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RPA| Republican Provisional Assembly - Recruitment - Printable Version

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RE: RPA| Republican Provisional Assembly - Recruitment - Slede - 05-25-2024

- Neil Long
- 33)
- Liberty, Planet Los Angeles
- After fleeing the violence Dublin my mother settled on Los Angeles marrying a Liberty Navy officer. When I came of age I joined the Liberty Navy flying for the Liberty Marines as a gunship pilot. Inserting to hot LZs hitting pirates and smugglers in transit it became my life absorbing me into in a sense of purpose serving.

After My military career ended losing my right leg in a border skirmish with the Kusari Empire. I felt listless lost in the oceans of space drinking, bouncing between jobs. Gas and mining Transport, luxury cruise pilot, occasional smuggling. Watching the news about my Mothers home being ravaged by the Corsairs and oppressed by the Bretonian Royalists. Growing to hate them sympathizing with my distant kin the ideals of Liberty coloring my view of their continued struggles.

After losing my last contract. It turns out having weapons discovered by your passengers is a no-no in the luxury cruise business. After hearing of the New Independent Dublin. I scraped what little I had together and set off for the old home to find a new purpose amongst my kin in the New Republican Provisional Assembly

RE: RPA| Republican Provisional Assembly - Recruitment - RepublicanProvisionalAssembly - 05-25-2024

[Image: cBJ6ymo.png]
[Image: cBJ6ymo.png]
Mister Long, it is gratifying to see Dublins people return to defend their home, and your previous military experience and piloting will go greatly appreciated amongst the Assembly's ranks.

Welcome to the Assembly!

Report to Foyle shipyard and we'll get you ready for the fight.

RE: RPA| Republican Provisional Assembly - Recruitment - Groshyr - 06-01-2024

- Anthony MacReady
- 44
- Kilrea (Bretonia)
- Born in 790 AS on the board of Kilrea, Anthony is one among the third generation of people born after the Founders Day revolt. Being grown up in the system of Poole at the very boundary of Bretonia, from the very childhood Anthony has faced the cruelty of those who swore to protect the people of Bretonia as well as those who mercilessly raided them, without counting the numbers of casualties after. Such an experience has made him cruel and merciless against the Corsairs and Royal forces both.

For almost ten years he was fighting: participating in raids against the BMM, destabilizing their presence in the system of Dublin; engaging in combats with Armed forces and with the Royal Navy when they came to Bretonia. However, his life changed when in 820 MacReady decided to join the Coalition military, believed in their propaganda about a better future for all the members of the so-called "Triumvirate".

In the very year, Anthony signed to the ranks of the Coalition military and after a one-year training programme and skills advancement he became a part of CPW Wind of Changes' crew, serving there as a low-ranked officer. Alongside the rest of the cruiser's crew, he passed a lot of battle but built no even friendly relations with them. The fringe between the coalitioners and people who came outside was obvious and MacReady understood this and that they are not going to help the Mollys with the liberation of Dublin but wants to consume them and make a part of their communistic, socialistic or whatever dream the Coalition folk follows. The last nail prior to his leave off the military was the Sydney accords.

The signing of Sydney accords was a betrayal by the Coalition and so the members of the Molly movement who believed before that the neighbours shall help them in their attempt to make Dublin free from any piece of the royal influence was turned into ashes. After the events that have taken place on Gran Canaria, Anthony left the Coalition and returned back to Arranmore. He is one of those who is ready to fight for Dublin against Bretonians, Gallic royalists, Corsairs and if it will be needed - against the former "comrades" from the Coalition.

Following the failure of Dublic Republican Army as an organization focused on unifying various Mollys factions, MacReady turned from the military life he knew and started to be more or less but peaceful Mollys merchant, dealing with gold mining, processing and further commercialization, waiting for a moment to rise for him to try unifying Mollys once again.

OOC Expectation
- Mining, RP and Trade
OOC Comments
- Luminium forced me into submission

RE: RPA| Republican Provisional Assembly - Recruitment - RepublicanProvisionalAssembly - 06-01-2024

[Image: cBJ6ymo.png]
[Image: cBJ6ymo.png]
Mister MacReady, we accept you into our ranks. Your experiences from your long service and your time with the Coalition will be of great value to our movement.

Welcome to the Assembly!

Report to the Free Dublin Shipping Company headquarters on Arranmore to get outfitted.

RE: RPA| Republican Provisional Assembly - Recruitment - Snowstorm - 06-05-2024

- Orlaxith Myunblod
- Unknown
- Borderworlds
- Forced to engage in dirty dealings on the fringes of the Borderworlds with a small band of outlaws, I have accrued a lengthy criminal record that makes me unwelcome in any house of Sirius. Despite fighting on Bretonia's side during the Gallic War, my numerous transgressions overshadow my service.

