada with Multiple Capital Ships Apeared they had Hiden them Behind Malta and Vesuvius but our Scanner Noticed them Just in the Right Moment otherwise the Velvet would have Flown Right in to ther Weapons Range as we have at least Neural Standing With them I tryed to Negotiate with them But they Wanted Blood somthing i will never Understand why Fighting when you Can enjoy your Life but the Corsairs did not only Want the Life of the Maltes they wanted Our Heads "-|-Garcia.Ortega: OS&C, I recommend you fall-back to the Taus. We will picm up after the Savages have been thrown out." We had followed his advice and First Retreated to the Jumphole and then to the Omicron Tau System but we couldnt be sure of Potential Corsair Ambushes so we Retreated to the Freeport where we are Greetet By the Zoner Nyx
[Image: oZiVVM7.png]
our escort Stayed in Omicron Alpha and where able to get some Pictures From the Fight there
[Image: jaZon0F.png]
he was even Brave Enough to Fly Close to a Capital Ship
[Image: hiuIbK0.png]
Meanwhile where Our Maltese Guest at There Work and Entertained our Passnegers so they didnt Eeven Noticed what Happend Outside the Ship the Passengers where Hungry so We Started the Gala Diner the first Course was a Aljotta a Fish Soup that was Simply amazing the Taste was Incredible light spicy and
Rich in taste we had a Hobz biz-zejt with it A round sourdough bread which the Passengers used to get even the Last drop of Soup out of there Bowls As Second Course we had Lampuki Casserole a Casserole with A bake with spinach, cauliflower, chestnuts and raisins prepared with fillet from the gold mackerel. to this we had an excelent red wine as Final Course we had an Imqaret or Dates Diamonds with an Espresso to end this Fabuloud Diner in one of the Caffes in the Promenade Deck A sculptor had Opend his Workshop he Worked on the Sculptor of an Maltese Knight from the Old Earth the Details Of his Work where just Fabulous at the End it was as there Was a Living Human not a Block of Granit it was so lifelike in the Other Shops there Wher Artists who made Portrait and other Art we Held Even an Auction for some Art i was Able to Get some Art for my Self as Well meanwihle did the Maltese Charmers Entertained the Guests that had no interst in the fine arts or Acompanied those who had offered insight into Maltese culture i had Such a Charmer my Self her Name was Leah and she Offerd me Things that i would Never had understand by myself as the Cultural Program was in Full swing Mr Ortega Returned to the Freeport he informed us that the Corsairs were banished but it would be Still a bit of Danger becouse the Rest of the Maltese Fleet was send To the Borders we took the Risk and Departed for the Hispania again this Time we where Able to Reacht the Ancient site
[Image: Gw3AHe0.png]
we wher able to come Prety Close to the Wrekage as i saw the once Magnificent Ship in Ruins I felt a stab in the heart as some one who where Born in Space and Raised on Star Ships it was a Sad view for me i Imagined how Majestic this Veslle under Full Power was Flying trough the Dark Cold Emptynes of Space and Now she was in this State Mr Ortega Sayed the Vessle Was a Memorial of the Past so that the Malteste Never Forget there Origin Markov:Hello Mr Maltese are we alowed to Start some Drones for Examination was his Question What was anwnserd With a Prompt Negative he was Sad About this but the Scanner Data Satisfied his Thirst for Knowlage the next Scientific Question was form Professor Setman: i am History Professor From New London how did your peapole get from board the awnser The explosion that set the Hispania adrift also damaged a number of shuttles not taken by the Corsairs. They were later repaired and used to bring the people down to Malta
[Image: yITs5Rk.png]
[Image: VpqxkSr.png]
Mr Ortega had a Big Knowlage About the History of Malta and the Hispania he awnserd All the Questions the Scientist had but every Thing Needs to end and Scientist tend to Be Anoying after some Point so i cut the Coms and a Sory Ortega this Sienticists are like Kids in the Toy Shop right Now to our Escort Ends The Hour of Questions and we Set Sails back to the Freeport do to the Heavy Fightings with the Corsairs i offerd the Service of the Red Velvet for bringing some Medical Supplys to The Freeport after Our Return to New Tokyo but Mr Ortega declined the Maltese are Well Stocked with Supplys he sayd and the Injurys didnt semed to Hard i thanked the Gods that there Where no Dead during the Fights wich MR Ortega Cold confirm the Maltest left us at the Freeport we Parted Ways i informed Mr Ortega that i am Willing to Tacke Maltese as Crew if they Wish to See the Stars for ther Medical Needs well there will be A solution at the End i can say without the Corsair Intervention i would Say this Virgin Flight was a Great success

