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Discordian Q & A - Malaclypse 666 - 10-29-2006

Chucc,Oct 28 2006, 05:16 PM Wrote:In this case the recess is a time when you get to go play outside, imagine.

I see the Fnords! Thank you all!

Oh, and Romer, your next volley didn't go over my "head" at least. old navy man.

Discordian Q & A - Virulent-Anomaly - 10-29-2006

Is it acceptable to partake of a slice of bread with your hot dog, afterall, it is not a bun?

And also, why is it that the ferocious termite tickles the tin-plated shark?

Discordian Q & A - Sidewinder - 11-05-2006

Here is a question for you mal, that nothing to do with your great cosmic joke.

You said early on in this thread that you know something about quantum physics. So I was wondering, what is your opinion on string theory??

Discordian Q & A - Chucc - 11-05-2006

Sidewinder,Nov 4 2006, 05:53 PM Wrote:Here is a question for you mal, that nothing to do with your great cosmic joke.

You said early on in this thread that you know something about quantum physics. So I was wondering, what is your opinion on string theory??

PM's maybe????

Discordian Q & A - Malaclypse 666 - 11-05-2006

Virulent-Anomaly,Oct 29 2006, 04:40 AM Wrote:Is it acceptable to partake of a slice of bread with your hot dog, afterall, it is not a bun?

Well, ahem, I can see I have been remiss in visiting the creche. foreheads tingling yet? I shall attempt to give you a good Discordian answer to your qestion. the bread..? i don't know, man. She did it.

Quote:And also, why is it that the ferocious termite tickles the tin-plated shark?

This one's right out of The Book: Five tons of flax.

Discordian Q & A - Malaclypse 666 - 11-05-2006

Sidewinder,Nov 4 2006, 06:53 PM Wrote:Here is a question for you mal, that nothing to do with your great cosmic joke.

You said early on in this thread that you know something about quantum physics. So I was wondering, what is your opinion on string theory??

In my day, string is what you tied your ship's wiring harnesses up with.. before tie wraps. My exposure to QP is strictly limited to pop culture stuff. Zukav, Bentov, the Bard Wilson himself does a great Schroediger.

String theory. Tried to read that big strapping Hawkins book. I might have found out.. five tons of flax?


Discordian Q & A - Malaclypse 666 - 11-05-2006

Chucc,Nov 4 2006, 09:55 PM Wrote:PM's maybe????

Fnordnet is having trouble processing this question.

Please resubmit in Fortran.

Discordian Q & A - Zukeenee - 11-06-2006

Alright, Mal, you may have converted me. This stuff seems interesting enough; I've been looking through your topics, looking up stuff online, reading through Principia Discordia, etc. It sounds a lot like what I do already, just with some actual form to it.

I'm hoping to pick up a print copy of Principia Discordia, just 'cause I feel like it, but seeing as I am currently broke (and do not expect to be be getting any cash any time soon), I may be waiting 'til Christmas. Hmm. Seems a little silly to be "converting" to one "religion" while celebrating another... but I stepped out of Christianity years ago. My family still celebrates it, so why not get the free stuff while you can?

Also, I may be joining up with the ELF because if this. Maybe. I've never been much of a "clan" kinda guy; I usually go my own way. But, seeing as the rest of the ELF is supposedly Discorian, I may consider it.

And I have a question: How closely is the Church of the SubGenius related to Discordianism? They don't exactly seem to be the same thing.

Discordian Q & A - majkp - 11-06-2006

I also have a question to employ Fnordnet for a while:

How can the Goddess's virginity be proven if the next statement is valid: "There is no Goddess but Goddess and She is Your Goddess". Well I am assuming that the 1st of 5 holy laws ARE meant to be valid. Aren't they?? :unsure:

Discordian Q & A - Malaclypse 666 - 11-06-2006

Zukeenee,Nov 6 2006, 02:32 PM Wrote:Alright, Mal, you may have converted me. This stuff seems interesting enough; I've been looking through your topics, looking up stuff online, reading through Principia Discordia, etc. It sounds a lot like what I do already, just with some actual form to it.

Scholar Zukeenee: (Sheesh, one friendly hail to that "Brakelata" person, and you've gained a friend for life!) In my experience, one does not "convert" to Discordianism. One's tunnel reality becomes more bizarre, one's faith in the power of Greyface and his edifices begins to crumble, and Presto! Pass the dogs!

Quote:I'm hoping to pick up a print copy of Principia Discordia, just 'cause I feel like it, but seeing as I am currently broke (and do not expect to be be getting any cash any time soon), I may be waiting 'til Christmas. Hmm. Seems a little silly to be "converting" to one "religion" while celebrating another... but I stepped out of Christianity years ago. My family still celebrates it, so why not get the free stuff while you can?

Goddess does not forbid the practice of other faiths. Even a mud hut needs a totem of some sort. What She does abhor is "dogma", in any way, shape or form. Yeah, we ask that you read the Tome before applying.. if you start actually believing it though, then you may be puttin' yerself in the dogma house...

Quote:Also, I may be joining up with the ELF because if this. Maybe. I've never been much of a "clan" kinda guy; I usually go my own way. But, seeing as the rest of the ELF is supposedly Discorian, I may consider it.

"Supposedly" is the key word here, Zuke. I can assume from my dealings with the gang that they have Discordian tendencies.. I can neither confirm nor deny further because:
a) A Discordian is prohibited from believing what SHe reads. Those resounding jakes comin' from our members are still in the ole' true/false/meaningless arena;
2) We are directed by Goddess that Discordians must "stick apart". Each member must read, interpret, and practice within the confines of Hir own B.S. (Belief System).

Quote:And I have a question: How closely is the Church of the SubGenius related to Discordianism? They don't exactly seem to be the same thing.

Similar paths, but a schism developed some years ago: The Reverend Stang and the Dealy Lama decided that the Discordians were unfocused and ineffective; the Discordians thought the SubGenii were too militant, strident, and "anal". Actually, the Bard Wilson is credited for laying the CoSG's foundation in a little-known book/"screenplay" entitled "Reality is What You can Get Away With!" The SubGenius "Prophet", J.R. "Bob" Dobbs, is reported to be a parody or "our" Bob.
So... related by birth, but estranged by philosophy. Hope that helps.

Good questions, young man! When you're ready, hit that exam, and choose a name pleasing to Eris. We'll talk. Mal.