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Reduce the Prices on Battleships - Printable Version

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Reduce the Prices on Battleships - sean24 - 07-02-2009

Im algud with the cap ship pricing right now, but when I had a cap and saw the cap armour mk VIII at a price of 900mill I thought...there is no way im ever going to get this ship fitted with the best stuff.

Reduce the Prices on Battleships - Panzer - 07-02-2009

Apparently the constant upping of prices soesn't work. So - Me sez down with them. The only thing that -might- prevent people from getting those monstrocities will be (imo) cap registration with the "owning" player factions.

Reduce the Prices on Battleships - Irra - 07-02-2009

Make all ship free:Djust kidding ...
Well prices of capital ships are alright who wants it he can get any in week so its not problem

... all factions should control selling of their capital ships ... imo for buying cap you need credits ofc and rp story .... little biography of captain and maybe names of some crew and their jobs ... and you could rp with like 5+ chars on one ship ... that's nice to see ... and not ...

Some BS->
Other BS-> Wazza!
Oh? Something wrong here? Since when there is BS with only one man on it? Same for cruisers.

And about armor upgrade i think it too much ...
its funny to see cap7 3.8 and cap8 4.0 have 2xhiger price ... for what for 0.2 that's like 1 mortar hit ... not much ... you can dodge it and win ...

price should be more like 10 >20 > 30 >40 and not 10 >20 >30 > 100 ... (my eng is not so good i hope you know what i want to say) ...

those are just some metal panels taped for base armor ... imo i think all those upgrades should make ship little less agile you know ... two same bs one with cap7 little faster then cap8 ... anyone think this is good idea?

Reduce the Prices on Battleships - Apex - 07-02-2009

Cap ships of that size have a fairly limited RP value, not saying its not there just limited for most factions, have potential to be easily abused, should be somewhat rare , though its funny to take so long to get one and find your butt handed to you by several vessels not even a 1/8 the cost. The tradeing does get old fo getting one, but if its a faction based thing memebers should be willing to help pitc in for thier fleet. I say leave them where they are at.

Reduce the Prices on Battleships - Enojado - 07-02-2009

I could go with yes but -only- if the battleships got restricted. You don't use Rp for it you don't get it end of story.... would be awesome.

Or maybe think of some system where you can apply for one at say... half or a third of the price if you have outstanding RP prepared for it. Think of it as the special RP requests ?

If nothing will be regulated... Please, no more lolcaps.

Reduce the Prices on Battleships - Agmen of Eladesor - 07-02-2009

' Wrote:FACT: soon price wont matter,as BS liscence is handed down by factions only

Not really. At this point in time, that part of the Rights of Official Factions did not pass. There was entirely too much drama and grief from the hoi polloi about it. Something about how faction leaders couldn't be trusted with that responsibility .... even those a lot (many, many) of the faction leaders are also the very same people that you trust with the responsibility to admin this server.

Didn't make a lot of sense to me then - doesn't make a lot of sense to me now...

Reduce the Prices on Battleships - Birdtalon - 07-02-2009

Definite no...

In my oppinion people that vote 'Yes' are just people who want an easy BS.

People that vote 'No' are either people who have a BS and undertstand the term 'Cap-Spam'. Or just people who understand 'Cap-spam'

Come on people, Battleships are meant to be an achievement, not something you can get after 2 or 3 hours...

Reduce the Prices on Battleships - Eppy - 07-02-2009

' Wrote:Definite no...

In my oppinion people that vote 'Yes' are just people who want an easy BS.

People that vote 'No' are either people who have a BS and undertstand the term 'Cap-Spam'. Or just people who understand 'Cap-spam'

Come on people, Battleships are meant to be an achievement, not something you can get after 2 or 3 hours...

Excuse me? I've been at this for two weeks now, I've been playing on this server in excess of two years, I have made some of the Battleships that people fly,I'm in the process of writing down a long and excessive story for this thing (about eleven pages atm) and I'm only halfway there? Ehwat? The way I see it, I should be buying the damn thing right about now. I've achieved, and I'm doing all of my trading in real RP instead of getting a Zoner Guard Advanced Train like every other tit on the server! Let me have my damn BS!

And if you don't think I understand 'cap-spam,' then you haven't read up much, mate, because I was the guy who instigated the original Outcast Cap Registration. Hate to be blunt, bit if you think I want an 'easy' BS you're a maroon. I've DONE my work. Let me have my play.

Reduce the Prices on Battleships - Topo - 07-02-2009

I also think like cienfuegos.
I am a trader for quite some time and advice Battleship is a difficult, but it requires a high degree of RP. I wish that all that is that if I want to drop the price of armor at least what it costs the Battleship at this time.

Forever trader Topo

Reduce the Prices on Battleships - DiscoveryAccount - 07-02-2009

Quote:I'm in the process of writing down a long and excessive story for this thing (about eleven pages atm) and I'm only halfway there? Ehwat? The way I see it, I should be buying the damn thing right about now. I've achieved, and I'm doing all of my trading in real RP instead of getting a Zoner Guard Advanced Train like every other tit on the server! Let me have my damn BS!

The fact that you have a good roleplay should only be normal on a roleplay server. The way you talk about it, it's like you only roleplay to get advantages no one ever talked about and not for the fun of it. Get over it, you' have that battleship one day. Anyway, why does it bother you so much that players that do not roleplay get that battleship before you do? It's not like it's some kind of a race or whatever. I mean, if they don't roleplay, they're the one who are missing the best part of the server.

Because, you know, roleplaying doesn't mean you have to do everything else than trading when you'
re a trader because roleplaying a normal, boring trader that is actually doing his job without trying to save the world is too boring for you.

BUT! I must admit that the price for capital armor upgrades should be more logic. I can understand that because it's the latest and best technology its not necessarily proportionally more expensive than the mark 7 but that's a bit exaggerated. Either increase the efficiency of the mark 8 or lower its price.