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In response to recent GMG - KNF diplomacy - Jien Kogen - 05-01-2009

' Wrote:It is a mutually beneficial relationship Jien, by making GMG Operations easier, it means lower price and more H-Fuel for Kusari and its corporations to make money off of (Samura selling to the Libertonians) if they did not have the lanes, the prices would spike for both Kusari's and Liberty's government.
But this is all a Biased Kruger players view

First off, Basically the argument is by making the GMG stronger, you make everyone stronger by lowering the price of H-fuel. That is flawed in some very critical ways. To start, Kishiro ships H-fuel for the GMG, not Kusari. Second, Kusari has its own homegrown H-fuel ambitions, so lowering the price of H-fuel across the board actually hurts the development of Samuras H-fuel mining operations in Hokkaido. Now, you might say, but Kishiro ships H-fuel for the GMG, dont you want them to do well? Yes, I do, but lower H-fuel prices, equal lower profits for Kishiro, since they make less of off shipping it. The only people who benefit from lower H-fuel prices are A) the GMG, as they are trying to maintain their monopoly on the H-fuel market, thus making it harder for Samura in Hokkaido is worth it, and it allows them to further saturate the market with their product, making other people reluctant to develop their own fuel sources, and making them more dependent on the GMG< and making the GMG more powerful. B) The Consumer who gets a lower price on H-fuel. C) Liberty, who needs it for their war effort. None of those options are particularly good for Kusari. Aside from that, the Okinawa system provides a very close haven for enemies of the Throne, where Kusari would have no power. There is no house anywhere would accept that kind of threat, let alone, provide cover, security, prisoner labor and permission for someone to do it. Nor is their any house that would handicap a domestic industry for the benefit of one outside it's control. The Kusari government would be doing everything it could to push the Hokkaido developments, and hamper the Okinawa developments, not let a JG and Tradelane be put in for easy access, and allow for all the foreign companies involved to use Kusari space as a back door to the system.

In response to recent GMG - KNF diplomacy - Dab - 05-01-2009

' Wrote:I think part of the problem here is that Okinawa's backstory is not well defined. Without a clear history to refer to, the current state of Okinawa is confusing and in flux. I think a good first step is to come together to work out Okinawa's history first, *then* talk about this current situation.
Okinawa's history is explained in great detail via the infocards, rumors, and news reports in the system. No one needs to come together to work out Okinawa's history, its already written. The problem is people not paying attention to said history and/or not reading it before making decisions and actions concerning the system. Kishiro and GMG players have spent a lot of time reading these news reports, rumors, and infocards and know the background very well and very clearly. Many others have not, and that is why we have this problem. I also explained the history in great detail in the Okinawa thread Zelot started awhile back. Its not as detailed as reading infocards, rumors, and news, but it does give reasons for what happened and is happening in the system.

' Wrote:In fact, see the infocard, it says "Kusari" not "Indipendent".
It's main access is through Honshu, it's between Honshu and Nagano (and then tohoku...) and it have a Kusari-like name, unlike Sigmas, and inside there are Kusarians people but both indipendent and not, with shared interests maybe but with all kind of different ties, so it's a..Kusari system controlled by GMG? Maybe just a semantic issue...
' Wrote:I think the misunderstanding was caused by the system name and the connection to Honshu via TL and JG.
The techical and oorp solution would be to connect it to Kusari only via Jh and rename the system into Sigma 21 maybe.
' Wrote:As for the name of the system, I would like to know why it is named Okinawa, from a dev. The name means very little in terms of ownership. The infocard stating it is "Kusari" is clearly a contradiction to the fact that there are no KNF/KSP NPC's there, unless you count the Honshu gate. The devs clearly intended it to be not Kusari.
Answering the above three quotes;
Many people are operating under the false assumption that because a system says 'Kusari' it is part of that house. It's not. Is there a 'Border World' government? No, but there are systems labeled 'Border Worlds.' The system designations are given according to the AREA of space they are in. There is a Kusari government and a Kusari house, yes. But Kusari also applies to a region of space. Did you know that Chugoku is labeled as Kusari as well? Don't try to tell me Chugoku falls under Kusari's sovereignty. System infocards state the location in space, not the house that the system belongs to.

The system is not part of the Sigmas, so it shouldn't be called a Sigma. Its part of the region of space known as Kusari, not the house.

And on the Honshu Gate being KNF, that actually is one thing that needs fixed. Its meant to be KSP on the Honshu side, but GMG on the Okinawa side.

