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RE: The Monk and the Donna - Dark_Knight - 06-05-2020

Sun eyes Loyola, peering at her to check if she's lying or not, it's a very out there request. She smiles and nods "But that is only one of the aims, you must first change yourself before you attempt to change others. There's a path to Buddhist, the Eightfold Path. With Eight things you must learn before venturing further down the path, but if you are committed enough I can explain each one to you Donna Loyola." she says with her warm smile.

RE: The Monk and the Donna - Loyola - 06-07-2020

Enma looked down into the floor, having a random sad moment. This person in front of her is way too kind and completely defenseless. Yet, kind is pure and kind, while at it. Such a pity.

— Well, do we have anything better to do? I think not. Could have a little lecture as well, please make an attempt of making it not too boring an at least borderline practical. For example, how do I manage my anger and desire to make the heads of certain people roll?

RE: The Monk and the Donna - Dark_Knight - 06-08-2020

Sun pauses then smiles at the morbid question, in her kindness she speaks again "You must be self-aware, as a precondition for understanding and healing your anger. If you become aware of the workings of your own mind you can find the means by which you become angry and then understand how to heal it. If you ideas which are not in harmony with the realities of your life then you can learn to relax into existence of it all. So, a tendency to see someone as completely negative or be angered at them is due to your own perception based on your own mental projection, rather then perceiving the true nature of that individual." Sun pauses looking about the garden as she continues "It is useful to suppress anger, suppose an enemy has hurt you with words, why should you annoy yourself and hurt your own mind by getting angry? Why allow anger to arise and thus do exactly as he wants you to do?" Sun does a brief smile "You must learn to calm, to cut it short."

RE: The Monk and the Donna - Loyola - 06-13-2020

Loyola listened carefully, her face clearly indicates that he won't agree in the end and is having something to say. Yet, even being polite and not interrupting monk is trying to teach her wisdom. She would take a few short sips of tea while listening.

— If I will calm down and relax, my enemies will find a way to kill me. If I try to run really far and stop fighting, I will feel miserable and pathetic. And it won't really prevent some of them chasing me and trying to get me. Anger is what fuels me and is what helps me to survive. So the problem is that if I will follow your advice, I'd most likely not last long.

RE: The Monk and the Donna - Dark_Knight - 06-13-2020

Sun nods over to her "Ah, but being impulsive and angered may also get you killed." she says with a smile before continuing "Patience shows the strength and clarity of mind and with that you can make more thought-out and rounded decisions in the future of your group. To Knowing that the other person shall be acting in anger, where as you remain mindful and calm you shall ultimately act in your own best interest." She says hopefully imparting more wisdom towards Loyola.

RE: The Monk and the Donna - Loyola - 06-17-2020

— Being angry and impulsive works for me because it's efficient. You got me wrong because I don't mean to level it. But rather to control and channel anger to be even more efficient. So when some shitter deserves to be fucked, I will be angry only at him and not at random bum at the spaceport.

RE: The Monk and the Donna - Dark_Knight - 06-18-2020

Sun looks up to Loyola as she swears, she isn't annoyed by it more bemused by it "Then if you already understand the concept of channelling your anger, you are already on the path." she pauses with a warm smile "There is one question that we all ask as Buddhists, are you content with life? One of the defining characteristic of a thought or action in Buddhism is whether or not we're attached to the happiness of this life." she states enjoying the conversation with Loyola.

RE: The Monk and the Donna - Loyola - 06-20-2020

— I just let things flow and try to have fun in process. I think being so focused to be concentrated on every move or thought is a waste of effort. I just look at what I have and trying to make the best use of any situation. That sounds much more reasonable for my ear.

RE: The Monk and the Donna - Dark_Knight - 06-21-2020

Sun seems slightly pleased by this answer she nods over to Loyola and speaks again "I find that true freedom comes when we follow our inner-most nature, the natural good that exists in our heart. We all have a beautiful potential in finding our own paths, where it leads, transforming yourself and flourishing in the stars" she pauses putting her cup down "That is what keeps me going, that yearning for discovery, within and without. I am content with that life, but as I said are you content with your life?" she leans forward after asking the question, expectantly.

RE: The Monk and the Donna - Loyola - 06-24-2020

— I did not kill myself yet, so I bet I am content.