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46th| Fleet Application - Printable Version

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RE: 46th| Fleet Application - Maltz - 08-24-2021


RE: 46th| Fleet Application - Toaster - 08-24-2021

Congrats. Don't cock it up like the rest of Liberty's OFs.

RE: 46th| Fleet Application - James Horatio Creed - 08-24-2021

(08-24-2021, 05:25 PM)Toaster Wrote: Congrats. Don't cock it up like the rest of Liberty's OFs.

I can assure you that will not happen while I am 1ic and I am sure High Command aswell will say the same

RE: 46th| Fleet Application - Major. - 08-24-2021


While not every interaction is enjoyable, you guys are still working hard for it.

RE: 46th| Fleet Application - WiseTaurus - 08-24-2021

Congratulations! After all this time, 46th has kept Liberty alive and kicking; you deserve this. I am looking forward for more interactions!

RE: 46th| Fleet Application - Megaera - 08-24-2021

Congrats guys

RE: 46th| Fleet Application - Kherty - 08-24-2021

Congratulations, you deserve it!

RE: 46th| Fleet Application - TheDoctorXI - 08-24-2021

(08-24-2021, 05:28 PM)Major. Wrote: Congratulation.

While not every interaction is enjoyable, you guys are still working hard for it.

If you could provide feedback either via PM or on discord (The Doctor#5240) that would be appreciated.

We're more than happy to hear where we can improve.


RE: 46th| Fleet Application - Reno - 08-24-2021

Congratulations and goodluck