[Image: hB0X1dA.png]

Caitlyn Cross

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[Image: PojtqNs.png]

Red Velvet Club
Where Dreams come True

RE: OS&C| Orbital Spa & Cruise - Flight Logs & Internal Communications - Lord Helmchen - 03-07-2020

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ID: Caitlyn Cross
Location: Planet New Tokyo
To:Jonathan Seabourne Director White Spa Lines
Encrytion High
Subject: Corsair Interception

Top Secret For Directors Only

Good Day Director Seabourne

as you Know the OS&C Red Velvet Club made her Vojage to the Hispania Yesterday Everyting went acording to Plan well almost Everything the Presence of a Corsair Battlegroup was a set back and almost Ruined the Tour they Wherent able for any Resonable talks and Wanted to destroy The Velvet and Kill her Passengers we tryed to use our Neutral Status but the awnser was "CNS-Sierra: prepare to die" as one of them Said as a Consequence i will no Longer Sell Artifacts on my Ship till this Incident is Cleared and would Advice we at Least Contact the Corsairs About this but this is not my Field of Operation and i Trust you will do What is best for OS&C

Ps. We should Check our Security Somehow this Corsairs Know exatly Where to Find us

Safe Skys,
Caitlyn Cross

> > > > Closing Transmission < < < <

[Image: PojtqNs.png]

Red Velvet Club!
Where Dreams Come True

RE: OS&C| Orbital Spa & Cruise - Flight Logs & Internal Communications - Lionheart523 - 03-07-2020

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[Image: 0TCFHy4.jpg]ID: Cpt. Theobald Franklin

Location: OS&C|Reverie, Baltimore Shipyard, New York System

To: All Colleagues

Subject: Refit Done & Extended Gallic Tour

Greetings dear Colleagues!

It has been some time, since anybody heard from me or from the Reverie.
First, I had some private issues to get sorted. And then, second, the Reverie has been moored at Baltimore Shipyard to get a nice overhaul. Since the nasty Manhatten Incident, I wanted her to be prepared. What if we hadn't been directly in orbit of a Capital Home World, but somewhere far away? The chances to have injured or sick guests far out are much higher, than having them in House Space (even if I have been shown different). So we decided to refit the Reverie at Baltimore Shipyard. She is now equipped with two medical bays and thus capable to deal with any medical issue that arises.

[Image: 4Qo5G3F.jpg]

Since we already changed the interieur we went another step forward. I contacted Freeport 12 in Galileo and placed an order for docking facilities. Altough Freeport 12 is buzzing with activity and the waiting time for equipment is very long, the Freeport 12 Team was able to supply the Reverie with the first docking module. The Reverie's Hangar Bay is now able to take up one snub-sized vessel. This will increase the comfort of our guests significantly. We had already several inquiries from guests who wanted to arrive with their own ship and take it with them; now we can do this.
The engineers from Baltimore confirmed, that we can increase the Hangar Bay to accomodate a second ship, if we can acquire a second module. I already placed such an order with Freeport 12. But it will take some time for them to finish it, since the que of orders is rather long for them. But its worth the wait

Meanwhile, after seeing Gallic space together with Captain Ashtons Boundless Pleasure in my Arrow The-o-Bolt first hand, I couldn't get it out of my head.
So the Reverie will now embark on an extended Tour through Gallic Space. We already have a group of Socielities who have wanted to book the Reverie for a long trip through nearly all Gallic Systems for ages. Now I can confirm the trip. They want to decide the route day for day. The only definite point is that they want the tour to end either in Ill-de-France or Provence.
So they get the Cruise they wanted all the time, and I can explore Gallia with the Reverie. Hopefully I can gather some interesting pictures on the way.

