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Mandalorians and Gunboats - Elsdragon - 08-20-2009

Outcast "Tridente" Gunship

The result of long-term collaboration between two Outcast houses "Tridente" gunship is the latest development based on the concepts of the successful Border Worlds line of ships.

Sleek and deadly Tridente is set to play vital role in major conflicts.


Gun/Turret Mounts: 0/8
Armor: 97000
Cargo Space: 420
Max Batteries/NanoBots: 350/350
Power Output: 500000
Max. Impulse Speed: 80
Equipment Mounts: CM, CD

Its not a border wordls ship, Its an Outcast ship. THe fighters and bombers, are borderworlds As in :
Series Z "Sabre" Border Worlds Very Heavy Fighter

As commerce and some economic freedoms began to flood the Border Worlds, so did greater access to technology and the need for change. The Sabre is the fruit of the Border Worlds' ingenuity and pure capitalism coalesced into one lethal embodiment. This ship boasts enormous power capacity as well as extreme defensive capability.


Gun/Turret Mounts: 6/1
Armor: 10800
Cargo Space: 70
Max Batteries/NanoBots: 63/63
Optimal Weapon Class: 8
Max. Weapon Class: 10
Additional Equipment: M, CM, CD/T

Mandalorians and Gunboats - Guest - 08-20-2009

' Wrote:Outcast "Tridente" Gunship

The result of long-term collaboration between two Outcast houses "Tridente" gunship is the latest development based on the concepts of the successful Border Worlds line of ships.

Sleek and deadly Tridente is set to play vital role in major conflicts.


Gun/Turret Mounts: 0/8
Armor: 97000
Cargo Space: 420
Max Batteries/NanoBots: 350/350
Power Output: 500000
Max. Impulse Speed: 80
Equipment Mounts: CM, CD

Its not a border wordls ship, Its an Outcast ship. THe fighters and bombers, are borderworlds As in :
Series Z "Sabre" Border Worlds Very Heavy Fighter

As commerce and some economic freedoms began to flood the Border Worlds, so did greater access to technology and the need for change. The Sabre is the fruit of the Border Worlds' ingenuity and pure capitalism coalesced into one lethal embodiment. This ship boasts enormous power capacity as well as extreme defensive capability.


Gun/Turret Mounts: 6/1
Armor: 10800
Cargo Space: 70
Max Batteries/NanoBots: 63/63
Optimal Weapon Class: 8
Max. Weapon Class: 10
Additional Equipment: M, CM, CD/T

If I get my LR- started to get shot at by some MM in an outcast gunship things will turn ugly.

Mandalorians and Gunboats - El Nino - 08-20-2009

What about Molly/Rogue Gunboat?

Mandalorians and Gunboats - Flo - 08-20-2009

' Wrote:Mandalorian Mercenaries are official faction right? That is why they should <strike>buy</strike> get their own system, along with their own ship line from LFs to their own Battleship, along with their own ID ( + Affiliation)

Eh, I hope that post is not meant to be serious. Why would a mercenary organization have an entire solar system?
Furthermore, just because we are an official faction doesn't mean we automatically have special rights granted like an own ID and IFF - although there might be some special cases.

' Wrote:Personally I wouldn't go for any Gunboats at all... They're so easy to kill.

Since you guys are a bit chummy with the Outcasts, I guess the IMG Gunboat is off the table as well?

I'd suggest getting individual Gunboats from factions you've worked with in the past. I don't think there's going to be any 'open market' Gunboats for you guys unfortunately. Maybe we should make a non-outcast Border World Gunboat. I'd be happy to give it a shot, it would fill a nice niche.

But it really seems like you guys have diplomicised yourselves into a corner...

Well, gunboats draw most of the attention on them. So your wingmen will have a comfort time during a battle.

Getting individual gunboats might be a problem...

Rheinland - They won't sell military stuff because they are at war (and somehow we are shooting them now :wacko:)

Liberty - At war

Bretonia - Loosing a war

Blood Dragons - Not so good connections any longer and they would more likely kill their own mother that selling stuff to anybody else than a BD

Outcasts - Good connections but the rest similar to the Blood Dragons

We did not really diplomicise into a a corner - it was more like that things developed
to our disadvantage :)

' Wrote:If I get my LR- started to get shot at by some MM in an outcast gunship things will turn ugly.

Hehe, don't worry. Sometimes we might do strange things (I'm looking at you, dieter) but we don't do stupid things :D.


BH Gunship was a good choice because it was supposed to be an outdated ship.

Quote:[...]In recent decades, most ships of this type have been replaced by the heavier and more efficient Orca Gunboat.[...]

But since Athenian speaks for the Hunters and makes the rules, we have to accept that change, and at least buy no more of them (I think we only have 1 or 2 anyways).

So, as it looks we will have to try the Mafic for drawing attention on a pilot.

Meh, we will kill you anyways :P


Quote:What about Molly/Rogue Gunboat?

I don't think we can kill them day by day and then ask for some heavy battle equipment.

Mandalorians and Gunboats - Dieter Schprokets - 08-20-2009

Any other SHF's that we could consider as Light Gunboats?

How's the Spatial compared to the Mafic?

I think we might RP a request to the Council of Dons for 2 or 3 GB's driven by Consuls or me. Maybe Alorad level too. Not sure.

Only could be used against certain clients.

Maybe the first question is, "How many MM even WANT to drive a GB?"

I know just a few do, but how many exactly?

Mandalorians and Gunboats - Jacob S. - 08-20-2009

Someone may have mentioned it, but a Zoner Gunboat works great with 2 Pulse 2 BR loadout, just work on your aim a bit. Otherwise its really tough.

Mandalorians and Gunboats - kingvaillant - 08-20-2009

Buy two types of GB:

2 OC
2 lawful (bretonia or BHG?)

Put them all on shared accounts (1 lawful and 1 unlawful per account), like we did with the scout ships before.

And ask members to send a PM to the character when they die