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All you traders read this .... - Printable Version

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All you traders read this .... - Benjamin - 05-14-2009

When I'm pirating, if the guy doesn't halt when CD'd/disrupted, I'm not going to be a nice pirate.

All you traders read this .... - cmfalconer - 05-14-2009

Quote:When I'm pirating, if the guy doesn't halt when CD'd/disrupted, I'm not going to be a nice pirate.

As well you shouldn't I suppose. Same with Varyag.

But at the same time, if we trader's stop, and you proceed to fire a SN and take down our shield and hull, which COSTS US MONEY TO FIX, we're not going to be happy either.

And I know, there are those traders that don't talk. There are pirates that have bad "roleplay" too.

Two sides to every coin though.

All you traders read this .... - Virus - 05-14-2009

' Wrote:Kill your engines now... you have 5 seconds to comply.

Transfer X credits to my ship.

You have 20 seconds to complete the transfer or until your ship explodes.

and in 20-30 seconds, I'm leaving the scene of either wreckage, or just a mad trader.

I remember talking to someone who met someone like that. Let's see... He was really pissed off because he can barely type out a message to start some RP before you open fire.

All you traders read this .... - JovialKnight - 05-14-2009

' Wrote:I remember talking to someone who met someone like that. Let's see... He was really pissed off because he can barely type out a message to start some RP before you open fire.

Yep, add to it that it's a crap way to treat other players. That way of piracy, or the "2milOrDie" types leaves the slow typing traders and/or people who just want to have some RP with a bad taste in their mouth from your "piracy".

Quote:I usually also end up giving the pirate something extra for various reasons. Asking for a decent amount of credits instead of a huge sum? you get an extra 10%. RP with me and/or give a good answer to my questions? You'll get a bonus as well. Ask for my cargo all of my cargo? if it's cheaply bought, I'll jettison it and destroy it before you can tractor it in.

Yep, gotta agree with cm here. When I get pirated, I'll be more than happy to sit there and talk away, try my best to bargain the price down, or even to try to buy lawful pilots out of the pirate's hold.

All you traders read this .... - Benjamin - 05-14-2009

' Wrote:As well you shouldn't I suppose. Same with Varyag.

But at the same time, if we trader's stop, and you proceed to fire a SN and take down our shield and hull, which COSTS US MONEY TO FIX, we're not going to be happy either.

And I know, there are those traders that don't talk. There are pirates that have bad "roleplay" too.

Two sides to every coin though.
I like to do the whole thing without firing. Mostly I only fire if I plan on killing the guy. But the CD thing tends to let you get a pretty good feel for the trader quickly anyway.

All you traders read this .... - blckvec - 05-14-2009

' Wrote:I remember talking to someone who met someone like that. Let's see... He was really pissed off because he can barely type out a message to start some RP before you open fire.

If a trader is happy when you leave something is wrong. But let me put this in perspective. In a highly populated area the 20 second rule is my method. It didn't start out this way though. It only took one time for a guy to call for the LN to help him in between his RP. Now that pissed ME off. Fool me once..... Now if I catch someone in the middle of no where ... I'll definitely see if they can talk their way out of it. I've just found this is the most efficient way to both enjoy RP and complete my objectives. RP in a trade lane with a trader then getting stopped or killed by the military/police. Only then to have the trader send you money for RPing well with him? That to me, is a very very stupid ending.

All you traders read this .... - carlabrams - 05-14-2009

If I as a trader see this...

Quote:Kill your engines now... you have 5 seconds to comply.

Transfer X credits to my ship.

You have 20 seconds to complete the transfer or until your ship explodes.

and in 20-30 seconds, I'm leaving the scene of either wreckage, or just a mad trader.

And you're in anything smaller than a gunboat and operating by yourself - the only thing you're going to be seeing is my turrets opening up on you.

That's absolutely abhorrent RP, especially if you nail me with a CD. Take the trade lane down and start talking to me, and I'll be glad to talk and RP.

All you traders read this .... - Grumblesaur - 05-14-2009

Most of the time I'm rather generous when I pirate. Never do I charge much over two million and that's really only for the supertransports.

Most of the time, I'll ask a few 100k.

All you traders read this .... - JakeSG - 05-14-2009

' Wrote:If a trader is happy when you leave something is wrong. But let me put this in perspective. In a highly populated area the 20 second rule is my method. It didn't start out this way though. It only took one time for a guy to call for the LN to help him in between his RP. Now that pissed ME off. Fool me once..... Now if I catch someone in the middle of no where ... I'll definitely see if they can talk their way out of it. I've just found this is the most efficient way to both enjoy RP and complete my objectives. RP in a trade lane with a trader then getting stopped or killed by the military/police. Only then to have the trader send you money for RPing well with him? That to me, is a very very stupid ending.

Do you use a gunboat to pirate? I sincerely hope you do.

Suck it up. 'They did this to me.' is not a valid excuse, it just turns the community into a hellhole and ends up with everyone treating everyone else like crap. Continue with that attitude and you're going to have people hunting you across Sirius. Not because you're an infamous pirate, mind. Because you're infamous for being a pvpwhoring jackass whom picks on people that struggle to fight back because of some grudge he developed from a single bad experience he had months ago..

All you traders read this .... - JovialKnight - 05-14-2009

' Wrote:If a trader is happy when you leave something is wrong. But let me put this in perspective. In a highly populated area the 20 second rule is my method. It didn't start out this way though. It only took one time for a guy to call for the LN to help him in between his RP. Now that pissed ME off. Fool me once..... Now if I catch someone in the middle of no where ... I'll definitely see if they can talk their way out of it. I've just found this is the most efficient way to both enjoy RP and complete my objectives. RP in a trade lane with a trader then getting stopped or killed by the military/police. Only then to have the trader send you money for RPing well with him? That to me, is a very very stupid ending.

So you pirate because...? You hate traders? CBA doing trading yourself?
IF your aim is that the trader is pissed off after being hit, with him having no interaction, and it being only 30seconds then you're doing it wrong.
As for rewarding pirates who actually <i>try</i> to have the piracy enjoyable for the player of the trader. It makes sense. 2 mil, 20 seconds or die? That serves you well, but no one else.
From my experience as a trader (Approx 6 months playing time on my gateway ship) and as a pirate, it's about giving folks some interaction, during what some find to be an incredibly boring task.

They aren't piggy banks waiting for you to break them.

If I came off as offensive, while not intentional, it would be because I greatly dislike pirates with your mindset.

Edit: /signed @JakeSG