Best regards,
Cpt. Theobald Franklin

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[Image: PojtqNs.png]
Living Dreams!

RE: OS&C| Orbital Spa & Cruise - Flight Logs & Internal Communications - Lord Helmchen - 03-08-2020

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ID: Caitlyn Cross
Location: Luxury Liner Shetland Poole
To:All Employes
Subject: A nice and A not so Nice Encounter

Good Evening Fellow Capitans

Today the Red Velvet made only a Short Tour from New Tokyo to Exeter but on this Way we had 2 Encounters the first was not so Nice we Were Intercepted by the Enclave in Specific the Splinter Group MdG again this is the 3 Time in 3 Weeks this i wont say what goes trough my Mind Right Now so lets say Unfriendly Suspects they wher again Rude and willing to Destory the Velvet so we Paid and Gave Max Thrust on the Engines in Case they would Change ther Mind but this Time they Were Followed by the BAF as we Aproced the Wreckage of Southhampton Multiple BAF Fighter where in Pursiut of them i hope they Catched them

The Second Encounter Was in the Exeter System just as We Deliverd our Guests to Grand Vista Orbital and Wanted to Fly to the Shetland we noticed a Coaliton Fighter so we Stayed Close to the Station the Pilot thougt i was One of the High and Mighty but after i told him my Origin he Was very Friendly we Set Course to the Poole Jumphole and he Followd we Served him a Botle of Rum and Gave him The Coaliton Pilot we Rescued befor in Retourn he asked us to Bring a Ship Crew Home he Rescued Earlyer we where Happy to Help and after we Welcomed our New Passengers on Board We went different ways the Velvet set Course for the Sehettland and he Disapered in the White Fog of Exeter

PS. Director Seabourne I will write to the Bretonia Officials Again but i have No hope of Reciving an Awnser Maybe it is My Birth as a Junker or the Fact that i am Just a Capitan but i Fear that i will come Like Last time and in the Meanwhile it will all come Worse than Before Enklave in the Heartland of Bretonia who could Thought that Maybe The Hearo of Leeds Have a Chance to Recive an Awnser in this Matter

Safe Skys,
Caitlyn Cross

> > > > Closing Transmission < < < <

[Image: PojtqNs.png]

Red Velvet Club!
Where Dreams Come True

RE: OS&C| Orbital Spa & Cruise - Flight Logs & Internal Communications - HrabCOrp - 03-11-2020

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[Image: RNLifTx.png]
ID: Paul Falkner | Spa-SEC
Location: Planet New London, New London System
To: All employees
Encryption: Spa-SEC#Alpha
Subject: Escort report - Strange Encounter & Gaia Visit

Good day to all employees!

For those, who don't know me, my name is Paul Falkner, I hold the position of steward in Spa-SEC. It is my duty to escort our luxury and logistic vessels in style.

Also I am the "brave escort", mentioned in captain Cross' report of her Hispania Tour. As you already know, our joint voyage was tense in terms of Liner's security, but still very pleasant. The sights alone were worth the risk, and hosts were kind and caring.

Today I was contacted by our dear captain once again. What she proposed was extraordinary and promised to be one hell of adventure (as usual, I guess). Miss Cross requested my escort, as she was intending to visit former Planet Gaia. Aquitaine System is one of central systems of the Royal Enclave, thus we prepared accordingly: OS&C|Red-Velvet-Club and my Taurus shuttle were temporarily equipped with Cloaking Devices.

I was on my way to the Red-Velvet-Club, which was moored at Planet Cambridge, when I have noticed a tremendous energy spike on my sensors. And then I saw ... it ... It was so beautiful and terrifying... with all that wavy azure lines of pure light. Somehow I knew it was named Ashur, I could feel it inside my head. It was curious about me and... tried to communicate. I was astounded for a moment, but my instincts told me to push the cloak activator. I did the best I could to run away, but it was still pursuing despite the cloak. I can't remember how, but I have managed to escape.