' Wrote:Now comes the treaty for example: Okinawa is sovereign territory of GMG, but KNF and KSP can fulfil patrol duties within the system to fight the criminals and it is recommended to GMG not to interfere with ...
Not if GMG tell them they can't. Its GMG sovereignty. If KNF/KSP want to patrol there, they need to ask for permission first. Kusari has survived thus far by using politics first, I see no reason why they'd resort to such hostile and inflammatory methods when simple talks would be able to get them what they want without threatening their supply of H-fuel and relations with a major trade partner.

' Wrote:owkey, this discussion is just absurd. Everyone only looks with a very narrow vision, seeing the side of the story that makes their faction become victorious. Don't forget people we are still in beta trial, so if needed some things can change. But right now, in my opinion all RP done in beta should be done according to the info cards we have right now, once we come out of beta we could begin making changes that effect the game (RP wise).
Perhaps you should do a bit more fact-finding. Some of us do not have relations to the factions involved. I'm neither KNF, KSP, GMG, or Kishiro, so don't accuse me of bias towards my faction. I have a GC, and they have a base there, yes. However, even if Okinawa was Kusari sovereignty, that wouldn't change much for us, we'd still be doing the same things the same way.

' Wrote:As for emperor Kogen, who supports you as emperor? is this in conjunction with the several Kusari factions, or did you just say:"i want to be emperor, and everyone needs to listen"? cause right now, that isn't really clear to me.
I've been wandering this as well.. All of the sudden some Kusari Emperor forum account popped up, and I've yet to see where it is explained anywhere who is using that forum account. Whoever is playing as Jien seems to think he can tell GMG what to do and is treating them as if they belonged to Kusari, yet as far as I know, GMG was never given a choice in who got to play the character of the Kusari Emperor.

' Wrote:Of course Okinawa could eventually become a Kusari system, if the Roleplay leads to this outcome. But prior to Kusari's sudden claim in a transmission to a military officer, it's clear that it was not part of Kusari.
This is exactly my issue here as well. There are people trying to claim it as part of Kusari, but they have participated in no RP whatsoever to support that claim. The extent of the RP concerning this that I've seen so far has been; 'Its ours, I'm Emperor, deal with it.' Thats not Role Play, and I expected much more. I spent a long time, as did Kuraine, when we put this system together, and we've worked very hard to provide ample role play opportunities here for ALL sides. Take advantage of something this system offers that few others do.

' Wrote:I was also surprised to find that Interspace Commerce had a presence in the system. Dab about summed it up:
Don't forget, the GMG are descendants of Kusari, but their culture is not identical. They are much more willing to contract foreign corporations. The GMG is by no means obligated to cash out a giant loan from the Kusari empire. This is also speculation, but I am sure they do not want Kusari's eyes on where their profits are spent.
Expanding on the above;

Interspace has funded the Gate, Lane, Fujisawa, and Isehara constructions in Okinawa, and they have insured all three operations in the system.
Interspace got a base there because it was the only place in Kusari where it COULD build another base, because Kusari does not control the system. It's also there to regulate trade, tax trade, and oversee the operations in which it has contributed a sizable funding to. GMG and Kishiro don't have easy cash on hand for this operation, and are going to be paying off their debt overtime with concessions made to IC. One of those concessions was allowing them to build a base there. Its the same as any major corporation in today's world. They don't just up and decide to build a new major factory somewhere. They get loans from banks to do so, and pay those loans off with money they make off of the factory once it is operational.

GMG are not the same as Kusari. They are very progressive thinkers, which is why they get along with GC and BD. Its why they hire BHG (who are present, though not numerous) and work with IC. Samura has strong ties to the government, and very rough relations with GMG because of the past. Thats another reason the GMG would turn to Interspace before resorting to getting a government loan for Okinawa. The government would require sovereignty in Okinawa, and Samura would be allowed in if they had to get a governmental loan. By using Interspace, GMG removed Samura's ability to gain a foothold there, allowing Kishiro and GMG to exploit the system without Samura's interference and political pressure.

' Wrote:I am getting a bit tired of this whole "We are Kusari but we are not Kusari" thing. Look, you dont get to say, "We are kusari" so we will have a JG and TL in Honshu, and the Kusari Government will give us Prisoners of War to work for us, "but we arent Kusari" So we dont need to let them into the system, or care what they say. Time to pick a horse, because IN-RP this whole attitude leads to Kusari aggressiveness.

