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Gunboats - globalplayer-svk - 05-31-2009

tommy, hathor is very good gunboat, and yes it isdestroyed first, because when you have battleof fighters and bombers and gunboats, what isfirst target? when you have cap battle with support, what is first target? in both examples it is gunboats to fast reduce enemy firepower and number of guns ...

Gunboats - Tommeh - 05-31-2009

' Wrote:tommy, hathor is very good gunboat, and yes it isdestroyed first, because when you have battleof fighters and bombers and gunboats, what isfirst target? when you have cap battle with support, what is first target? in both examples it is gunboats to fast reduce enemy firepower and number of guns ...
I don't know,that's my opinion.We had many times gunboats in fights with fighters and bombers and GB never did some damage to hostile ships.They only kept them busy for few seconds.ok,reason for that can be the inexperience of pilots who was in Hathor.
Anyway I don't think that gunboats are to powerful.

Gunboats - AJBeast - 05-31-2009

Well , Gunboats are indeed quite versatile , but picking one specialization makes them quite vunerable to other shiptypes. I, for example, have a Zoner GB indie pirate that is fully anti captial ship ( although since it only has 4 guns its only effectivelly "anti" against transports and the like) and, in the short time in which i used it, i got teared apart by anything smaller than a Gunboat ( special kudos to Sindroms, who managed to blast me thanks to his 2 dedicated torp slots and my ham-handedness).

So yea , i dont think they are overpowered at all. Nor underpowered for that matter.

Gunboats - reavengitair - 06-01-2009

Quote:I don't know,that's my opinion.We had many times gunboats in fights with fighters and bombers and GB never did some damage to hostile ships.They only kept them busy for few seconds.ok,reason for that can be the inexperience of pilots who was in Hathor.

The order gunboat is actually quite powerful. I had one earlier, but was forced to sell it. Its a big fat lump, average agility but overall it's weapons are quite good if you put the right stuff on it.

It's also very good at taking out bombers.

Gunboats - Tommeh - 06-01-2009

Well,then it seems that I was using wrong setup's and weapons on it.:(

Gunboats - Varyag - 06-01-2009

Gunboats, like any ship flown well, are good. I use all of mine to pretty good effect. If your bs had any escort the gb would be toast. We tested this in conn last night and I was able to shred a pair of ok flown gb repeatedly in my labc. Then able to do it with them having a bomber then with a cruiser. Yeah, a gb with a anti cap setup will kill a cruiser if in a team and they have a plan.... but will be shredded by escorts.

Gunboats got nerfed already pretty bad, I say leave em. If you really feel they are overpowered, watch one vs a trio of fighter/bombers. Makes you want to play benny hill music.

If you still want to talk about unbalanced ships... how about a fighter that has a gun that does 130000 damage... Bombers are much more the everything ship. Gunboats are fodder to a swarm of them.