When I arrived, Caitlyn's Liner was already in orbit. I landed on the Planet for quick resupply. It wasn't as fast as expected... Atmospheric antigrav engine wasn't working correctly, so I had hard time taking off the ground. I think the problem was caused by the energy spike, that I have mentioned earlier. Fortunately, repair team on Cambridge managed to fix the engine in reasonable time.

Finally, we began our cruise to the former natural preserve of Gaia. You can see the route of the Red-Velvet-Club in the file below:

Local ice cloud in Aquitaine helped us to discreetly enter Gaia (now Bordeaux) orbit. I chose a safe spot well out of range of royalist planetary defenses. We have hastily taken some pictures of the natural miracle of Sirius:
[Image: wGbteOC.png]

[Image: bvpGKHD.png]

Strangely enough, we haven't run into any Enclave patrol in the system. All in all, I deem tours to Aquitaine feasible. With mandatory reprecautions, of course.

Paul Falkner
Steward, Spa-SEC

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[Image: qc5SD5G.png]
Guarding your Cruise in Style

RE: OS&C| Orbital Spa & Cruise - Flight Logs & Internal Communications - Jonathan Seabourne - 03-11-2020

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[Image: Titanic-Second-Officer-Charles-Lightoller.jpg]

ID: Jonathan Seabourne

Location: OS&C|Breezewood, Planet New London

To: All Employees

Subject: Nomad Encounter in Bretonia

Greetings friends,

My patience with BAF is really growing thin. First, the Enclave attacks in the Taus, and now Breezewood was almost destroyed by a Nomad vessel in New London itself!
I suppose I should be grateful to BAF|A-HMS-Trojan for tossing off a warning after the alien ship broke off its engagement in Cambridge. I tried to outrun the thing, for some reason the name K'Hara|Minerva comes to mind though it never introduced itself, but a damned Corsair disrupted the tradelane to the capital, letting them catch up. We were pummeled within an inch of our life, at which point the incoming fire stopped. I was left with a sense that it was intended as a warning to others, with something about them wanting to reclaim their heritage, though I couldn't tell you how that came across. We made it safely to New London, though with $7 million in repair bills. I'm grateful we all survived, and that we had no passengers aboard (running empty from Freeport 1 to New London). The sooner Breezewood can bid farewell to Bretonia, the better.

Jonathan Seabourne
Captain, OS&C|Breezewood
Director, White Spa Lines Division

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[Image: PojtqNs.png]
Where Angels Fear to Tread

RE: OS&C| Orbital Spa & Cruise - Flight Logs & Internal Communications - Lord Helmchen - 03-11-2020

[Image: 68747470733a2f2f732d6d656469612d63616368...w=360&q=80]

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ID: Caitlyn Cross
Location: Planet Curacao
To:Jonathan Seabourne Director White Spa Lines
Encrytion High
Subject: Wanderlust

Good Day Director Seabourne

Today i was Contacted by Garcia Ortega he was in Charge of the Maltese wich Protect the Red Velvet Club during the Tripp to the Hispania and Altrough he Liked the Issiue he Said we make a Mistake he Told me that it was the Corsairs not the Coaliton who Sabotaged the Hispania i Told him that it is Comon Belive in House Space that it was the Coaliton apart form this Matter he Liked the Issue i also told him that i Inform the Wanderlust Team About this so we can Maybe Corect it in Future Prints i wonder how a Magazine of Wanderlust made it That Far to Reach him musst be A Interesting Story

Ps. i have to admit that it was My Mistake i did Not send you My Comm Log with Ortega and didnt Mentioned his Words in My Report for the Company Logs

Safe Skys,
Caitlyn Cross

> > > > Closing Transmission < < < <

[Image: PojtqNs.png]

Red Velvet Club!
Where Dreams Come True

RE: OS&C| Orbital Spa & Cruise - Flight Logs & Internal Communications - Lord Helmchen - 03-11-2020

[Image: 56339a4e20f6efb4073d7ca025fc8128.jpg]

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ID: Simon Codsworth III
Location: Planet Curacao
To:All Employes
Subject: Intoduction