Edit: You dont get to get all sorts of great things from Kusari, TL, JG, Security, while telling them to screw off.
Security? Kusari doesn't give GMG security, GMG makes it's own. GMG are the ones protecting Honshu from the Outcasts. NOT the KNF. KNF are also (according to the player faction) not hostile to Corsairs, while GMG is locked in battle with them along with the Outcasts. If KNF were playing security boys for GMG, the Corsairs wouldn't be attacking them, their transports, or their stations. Also, the TL and JG were NOT built by the Kusari government. GMG/Kishiro/IC hired DSE to build it.

You don't get to tell them they have to pick a side, they are allowed to make whatever choices they like. Its your job to respond in-RP to that, not by ignoring the RP to support your actions.

In response to recent GMG - KNF diplomacy - Jien Kogen - 05-01-2009

So, Dab, now Honshu is not Kusari space? It's GMG space? Thats like saying Colorado is Ageria space and not Liberty space. Yes the GMG built the JG, but you think that they didnt have to ask the Kusari Government to build a JG or tradelanes in Honshu? Absurd.

Second. As to the question of my legitimacy of my rule as Emperor, I will direct you here,

The development of the Jien Kogen character has been done with the full support of the leadership of the KNF, KSP, AFA, BDS, Kishiro, and Samura player factions, and was done in consultation with the NovaPG, and has been supported by the Consortium in an OOC manner. The Emperor also does not really make decisions for himself OOC, there is a council of people who collaborate to come up with the stances the Kusari government takes. Just to point out, that is how legitimacy works when it has to do with rp, you get together with the leadership of the factions involved, and come up with a plan. In Okinawa what has happened was a system was developed by two people with very little consultation of the factions involved. I have shown where my legitimacy comes from Dab, now how bout you? Who did you consult with, who has given you the title of being expert on Kusari rp enough to dictate it to the factions? Hmm?

Edit: To add to the legitimacy thing, the Admins have also approved, as I have been given the Kusari Imperial Yacht, which is not publicly available, and I did submit a special rp request for it, so basically it was admin approved.

In response to recent GMG - KNF diplomacy - Dab - 05-01-2009

' Wrote:So, Dab, now Honshu is not Kusari space? It's GMG space? Thats like saying Colorado is Ageria space and not Liberty space. Yes the GMG built the JG, but you think that they didnt have to ask the Kusari Government to build a JG or tradelanes in Honshu? Absurd.
Never said Honshu was not Kusari space. System designations point towards the area of space a system is in. Honshu -is- controlled by the Kusari government, but Okinawa is not. System designation does not have any effect on who controls said system. And yes, they needed permission from Kusari to build these things. The reason they got it (if the factions had decided on an emperor prior to the system's creation, I'd have consulted you when making it) was because the operations in Okinawa are mutually benficial. Kusari gets much of the goods coming from Okinawa, Kishiro is transporting those goods. H-fuel prices, even if they did go down (which they haven't), won't effect how much money Kishiro will make. They will make less credits per transport run, but the amount of runs they will make will increase because of the higher amount of H-fuel being made. So this will not hurt Kishiro in any way. This will help Kishiro, and GMG, and Kusari by extension.

' Wrote:Second. As to the question of my legitimacy of my rule as Emperor, I will direct you here,
My question wasn't of your legitimacy at being emperor (though I was curious where the thread was that announced your arrival, for I never saw it), I questioned the legitimacy of you in dictating terms to GMG. From that thread, I see nothing from GMG acknowledging you as emperor. I can't say for certain, but it seems to me that GMG were not one of those corporations consulted prior to your being named emperor. So why should they go along with the words of a person they did not support? And in an RP sense, GMG is not owned by Kusari, so they have no need to follow what you say. Just as they wouldn't do everything the Rheinland Chancellor or President of Liberty told them to. They are an independent entity. You can't deny them the right to make decisions on who the emperor should be, and give them no say in the government, while at the same time telling them they belong to you.

I doubt they care who is emperor, but they also don't want said emperor acting like he owns GMG at the same time.

