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Phantom Empire Faction Feedback - Dusty Lens - 08-28-2009

I'm inclined to agree.

While the current Phantom roster is largely composed of a montage of individuals acting under unique personality in service of the Empire questions on the perception of individual RP, or the accusations of lack thereof, doesn't contribute in a discussion focusing on the strengths and weaknesses of the faction's overall charter or professed mission.

The Phantoms are here to accomplish X goal. If they are falling short of that goal, or excell at it, is the topic of this thread. Complaints about the conducts of individuals is best conducted via two means.

A) PMing the faction leader.
B) Sanction reports.

Given the rather explosive nature of content in this thread posts may be cut or split if they are considered to be little more than trial by forum Esq accusations against individuals as opposed to constructive examination of the faction as a whole.

Thank you.

Phantom Empire Faction Feedback - Cosmos - 08-28-2009

I've allways liked the idea of the phantoms myself.

They RP nicely, hose of you that go in PEW PEWing first without any RP atall, should expect too get blown away.

Yet if you RP with them they do RP back and they RP quite well, which is nice.

Yet I still think the Recruitment process is terrible,
I think the same of the Keepers recruitment process aswell.

if the invite only factions opened their eyes a little more, they would see that their is alot more talented RPers around here than they think.

Phantom Empire Faction Feedback - eyvind - 08-28-2009

I have only ever properly encountered one Phantom, Pitchfork, and though the encounter was short and uninvolved, he left nothing but a good impression on me. It threw all the rumors I had heard into the deep shadow-permeated and rarely-visted corner of my mind where I keep things I'm annoyed at.

The player of Pitchfork has since further clarified my view of the Phantom Empire and answered essentially all the questions I could think to ask at the time. I learned about the different internal views of the faction, for example, something I feel perfectly represents what the faction is supposed to be, and leads me to believe that it also is.

I hope to meet the rest of you one day, and I trust the encounter will be mutually enjoyable.

Phantom Empire Faction Feedback - bluntpencil2001 - 08-28-2009

I miss Caylith's Phantom.:(

Also: I guess I have a problem with the fact that you can be friendly with so many groups due to them being 'unlawful'. That's not good enough, in my opinion, really. I would hazard a guess that the Corsairs, for instance, hate the Outcasts more than they do a lawful group such as the IMG, for instance. If they knew of you docking on Malta, which no secret is made of... well... I can't see that working out.

I also can't see any Rheinland unlawful force, Unioners excepted, giving you docking rights.

The Gaians, well, I'm surprised they don't have you labelled as one of the greatest dangers to the environment in Sirius.

Phantom Empire Faction Feedback - Lohingren - 08-28-2009

overall, i have nothing against the phantoms and have had fairly nice experiences with them on my RoS and NovaPG.

But my only grief with them really is their lack of upto date RP.

To my knowledge they ain't really developed from their main plot since their beginning, Don't take this as a dig or a slap on the face by any means. It is just my opinion.

But i reckon you do need a bit of developement in the story... if not just to keep everyone else happy.

Phantom Empire Faction Feedback - chovynz - 08-28-2009

' Wrote:I've allways liked the idea of the phantoms myself.

They RP nicely, hose of you that go in PEW PEWing first without any RP atall, should expect too get blown away.

Yet if you RP with them they do RP back and they RP quite well, which is nice.

Yet I still think the Recruitment process is terrible,
I think the same of the Keepers recruitment process aswell.

if the invite only factions opened their eyes a little more, they would see that their is alot more talented RPers around here than they think.
If the recruitment was more open, then the problem becomes too many people in the factions.
It then becomes very difficult, and opens up potential for faction misdirection.
Too many people in a faction such as this, makes the faction appearances common, reduces the "terror" factor, and opens teh way for "LolPhantoms"
I would rather the phantoms stay a smaller group, and good stuff, instead of having too many members with more potential headaches for the leader.

Jinx Wrote:what they need to give in return is elaborated roleplay. - not on every occasion - everyone can have a bad day. but there should NEVER be a formula like "you give me rubbish RP, i give you rubbish RP in return" - when that formula is applied, we end up with rubbish RP all around.
I'd just like to comment on this. As far as I know they do not give rubbish RP in return. They give killing in return. That is not bad roleplay, that is exactly what they are supposed to do. It's the raising tension that I think the phantoms in particular struggle with. But how can they do so?

How can they overall raise tension in game (become feared, generally)? but also
How can they raise tension with the individuals they come across (tension spiking)?
(How CAN they do so when the death mechanism/penalty is laughable at best, annoying at worst.)

I think there is a good point in what people have been saying.
"Why should my character be scared of a Phantom?" That is something teh Empire needs to address, but it's also something that individual phantoms need to address about their own interactions.
But on the other hand (because of the laughable game death penalty/mechanics), the Players have a responsibility to role-play with fear. There should be no excuse why your character just sits there, mining, while some guy with big guns is sitting on your rear. Take away the Phantom ID, and Tag, and forum knowledge of the Phantoms, and that's what you have. One guy or guys, faced of with another guy with bigger guns. That itself should be a fear factor.

That's the main thing that I am aiming for with my thread and concerns, is there must be a better way to help the Sirius Characters interact with the Phantoms. Are the phantoms scary? How can they be moreso?
I think, due to game mechanics, there comes a point where the Phantoms can only do so much to raise the tension/fear, then it is over to the Character/Victim to response in an appropriate way (fear) in return. Otherwise both go away from the encounter, one thinking the phantom is a clown, the other thinking that was stupid RP and a waste of time.