Good Evening Capitans

I wanted To Introduce myself My Name is Simon Codswort III i have the Rank Steward in the OS&C SpaSec i am in Comand of the OS&C|Sec-Hunter-Killer a Condor Gunboat i am a War Veteran my Last Deployment was Leeds i have 23 Jears of Active Duty Experience in the BAF so Should You Need ann Escort and Even if its Just to Feel a Bit Safer Contact SpaSec The Hunter Kiler is Curentky Stationd at Curacao and Ready for Deployment

At your Service,
Simon Codsworth III

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[Image: unknown.png]
We Hunt the Hunters

RE: OS&C| Orbital Spa & Cruise - Flight Logs & Internal Communications - Marcellus - 03-11-2020

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ID: Marcel Dumas
Location: Planet Nauru, Omicron Delta
To: All Employees

Subject: A battle at the Edge of Sirius

Bonjour a tous, colleagues.

I'm writing this flight log with my hands still shaking. Me and my crew were travelling with a fully booked ship from Planet New Berlin to Freeport 11. The first part of the travel proceeded smoothly, with no particular encounters or incidents. Approaching to the Freeport we noticed a small flottila made up of one zoner carrier and two Outcast Dreadnought: "whoa" I though to myself, "that's the first time I see those beasts!" What I would see next, though, would have been beyond every possible immagination.

During the passengers disembarkation from the Tahiti two spikes of lightnings lit the dark starsphere of Omicron Delta: emerging from their cloak, two enormous Nomad battleships appeared just a few kilometers in front of us. Seconds later, the forementioned flottilla engaged a deadly fight with the creatures. We were shocked. None of us, from the bridge, was able to do something: we were totally petrified while we watched a deadly rainbow of lasers, mortars and ships unfold in front of our eyes. Even if outnumbered, the creatures were able to disable all the human opponents. The passengers were all safely transferred to the Freeport, only the Tahiti and it's crew were facing them: "Mon Dieu, c'est la fin. Crew, it was an honor to be your captain".

Coincidentially, seems that everyone of us was born under a lucky star: feeling that we were not a threat for them, the creatures left the area, leaving us alone. That was our last chance to reach our salvation: at full cruise speed we headed to planet Nauru. There two cruisers and the powerful weapon batteries of Yaren were awaiting us. Now we're waiting the Core's green light to leave the system. It was a close call with destiny, I'm still incredulous on how we made it alive.

Ps: one of our external camera was able to film part of the battle, I'll post it, if someone wants to have a look!

[Image: NDQ6prj.jpg]
[Image: L8IxCs7.jpg]

Safe skies, gentlemen
Marcel Dumas

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To Luxury and beyond

RE: OS&C| Orbital Spa & Cruise - Flight Logs & Internal Communications - Lord Helmchen - 03-12-2020

[Image: 68747470733a2f2f732d6d656469612d63616368...w=360&q=80]

- - - - Incoming Transmission - - - -

ID: Caitlyn Cross
Location: Planet Curacao Cortez
To:All Employes
Subject: Corsair Threat

Good Evening Fellow Capitans

Today the Red Velvet Club transported some VIPs to Freeport 11 and wanted to make a Round trip to Freeport 1 and then Home to Curacao while we were cautious after Capitan Dumas had some Nomad Encounters Yesterday the Freeport was busy Tonight as we Aproced there was already some Zoners and Core ships around the Station and we Delivered our Guests Safely as we wanted to Start to Freeport 1 the Corsair (Alliance)Admiral_Mank Arrived he had some Problems understanding the Concept of the NO FIER ZONE around Every Freeport but made Quick Retreat as His Gunboat was no Match for the Zoner and Core Fleet after this and do to the Problems the Red Velvet Club had Recently With the Corsairs I Decided to Hire an Escort the Core Ship Core|AV-Javelin and well that was Totaly worth the Price while the Journey to Freeport 1 was Quiet the Capitan of the Javelin showed us some Some interesting Places and we were able to make some Pictures of the Nice Views we Seen during the Flight
[Image: NLsMyWz.png]
[Image: 6EtY97Y.png]
[Image: lZXptoR.png]
Safe Skys,
Caitlyn Cross

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[Image: PojtqNs.png]

Red Velvet Club!
Where Dreams Come True