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Any lawful group (with capships) that can go anywhere? - Printable Version

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Any lawful group (with capships) that can go anywhere? - MB52 - 09-04-2009

' Wrote:You get the Biggest and best and I will call two nomad bombers...and you go down in half a minute. Think about is it worth the trouble?

Edit: or one well flown barghest.

Only 2 bombers? for the biggest and best? I think you nomads need a nerf. :nyam:

I've personally taken my LN anywhere and everywhere RP has existed for it. No sanctions thus far;)

Any lawful group (with capships) that can go anywhere? - JakeSG - 09-04-2009

You're lucky we're lazy, else I've no doubt the LN would find a creative way to remove that big, nasty Cattlebruiser from your hands.

I'm curious. Do you think before you post?

Any lawful group (with capships) that can go anywhere? - MB52 - 09-04-2009

' Wrote:You're lucky we're lazy, else I've no doubt the LN would find a creative way to remove that big, nasty Cattlebruiser from your hands.

I'm curious. Do you think before you post?

No I generally don't ;)

Any lawful group (with capships) that can go anywhere? - kingvaillant - 09-04-2009

' Wrote:Stay in Liberty, you'll have enough jobs there.
Bringing BS to chase something in border worlds tends to cause alot of grief for you.

Also, you do realize man that, after you kill one pirate of any faction, you'll be a target no matter what's your faction or ID?

BHG BS aren't welcome in Liberty at all hehe. And we are not the most comfortable with a BHG large cap flying around our space... too much bad experiences in the past.

Any lawful group (with capships) that can go anywhere? - Pinko - 09-04-2009


Lolwut LSF can fly in the Omicrons


Any lawful group (with capships) that can go anywhere? - Aoyagi - 09-04-2009

All I am going to say to this is that I do NOT like the idea. Sounds like "Me smash you die!" to me.

This is really interesting. First you yell out "I don't hate all pirates stop flaming me" and then you want to create some group of pirate hunters so that "the pirates will really have reason to fear".

Any lawful group (with capships) that can go anywhere? - Athenian - 09-04-2009

' Wrote:But I want to pwn PIRATES and be the big guardian of traders!!

Try some other ship and ID. BHG Core won't suit you.

' Wrote:I love raiding. Anywayz i just need to get myself that assault carrier. I take it as I can enter kusari and bretonia just that I will be subject to their laws? Or can I get a universal peacekeeping force ship? I want a lawful big cap ship to start my police without borders anti pirate force with and one day become a non dictator facist griefer official faction.

You can't have everything. Get used to it.

' Wrote:Whats the worst that could happen? Get aggroed and killed? I can take that... it would be a noble way to die.

Much worse can and has happened to players who do what you are suggesting.

Any lawful group (with capships) that can go anywhere? - Greg - 09-04-2009

A Quick question for Battleships. The FLak gun. Now you say two bombers could take a BS if they were very skilled. with 2 flak guns would it be harder? or would 3 be better? I ask because in my Cap ships i get bombers and my guns are too slow for em so i am thinking of some flaks how many do i need to be best and maybe were on my ship? Botton, back, front or Middle?

Edit: Oh yer silverleaf today when you and me raided Rhienland.. A tip dont run a cruiser in to 4 Bombers and one cruiser.. It was a bloody stupid thing to do.

Any lawful group (with capships) that can go anywhere? - jammi - 09-04-2009

Flaks are only useful if you're fighting dumb people. A good bomber pilot will be drifting about 2K away from the battleship, changing direction every 2-3 seconds to avoid fire while sniping at it's target. It'll be near enough unhittable unless they make a mistake, and you won't be able to catch them because of their thrusters. That's an escort job.

The last time I got killed by flak was when I was fighting a Kusari BS, and it was focus firing on two Dessies, so I thought it was ignoring me. I flew up close to try and shoot off it's mortar (or whatever the big one is) and he switched target and tore me in half before I could change direction:PThat's known as being stupid.

Any lawful group (with capships) that can go anywhere? - Sprolf - 09-04-2009

Normally I'm nice, normally I like to give you the benefit of the doubt.
But I've seen several of your threads and I now make a judgment at last:

This is what you are saying:

Once I have purchased the most powerful ship in the game, I desire to be able to take it all over Sirius and kill people who have inconvenienced my powertrader and thus have irked me quite considerably. I would like to know if there is any legal way to accomplish this goal of ultimate pirate rape. (Which I use to mean "epic pwnage" although anyone else would think I just wanted to be forcibly intimate with pirates.) I also intend to empower others to fly battleships around Sirius to hunt pirates because they interfere with my powertrading.

This is what it means:

Sprolf is going to buy a Barghest.
Good luck.

P.S. Pirates are free.
Battleship captains aren't.