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CTE big ships. WIP (GB, AT done) - Printable Version

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RE: CTE big ships. WIP - HrabCOrp - 10-04-2020

Great job! I love all 3 of 'em!
Edit: Can't wait to see the finished liner

RE: CTE big ships. WIP - Username removed - 10-04-2020

The GB looks almost identical with the AT, and that's more along the Coalition's line of thinking with modular ships.

I think the GB should be modeled more after CTE's combat ship line such as the Eagle or Roc.

The old Spatial VHF could be a good basis from which to build the CTE GB:

RE: CTE big ships. WIP - Swallow - 10-05-2020

Utilitarian design is nothing uncommon, and I've already submitted it.

RE: CTE big ships. WIP - Vulkhard Muller - 10-05-2020

I love the design and the fact that some of these are submitted is super exciting. I cannot wait to fly them!