-An experienced pilot of both fighters and bombers, I possess extensive expertise in piracy, contract killings, and sudden strikes.
I'm confident we'll find common ground, and your ideas resonate with me.

OOC Expectation
- Crush, burn, kill.
OOC Comments
- Want to make some fun

RE: RPA| Republican Provisional Assembly - Recruitment - RepublicanProvisionalAssembly - 06-05-2024

[Image: cBJ6ymo.png]
[Image: cBJ6ymo.png]
Miss Myunblod, Free Dublin needs veteran fighters such as yourself to defend Her from tyrants and opportunistic jackals. We accept your application.

Welcome to the Assembly!

Report to Arranmore Base to receive your kit and assignment.

RE: RPA| Republican Provisional Assembly - Recruitment - Saoirse Keane - 06-18-2024

- Saoirse Keane
- 33
- Bretonia, Planet Cambridge
- I was born on Planet Cambridge, grew up in a less-than-ideal environment. Police brutality was common, so i took the first ship out that i could at 16. Most of my time from my 18th birthday was spent in and out of work, shipping contracts for corps as a Freelancer, protecting transporters and what have you. I was content for the 15 years that i travelled the sector, tinkering and trading in whatever was desirable.

Towards the end, I took aboard people from Leeds, getting as many to safety elsewhere… none of the Crown even tried to aid our people. A tragedy that could have been prevented had they actually done something.. so many lives. I spent most of my credits supplying the refugees I had managed to save.

Some weeks back, BMM hired me to haul some… questionable goods, told me I’d get paid when the shipment was safely offloaded in Newcastle. Was supposed to be the deal that’d solve all the money problems for those that were struggling to adjust to life elsewhere. But the bastards thought they’d try to take the cargo and the payment. I fought back, but the Authorities were already on-scene. Not the Police, but a cruiser-class vessel of the Armed Forces. With escorts. They wanted to silence me, so I took myself out and away through to Halifax. Whispers here spoke of your movement and I took some time to contemplate my next steps. That time is now up.

My reason for reaching out? I want blood. lots of it. And it shall be the Crown and its lackeys that pay the debt in full. For those that were lost, against those who cripple their own people and claim innocence.

OOC Expectation
- Roleplay, PvP.
OOC Comments
- I’ve spent time around you guys, and I enjoy the environment around you all. Its about time I do something with that.

RE: RPA| Republican Provisional Assembly - Recruitment - RepublicanProvisionalAssembly - 06-18-2024

[Image: cBJ6ymo.png]
[Image: cBJ6ymo.png]
Miss Keane, your willingness to fight alongside us is proof that the Bretonian government is out of touch with the common citizen. Our Founders envisioned every one of their ivory towers crashing down, and we will not rest until that vision becomes truth.

Welcome to the Assembly!

Report to Arranmore Base for your equipment and training.

RE: RPA| Republican Provisional Assembly - Recruitment - Nekrotalis - 06-20-2024

- Abigail Seagrave
- 25
- Freeport 1
- My family had some roots in Dublin. My da moved away when he met my mother and for a while they flew across Sirius as merchants. When I was born they decided to settle on Freeport 1 and that's where I was raised. Living there was nice and simple. At least until the Brets started to snoop around. I remember the disgust and uncertainty that their... "neutralisation" of Aland let me feel. My ma and da were certainly upset about it as well and when I finally got my pilot's license and flew past the wreck my stomach sank.

Mostly been pulling escort duty in the Independent Worlds since then, helping the occassional freelancer keep their arses when confronted with the less ideologically inclined elements and sometimes the more so inclined ones. I was on Halifax when the news of what the Brets did during the Founder's Funeral reached me and... I think it's the straw that breaks the Camel's back.

I don't wanna be on the sideline anymore and see these injusticies go unpunished. If I can help prevent at least one such atrocity then it'll have already been wort it. So I want to pledge myself to your cause. No need to equip me with one of your own vessels either, I can bring my own fighter. Just need the transponder and IFF adjusted.

OOC Expectation
- Mostly RP and a bit of pewing, maybe finally learning how to fly anything that isn't a snub.
OOC Comments
- For the other Free Republic!

RE: RPA| Republican Provisional Assembly - Recruitment - RepublicanProvisionalAssembly - 06-20-2024

[Image: cBJ6ymo.png]
[Image: cBJ6ymo.png]
Miss Seagrave, for every innocent sacrificed in the name of power, for every drop of blood spilled over wealth the Kingdom creates more men and women who say "No more.". Join us on our path to freedom.

Welcome to the Assembly!

Head over to our headquarters on Arranmore for your assignment.