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Mining Concept Ideas - Printable Version

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Mining Concept Ideas - Saigo.Watanabe - 03-29-2009

The one thing that i would Love to see is a change to how we mine. Instead of shooting little rocks we could have less, Larger rocks that are coded to drop the same as 5 or more rocks, but have them spawn less.
Honestly in some mining area's you can't see the bloomin rocks because of their size and the background of the system.

It might not be possible to implement and might have balance issues but I'd still love to see it.

Mining Concept Ideas - eyvind - 03-29-2009

' Wrote:How would such complicated mining (with refining etc) affect server load?
I am assuming you are refering to my idea.

I can't imagine it would add significantly to the server load as, fundamentally, the only change is that there are more commodities. If there is some limit to how many commodities can be added (with those ID ranges and such), that would be the only technical problem with it, as far as I can tell.

Mining Concept Ideas - Grumblesaur - 03-29-2009

Perhaps making a lazer that can be mounted on cruiser-class or larger? IMG has access to battlecruisers and battleships, but can't mount mining lazers on them.

Mining Concept Ideas - Camtheman Of Freelancer4Ever - 03-29-2009

Does mining even come close to the amount of money made with trading?
I know it says it somewhere in the mining thread, but i want a community viewpoint.

Mining Concept Ideas - looqas - 03-30-2009

How about doing a nice simple and clean solution to this? Just an extension to the idea already in place.

Give a percentage sell price bonus based on ID? I.e. you get 5% more selling Niobium if you got IMG ID.

I proposed this to kind of selling bonus corporate trading ID hauling goods that fit in their RP.

I'm not talking about promoting any power-money crunching, but having a small selling bonus based on the ID and fitting the RP of the faction would give you a nice feeling. Even if it's only psychological bonus and not mathematically the sweetest deal ever.

Mining Concept Ideas - Knuthetal - 03-30-2009

I think that mining gases should be adjusted to make more sense - we should ideally change the fact that they're solid chunks, but barring that, why not make gas asteroids drop 1-2-5 units, and have *gas* miner ships have *massive* percentage bonuses to those drops? Optionally with a dedicated gas mining laser / thingamajig.

Mining Concept Ideas - FooFighter - 03-30-2009

' Wrote:why not bump the DSE Grizzly...

Because it's a stealthy combat transport, not a civilian mining ship.

Mining Concept Ideas - AJBeast - 03-30-2009

How about , besides the mining lasers , have specific faction weapons give mining bonuses to certain things. For example , have barragers have a 10% bonus to mining scrap.

Mining Concept Ideas - FooFighter - 03-30-2009

' Wrote:How about , besides the mining lasers , have specific faction weapons give mining bonuses to certain things. For example , have barragers have a 10% bonus to mining scrap.

Usually, you only mine one resource anyways, as it is the one most boosted by tag and ID. I think adding different kinds of mining lasers would just make setting up the char more complicated.

Mining Concept Ideas - eyvind - 03-30-2009

' Wrote:Usually, you only mine one resource anyways, as it is the one most boosted by tag and ID. I think adding different kinds of mining lasers would just make setting up the char more complicated.
When I first read that idea, I more or less agreed with you Nath, but your reply made me think a little more on the subject. The conclusion of that thinking was that providing a broader range of mining equipment could greatly improve the general mining experience. Imagine how unexciting combat would be if there was only one type of gun! Of course, that's not the best comparison, but it might be something to think about.