' Wrote:The development of the Jien Kogen character has been done with the full support of the leadership of the KNF, KSP, AFA, BDS, Kishiro, and Samura player factions, and was done in consultation with the NovaPG, and has been supported by the Consortium in an OOC manner. The Emperor also does not really make decisions for himself OOC, there is a council of people who collaborate to come up with the stances the Kusari government takes. Just to point out, that is how legitimacy works when it has to do with rp, you get together with the leadership of the factions involved, and come up with a plan. In Okinawa what has happened was a system was developed by two people with very little consultation of the factions involved. I have shown where my legitimacy comes from Dab, now how bout you? Who did you consult with, who has given you the title of being expert on Kusari rp enough to dictate it to the factions? Hmm?
And as said above, you confirm here. None of the factions you listed is GMG, so why do you act like you have authority over them? They didn't acknowledge or participate in your ascension to Emperor.

As for my legitimacy, the factions involved were consulted. Kishiro was handed all rumors/news regarding Kishiro in Okinawa. GMG was as well. The official and unofficial GC faction leaders were the ones who did the creation of this system (Kuraine and I). NovaPG's leadership, and members of KNF who are on the dev team, as well as the GMG leadership, were given an integrated form of this system prior to its inclusion in the beta and had all the time to object to any part of it. And who has given me the titleof being exper on Kusari RP? No one. But between my 3 years of experience in it (more than anyone else associated with the factions involved), and Kuraine's experience, I think we've got quite a bit of knowledge about all the issues involved.

Kusari should be quite happy to let GMG/Kishiro build a JG to Okinawa if it means cheaper H-fuel and cheap Plutonium for them, coupled with the fact that there will also be a Jump Gate between Okinawa and Nagano built in the future. Nagano being where a major Samura industrial and planet-colonizing operation will be happening. When it is, Samura will be allowed to travel through Okinawa to Nagano, allowing them easier access to Nagano than they'd otherwise have. None of this hurts Kusari, but strengthens it, and even allows Kusari to hand off its war prisoners so it doesn't have to provide the money to imprison them, but allows GMG to take those costs and also make material out of it (plutonium).

So yes; Involved factions were consulted. Involved factions were even given the beta version of the system (system history was already included in that version, so they had access to all the information regarding it) to check every inch of it. As said; If you had already been named emperor prior to the making of this system, I'd have consulted you as well, but you showed up after it was finished.

In response to recent GMG - KNF diplomacy - Jien Kogen - 05-01-2009

Dab, I have looked over the threads on both the Dev forum and the main forum, and what I see is people desperately trying to tell you what wrong with the system, and you telling them they are wrong. That is not listening to feedback. Just because you let people yell about it, and then change nothing does not mean you are taking feedback. Aside from that, we didnt have a whole lot of time to comment on the system, as it was turned in so late. But, the last thing we hear is you cant change the most problematic things because "the system is already in and that cant be changed." The items you gave Lotek for your "consultation" were 4 infocards, how are we supposed to be able to give you any real feedback from 4 infocards. The only real time for anyone to give feedback was after the beta was made public (which I believe is the reason for a public beta) and since then there has been a huge amount of feedback, more than on any other system added in 4.85, but not surprisingly, very little has been done to address anyones concerns on the matter.

As to why the GMG should care that I am Emperor. They should care because I am the Emperor of Kusari, with the weight that goes behind that, so when talking in rp, they can treat me anyway they want, but they should expect the appropriate diplomatic response. I am rping the Emperor of Kusari, in what we think is the appropriate way, the GMG can ignore that all they want, but the results will come in rp.

In response to recent GMG - KNF diplomacy - Dab - 05-01-2009

' Wrote:Dab, I have looked over the threads on both the Dev forum and the main forum, and what I see is people desperately trying to tell you what wrong with the system, and you telling them they are wrong. That is not listening to feedback. Just because you let people yell about it, and then change nothing does not mean you are taking feedback. Aside from that, we didnt have a whole lot of time to comment on the system, as it was turned in so late. But, the last thing we hear is you cant change the most problematic things because "the system is already in and that cant be changed." The items you gave Lotek for your "consultation" were 4 infocards, how are we supposed to be able to give you any real feedback from 4 infocards. The only real time for anyone to give feedback was after the beta was made public (which I believe is the reason for a public beta) and since then there has been a huge amount of feedback, more than on any other system added in 4.85, but not surprisingly, very little has been done to address anyones concerns on the matter.
Actually, you'll see I did listen to feedback, and even changed things in the system to fit what people wanted more. The only time I ever saw anyone talk about the political side of the matter was in the original Okinawa thread here on these forums (right in the open, where everyone can see what was said by all sides, and then they can make their own decision on whether or not I've listened to feedback).

