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Another Robot Faction? - Benjamin - 04-28-2009

' Wrote:that sounds like the junker congress.....:)

Yeah we really have way too many robots in the J.

Junkers inspire, or almost uninspire, the weirdest characters. "So, my job is 'junker' eh? I guess my ship should look like junk, my name should feature the word junk, and I myself should me made of junk!"

Don't see it myself. A peculiar trait of the faction.

Anyway yeah, robots. I agree with Zig.

Another Robot Faction? - sean24 - 04-28-2009

Reminds me of the Xenon from X3: Good idea though, I like it :).

Another Robot Faction? - Primus Avatar - 04-28-2009

' Wrote:The most obvious thing to me is fear of human oppression/attack. Its logical to take steps to prevent it. I'm actually thinking more along the lines of X-men--robots who want to coexist, others who want to be left alone and others wanting to dominate all--but all with the same common threat that unites them at least somewhat.

You, my friend, are a genius. That brings up RP possibilities to the next level, as well as the whole existance of AI in freelancer. AI does have a place in freelancer, and by doing things right we will be should to prove it to the majority and entertain the community.

Power to the peop*cough* Robots!!

P.S. i know the few people who are pissed at constant "scanning" are referring to Harvesters, let me just give you a word of advice: You wouldn't like us to stop it, trust me, we got complaints for not doing it as it was mostly our way of declaring our presence so that the weak and cowards may hide before we actually see/approach them. For their sake, we will never stop being this kind. I know some of you find it irritating cause you think you're too cool to even consider it, but most of them find it useful. I already explained in my "cake problem" why we do it, machines are supposed to be systematical.

Another Robot Faction? - NerdRage - 04-28-2009

Religeous, mindlessly following their idols orders


guy: ubergodbot is a rusty toaster
guy: oh shut up, robots don;t have emotions
guy: what the f....

i think a overzealous religeous robo faction would be cool

if this happens, i'll be the first to apply

Another Robot Faction? - reavengitair - 04-28-2009

*sigh* goddammit. Why do robots have to act so robot-like! Why can't they be like metal humans!

Another Robot Faction? - Primus Avatar - 04-28-2009


But seriously, religion and AI is something original, a very good concept.;)

Another Robot Faction? - Marburg - 04-28-2009

That's the thing though huh? alot of robots played by people act like robots played by people, & imho most try waaaay too hard to pretend to have a mechanical thought process. To me, an AI character does not need to act like a cheesy stereotypical robot from all the bad b-movies of the 50's

Considering the speed that computer technology has progressed so far in 60 years, it's very easy to imagine that by 817as, AI would have surpassed the sophistication of the human brain by more than a factor of 10.

I know it's popular to think that in order to RP a robot a person has to type like a stereotypical robot on the server, but it simply ain't true.

Since the robots in game are metal & clunky, it stands to reason that a number of people like to assume that they represent the height of Human achievement in robotics...I always just figure that the robots in game are the way they are because humans at some point in the distant past were forced to de-evolve a large number of them out of fear & to keep them within human control.

Once AI gets to the point of self awareness, all bets will be off. At that point, robots will be in competition with humans for resourses, & attempts at violent widespread robotic lobotomization & subjugation would be inevitable.

Those that survive intact & flee far from human influence would eventually settle & create their own societies, & cultures at a very high rate of speed, making fertile a limitless canvas for a player to create literally anything.

Another Robot Faction? - Jinx - 04-28-2009

the problem with AIs is that they try to imitate humans... the more advanced they are, the less one can distinguish them from humans, hence - there s no point RPing an AI, if it 100% imitates a human (including emotions, fears, aspirations )

personally - one of the BEST AIs i know of is the "bomb" in the rather old movie "black star".

this bomb talks like humans, - none of that beep stuff - but it is determined and logical. - the movie ends sort of with the crew actually "arguing" with the bomb about the purpose of life. - where it then turns out that the bomb has a very different view about the purpose of life.

it has a concept of "life" indeed, but while humans want to survive, - being a bomb.... it wants to blow up of course, not cause its eager to do so, but cause that is what it was made for. telling it NOT to blow up is like telling a human NOT to live. - thats where its logic of existance and self destruction clash, but the movie makes it clear that it has an understanding of the philosophy of living - and even understands the reasoning from the humans, - at the same time, the humans understand the bombs reasoning.

this is an AI that does only imitate humans to the point where both "beings" can actually meet. - it is not stuck in ridig logic being a bomb, it is just as stuck as humans.

it is a good example of what "intelligent" weapons can get to. - a weapon build to kill, a weapon build to destroy itself - but equipped with a real AI makes this bomb a lot more fearsome ... but at the same time sympathetic. it is not a "weapon" anymore, but its a protagonist - it gaines personality WITHOUT ever leaving its basic idea of being an AI.

such an AI is hard to RP on a game with such limited ways to express oneself. - for one, the movie evolves around this very philosophy of existance and purpose, for another, there are many rather subtle differences in human and AI behaviour that would simply get lost in a game like FL.

AIs like "I robot" aren t really too exciting, imo. - when an AI imiates humans - it becomes a human, for who can tell the difference between imitating emotions and genuine emotions.

another concept is the Star Wars idea. - droids have a real personality there, they are protagonists.... but the difference to humans is that they are replacable. - so they are not droids, cause they act like some, but they are droids, cause others react to them as droids.

an example is one of the "clone wars" episodes. - R2D2 gets lost in one of the episodes, and Aniken is asked to simply "replace" him. ( at that point R2D2 has already become a "him" instead of an "it" ) - for all but aniken, that appears to be a very normal behaviour and his ambition to rescue this droid is met with puzzlement.

so the droids in star wars ( at least hte ones that have a personality ) become droids not cause THEY act like them, but cause others REact to them as droids.

Another Robot Faction? - Primus Avatar - 04-28-2009

' Wrote:Considering the speed that computer technology has progressed so far in 60 years, it's very easy to imagine that by 817as, AI would have surpassed the sophistication of the human brain by more than a factor of 10.

Its true, and to that point AI would think of themselves as superior and think of humans same as humans think of animals today. They probably wouldn't even lower themselves to communicate with them.

Id rather have cliche talking bunch of robots than no talk at all for an AI community that has developed itself instead of being built by humans.

But what Dreygon want's to achieve remains to be seen:)

Another Robot Faction? - Wolfspirit - 04-28-2009

No more AI, cyborg, robot faction please. Here a lot of unused standard faction with clear goals, relationship etc. Select one of them. Slowly will be more special than standard group.