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Harvester Cruiser.. - Printable Version

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Harvester Cruiser.. - Benjamin - 04-02-2009

Yeah uh didn't all the phantom ships get pretty juicy buffs after being taken off the market for the regular schmucks.

Harvester Cruiser.. - Dejavu - 04-02-2009

Go on,it needs to be upgraded, it needs a bit more power

Harvester Cruiser.. - Athenian - 04-02-2009

' Wrote:Go on,it needs to be upgraded, it needs a bit more power
The Mrs.Doyle School of Balance.

Why? What purpose does that serve? What is the request based on?

Harvester Cruiser.. - Primus Avatar - 04-02-2009

1) No you toaster-haters, we don't need a buff. We need a gunboat. (and Weedalot even mentioned a bomber)

2) Geisha is right, we didn't choose to be your enemies, you chose it yourself by attacking us.
First we we're solely the Zoner's problem, now we're your problem cause you had to stick your nose in their business.

3) I personally love being ganged up by hostile wimps that don't have the courage to stand 1v1 against me on even terms. It boosts my ego:rtfm:

4) We don't care for the stats, and we're happy that they are generous the way they are now.
All we want is to have a shipline with which to decorate hostile systems with.

Harvester Cruiser.. - SevereTrinity - 04-03-2009

Two things. You want a shipline. YOu don't have one, you have the AI shipline. AI indies are affected by this as well. And secondly, 'Harvesters don't go looking for fights' Yeah, yeah... Just, three cruisers and 4 Corsair Gunboats in last mod version, coming to Liberty to attack a few battleships.... Brings back memories.

Harvesters can choose whether to KoS a faction, and you've made yourself hostile to most lawful factions out there.

This isn't a Harvester shipline, it's perfectly fine, and you should realize. You're complaining about it doing a job it shouldn't. It's a light cruiser. Heavies are meant to kill it. By the logic of Cosmo's here, Flaks should get a boost because they can't kill other BS. Things have jobs, and killing heavier crap isn't in the Harvester cruisers job.

Harvester Cruiser.. - Geisha_Maiko - 04-04-2009

"Just, three cruisers and 4 Corsair Gunboats in last mod version, coming to Liberty to attack a few battleships.... Brings back memories."


3 cruisers and 4 GB is seven harvies in a formation. When was that? Like in early March of LAST year?

Harvester Cruiser.. - Cosmos - 04-04-2009

Yes harvie cruiser is a light cruiser, which makes it a Gunboat killer aparently.. Oh look Theres 3 Gunboatas online 2 sair Gunboats and a liberty gunboat what're we going to do? aparently we're not allowed to raid NY so basically the Harvie Cruiser is now Useless,
Thanks for pointing out that fact Trin!

Harvester Cruiser.. - Robert.Fitzgerald - 04-04-2009

There's currently no gunboats online for my Thresher to kill. Devs, turn it into a battleship killer NAO!

Harvester Cruiser.. - Cosmos - 04-04-2009

' Wrote:There's currently no gunboats online for my Thresher to kill. Devs, turn it into a battleship killer NAO!

I Can Haz?

But seriously, All im asking for is a Power buff.. is it too much to ask for?

Harvester Cruiser.. - Robert.Fitzgerald - 04-04-2009

Convince the developers why it needs a "power buff". I don't see any reason why it needs one...