Also, I released a heck of a lot more than '4 infocards.' If you're going to criticize me, then criticize me with facts to support it. KNF had access to the FILE I posted that contained the system edits integrated into version 4.84 (this was during closed beta, so it was integrated in 4.84 so that nothing besides my system was changed and nothing was released that shouldn't have been). Anyone who took the time could've loaded the file with FLMM and flown through the system, checking every single part of it.

And yes, its had more feedback than other systems, except maybe Gallia. Thats because Okinawa is different from most of the systems submitted. Most of them were Guard systems. For the few that weren't, they were ordinary systems. Okinawa is one that was made to offer loads of Role Playing oppertunities, and providing a place for factions to have events with real goals (events will determine changes made to the system in the future) other than just the normal, 'We fly here and shoot those people, winner gets to brag.'

We put real politics into this system and expected player politics to crop up, as they have. Its not surprising that a nontraditional system gets a lot of questions asked about it. Some benign, some not.

However, the majority of the negative criticism and complaints have come from the KNF/Samura side of the fence. Samura, who will be gaining another habitable planet in 4.86.. From what I can tell, KNF isn't happy about being left out. Well they weren't left out. They aren't present in Okinawa, but that doesn't mean they have nothing to do with it. However, the KNF need to go through the proper RP regarding Okinawa. You need to work with what is already there, not ignore the parts of it that you dislike. It is fact that at this current moment, Okinawa is GMG sovereignty. KNF has to work to get Okinawa either politically, influentially, or militarily. Not go around saying 'Its ours, deal with it.' If you want the right to consider Okinawa Kusari sovereignty, go ahead. But take the appropriate steps that allow you to make such a claim, and don't try to change the history of a system to suit your needs.

You say little has been done to address the matter, and I say take a look at the thread I linked to. Obviously there are some things I will be unable to change, or unwilling (things that contradict everything already put into place) to change. But if an idea is sound and you can provide a reason as to why it should be put into effect, then I'd gladly add/remove/change whatever it is in the system you talked about, so long as its possible code-wise.

' Wrote:As to why the GMG should care that I am Emperor. They should care because I am the Emperor of Kusari, with the weight that goes behind that, so when talking in rp, they can treat me anyway they want, but they should expect the appropriate diplomatic response. I am rping the Emperor of Kusari, in what we think is the appropriate way, the GMG can ignore that all they want, but the results will come in rp.
An Emperor put into power by people other than GMG, so they aren't likely to see you as their leader when they had no part in your rise to power, nor have they yet acknowledged you as Emperor. I'm not saying you shouldn't be, just saying my opinions on why I think GMG isn't going to do what you say. They don't belong to Kusari, they didn't have a part in your rise to power, and you're trying to trample on their operations.

RP is all that we ask. RP with the history and facts already put into place, not RP ignoring those facts.

In response to recent GMG - KNF diplomacy - Jien Kogen - 05-01-2009

Here are the facts on the ground. The Kusari have interests in Okinawa and Nagano. The only good way to get from Kusari core space to Nagano is threw Okinawa. Kishiro has interests in Okinawa, meaning Kusari does as well. Enemies of Kusari are attacking Honshu from Okinawa. The KNF will act in defense of all of these things. If the GMG want to stop us, they can shoot us.

BTW, I am now done with this thead. If you want to talk with the Emperor of Kusari, do it in RP.

In response to recent GMG - KNF diplomacy - Dab - 05-01-2009

' Wrote:Here are the facts on the ground. The Kusari have interests in Okinawa and Nagano. The only good way to get from Kusari core space to Nagano is threw Okinawa. Kishiro has interests in Okinawa, meaning Kusari does as well. Enemies of Kusari are attacking Honshu from Okinawa. The KNF will act in defense of all of these things. If the GMG want to stop us, they can shoot us.

BTW, I am now done with this thead. If you want to talk with the Emperor of Kusari, do it in RP.
This is all well and good, and we're not arguing these facts. The thread was created because we're concerned some people (and our concerns were proven true) consider Okinawa as actually part of House Kusari, which it isn't.

And Nagano can be entered via Tohoku as well. The difficulty in getting there is an issue, yes. And I didn't add another route to Nagano for the same reason I didn't add a Sigma-19 jump hole in Okinawa. Because I wasn't allowed to until 4.86. In 4.86 there will be a route from Hokkaido to Nagano, as well as from Honshu, through Okinawa, into Nagano, via JGs.