Phantom Empire Faction Feedback - Zapp - 08-28-2009

Just wanna say that I couldve sworn that we're hostile to the Bundschuh and Order, too...

Phantom Empire Faction Feedback - atlantis2112 - 08-29-2009

' Wrote:You where peripherally involved in an encounter between a group of Phantoms and Heavy Metal Queen and a Junker, it was a long rp and quite fun, but you can just ignore what you see with your own eyes, and instead jump on the bandwagon. How did she get out of it?? She thought outside the box, the thing we want most is to not hear exactly the same response every time we encounter someone. Offer us love, offer us devotion, offer to blow up your own cargo, offer to do a dance..... offer something thats not money or cargo and your chances of surviving go up exponentially.

Zelot, nothing in my post said I was talking about the event with the HMQ. While I found it.. Odd, the aftermath was quite fun for me.

I was talking about an incident where I was on my IMG trader, a while back. I tried to do a bit of RP, and I got blown off.

Quote:Offer us love, offer us devotion, offer to blow up your own cargo, offer to do a dance..... offer something thats not money or cargo and your chances of surviving go up exponentially.

I offered no cargo or money. I tried telling them about my family, but I assume phantoms don't care about that. I also would assume they wouldn't care about listening to me dance inside of my ship. They want to create chaos, not watch miners dance.

Phantom Empire Faction Feedback - Virus - 08-29-2009

' Wrote:to add to that - PLEASE don t pick random ships / equipment you like. - you got your own ships and weapons now - stick to them or post a "special RP request" like common players.

There are certainly more Shadows and Slipstreams than before. Regardless, this is rather difficult when we have no bomber (which is the backing of almost any fleet). Cruisers and fighters are almost as effective I suppose. You'll also notice that all the Phantom oddities do have Special Requests (or should) except for Tenshi.

Ze'ev Barak
Pitchfork (which is legal without a Spec. Request)
Nightsmoke (though, he flies an RC and Waran Bomber, now)

Tenshi has the only Blood Dragon in the faction, now. There are no Blood Dragon bombers.

' Wrote:I miss Caylith's Phantom.:(

Also: I guess I have a problem with the fact that you can be friendly with so many groups due to them being 'unlawful'. That's not good enough, in my opinion, really. I would hazard a guess that the Corsairs, for instance, hate the Outcasts more than they do a lawful group such as the IMG, for instance. If they knew of you docking on Malta, which no secret is made of... well... I can't see that working out.

I also can't see any Rheinland unlawful force, Unioners excepted, giving you docking rights.

The Gaians, well, I'm surprised they don't have you labelled as one of the greatest dangers to the environment in Sirius.
Gaians don't like us. The rest have every right to deny docking rights if they so wish. I'm rather amazing no one has done it before. It takes me 30 seconds to make the entire Phantom faction hostile with any NPC via the Rep Ninja.

' Wrote:To my knowledge they ain't really developed from their main plot since their beginning, Don't take this as a dig or a slap on the face by any means. It is just my opinion.

But i reckon you do need a bit of developement in the story... if not just to keep everyone else happy.

Yeah. I'm trying to do that. Kane's left, so I have to basically create the entire faction from scratch again in my own mind from the bits I knew (only Kane really had the "full" picture). Hopefully, I might be able to find the time to do this properly. This will include reducing the "C'Tan Empire" to a more manageable, less insane size and will fit better with the Discovery story.

Also. To answer the question of why the Junkers are hostile: In the past, they've tried to destroy us. Recently, one insulted my flagship ("Wimpbound, Panseybound," very creative) and claimed to have an allegiance with the AW (who wanted to destroy us in the past). Naturally, Virus has grown a bit of an ego (don't be surprised if he talks to you as if you are a child) and hates to be insulted. He's getting his revenge.

Phantom Empire Faction Feedback - Jinx - 08-29-2009

the part about the ships - that i addressed before is deeper than just the ships. - i have written zelot a long PM about why i believe it adds up to the bad reputation among "normal players". - it is but a drop in the bucket - one among some others that can make the whole thing tip over.

what players like it being treated equally. - what players dislike is when others are allowed things they are not allowed to do. - what calms them down is when they see that it is justified by whatever ways. - what players dislike is when they cannot spot this justification.

not spotting the justification does not necessarily mean that its not there - players / humans have the very good ability for selective perception. - they want to see bad roleplay to work as a foundation of their bias, - they will see it.

in order to justify your freedom, you have to work for it - work hard, much harder than it may be worth - and even if you try really hard, you ll still hit a wall of people that won t acknowledge it. - that also is part of every faction in discovery FL, not just a phantom problem.

but it is a fact that the exclusive factions are more disliked than the public factions. - or ... disliked for other reasons than the public ones.

i already wrote that it is beneficial to sometimes also just say "yes, i had a bad day, i gave you rubbish RP and just wanted to blow you up, i am sorry!"

it happens - to everyone. it is suspicious when a factions / player claims that it never happens to him. - EVEN if he is right.... . its like someone claiming "i always tell the truth - ALWAYS!" - you won t believe him. while you will consider someone that says, "heck, i m human - of course i make mistakes and sometimes i lie when a lie is simply the better alternative" a human, someone like you and me.

rarely i have seen any player, no matter if he was in an exclusive faction, in a public faction or non-factionized say "i m sorry, i ruined your RP - i ll try better next time". but thats not addressed to the phantoms alone, but to every player.