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[Event] Clavus Clavo Pellitur — TFP vs LN — June 14, 18:30 UTC - Printable Version

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RE: [Event] Clavus Clavo Pellitur — TFP vs LN — June 14, 18:30 UTC - Nodoka Hanamura - 06-14-2024

I didn't get to partake outside of arpee with Denelo, but seeing and hearing TFP go at it was amazing, and honestly had me on the edge of my seat. Great work from TFP, and a well done effort from the LN side - you gave us a bloody nose there at the outset, not gonna lie.

RE: [Event] Clavus Clavo Pellitur — TFP vs LN — June 14, 18:30 UTC - Gagadug. - 06-14-2024

Very fun fight, kudos to everyone involved and especially the organizer

RE: [Event] Clavus Clavo Pellitur — TFP vs LN — June 14, 18:30 UTC - Locksmith - 06-14-2024

Thank you all for attending. Will write an epilogue for the event soon.

RE: [Event] Clavus Clavo Pellitur — TFP vs LN — June 14, 18:30 UTC - Locksmith - 06-15-2024

[Image: RwcUXNC.png]

The victory was not easy.

What should have been a quick and decisive strike turned into a protracted battle. Liberty's forces fiercely resisted their attackers, causing the Prometheans to bleed with every step towards their goal, both in space and during boarding.

At certain moments, it almost seemed that success would slip through the fingers of the daring raiders, making them just another line in the report of the vigilant military. And yet they continued to advance, not allowing the formation to break. Ideals and causes clashed, leaving little room for words and doubts.

Ultimately, the surprise attack on the convoy was successful. Having won, the battered Prometheans wrote yet another page in their history. A celebration, rest and repairs awaited them at home.

However, such an attack will surely not go unnoticed. Liberty convoys heading to Ontario would undoubtedly receive larger escorts, making further attacks unlikely. And those who have provoked the wrath of House Liberty may soon discover that retribution will not be long in coming.

RE: [Event] Clavus Clavo Pellitur — TFP vs LN — June 14, 18:30 UTC - Catto - 06-15-2024

Would've been nice if one of the two missing showed up. I had to stay a spectator, and it looked amazing. Hope I can pew in the next one. T.T Props to the two ships playing out the boarding action, that was so good!