In response to recent GMG - KNF diplomacy - Hawkwings - 05-01-2009

Quote:An Emperor put into power by people other than GMG, so they aren't likely to see you as their leader when they had no part in your rise to power, nor have they yet acknowledged you as Emperor. I'm not saying you shouldn't be, just saying my opinions on why I think GMG isn't going to do what you say. They don't belong to Kusari, they didn't have a part in your rise to power, and you're trying to trample on their operations.

The GMG doesn't need to acknowledge Jien as their Emperor. In fact, nobody expects them to. What they do need to do is treat him likre a high-level foreign dignitary, since he is the leader of Kusari. This is like saying "Well, we didn't elect the Chancellor either, so we're not going to listen to him." Well duh, the GMG is not going to take orders from the Chancellor. But that doesn't mean they won't listen to what he says and think about it. This situation is not a ruler addressing his subjects, it is international diplomacy.

And what's to say that this sort of blunt diplomacy is not proper RP? What if the Emperor does consider Okinawa to be part of Kusari? It doesn't matter what the infocards say if that's what the Emperor's RP is.

Dab, I'm curious. What would your reaction be if the GMG and Kusari roleplayers both ignored part of what you wrote for the Okinawa system?

In response to recent GMG - KNF diplomacy - Dab - 05-01-2009

' Wrote:The GMG doesn't need to acknowledge Jien as their Emperor. In fact, nobody expects them to. What they do need to do is treat him likre a high-level foreign dignitary, since he is the leader of Kusari. This is like saying "Well, we didn't elect the Chancellor either, so we're not going to listen to him." Well duh, the GMG is not going to take orders from the Chancellor. But that doesn't mean they won't listen to what he says and think about it. This situation is not a ruler addressing his subjects, it is international diplomacy.
Yes, they will treat him as a foreign dignitary. If he treated them as a separate entity, not one of his subjects. His lack of respect towards them will result in their lack of respect towards him.

' Wrote:And what's to say that this sort of blunt diplomacy is not proper RP? What if the Emperor does consider Okinawa to be part of Kusari? It doesn't matter what the infocards say if that's what the Emperor's RP is.
Again, you haven't read what was said. This thread was only made in the event some people -might- think, OOC, that Okinawa is part of the House. If it's his character that thinks it is part of Kusari, thats fine. We just needed to know the players knew the facts.

' Wrote:Dab, I'm curious. What would your reaction be if the GMG and Kusari roleplayers both ignored part of what you wrote for the Okinawa system?
First; They wouldn't be able to role play in the system if they ignored the history. Thats the issue we are having right now. A system doesn't just pop out of nowhere. And I'm not going to be updating a system if what I'm changing doesn't make sense. Changes in the future will happen according to how role play events go in the system. If people ignore the RP of the system, I can't update it, and nothing will change. KNF can beat their chest all they want, but if they don't go through enough RP to justify KNF presence in the system, there won't be NPCs there. If they do enough appropriate RP to justify the presence of KNF ships in Okinawa, then they will be added. It boils down to the question of; Do they want to ruin the system for themselves? No matter what people do concerning Okinawa, I'll continue to role play there, and structure that RP around the history of the system, the factions, and Kusari in general.

But this entire hypothetical question has a very clear and common sense answer. If no one on Discovery RP'd according to the RP already in place, what would happen? Discovery would die. It's not the question of what I would do if they decided to ignore all the RP connected to Okinawa, its the question of how long will it last before the factions involved die out. Discovery wouldn't be here if not for the RP. PvP isn't entertaining enough for people to play a game for this long. And you can't have RP if you ignore all RP thats happened previously. If we did, we could have a Bretonia in control of Kusari. BAF beats KNF regularly, and if we did that war according to player actions, it'd be Bretonia invading Kusari, not the other way around.

If BAF and KNF ignored the established RP present on infocards and did whatever they wanted, we could easily RP a Bretonian-controlled Kusari. Or a Libertonian-controlled Rheinland. Or anything at all. But how long will that RP last before people get bored of it? Role Play is named such for a reason. You're playing a role. On Disco, you play the role of a character in the Sirius universe. If you ignore the past RP, then it isn't the Sirius Universe any longer. Role Play requires a foundation. If you change the foundation, Okinawa won't be the only system that would require massive changes, but everything would. And even if it was just KNF/GMG, you'd have to change Okinawa, Sigma-13, Sigma-19, and Honshu, and the faction itself. So what will I do if they ignore me? Nothing. I won't have to do anything.

The question is moot anyway. Everyone isn't ignoring the established RP. One group of eight is.