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pirate demands? - Printable Version

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pirate demands? - Quorg - 10-10-2009

Meh; I never pay more than 999k unless the Pirate RP's very, very well. Most of them are not good enough at their job to catch me. Make them earn their winnings, I say!

pirate demands? - Wuselkobold - 10-10-2009

' Wrote:Meh; I never pay more than 999k unless the Pirate RP's very, very well. Most of them are not good enough at their job to catch me. Make them earn their winnings, I say!
You have paid me 2.100.000 credits :laugh:

pirate demands? - Baltar - 10-10-2009

' Wrote:Good day,

I was wondering if it is normal to be taxed with sums like 4-5 mil by a single pirate.I went through this over and
over again,being in a vessel with a cargo that values like 2 mil and being asked 4 mil.This doesn't make sense,
at least to me.I remember once being taxed with 11 mil (!!!) by 2 XTFs,one asked 5 mil and the other one 6..
Back then i paid them,because i cared about RP.I was able to negotiate to 8 mil though,but still..

Don't get me wrong,i have nothing against piracy as i perfectly understand its RP purpose and such.However it doesn't make sense,in RP.If a pirate encounters a ship whose owner does not have 4 mil to give,and the pirate refuses to take the cargo,and KILLS the trader,what logic is this?A pirate's logic would be to GET MONEY.Not to kill traders,that is the business of the terrorists i believe.

I hope i'm not spamming with this post,maybe this was discussed before,but i would like to hear some opinions concerning the matter.


Two points:

1. Pirates can demand whatever they want ... and this should not change. Traders who are high enough in level can afford it ... regardless of what their present cargo is worth. If you're a level 60+ trader, you have no complaints about not being able to afford such demands.

2. If you're a low level trader or you fly a freighter ... yeah ... the pirate's demanding too much. He can still make whatever demand he wants. But as I've seen in sanction threads in the past, admins look down upon pirates who make demands on a trader that the trader really cannot pay. For example: If you're a trader with a grand total of 5 mil and he demands 10 mil and refuses your cargo ... admins will look at this guy as abusive. If you truly do not have the cash, he should either take whatever cash you have on hand or your cargo ... maybe both. And this is perfectly legit role play. A pirate can take you for everything you're worth and be perfectly within role play ... but he can't just destroy you for not being "able" to pay. Trouble comes when the trader lies and says he can't pay when he really can. That's when I typically look at the level of the trader. If he's above 60 ... he can afford most demands. But then I typically only demand 500k.

pirate demands? - Mordrom - 10-10-2009


Here's my take. As a pirate, I understand the question of how much to demand. I also understand that opinions vary. I usually ask for half a mil. That's been my standard? Why? Because I am in a hurry. I don't like being exposed. Most traders will gladly hand over half a mil, quickly...infact they usually kick a full mil on their own, so I have no complaints. However... yes, I could see up to two million, depending on the ability of the trader. I've seen that as the uppermost level of the threshold. To demand more than that seems to me extreame and unreasonable. I'll give you an example.

Today a trader was accosted and the pirate demanded nine million credits. Nine million? Where did THAT come from. The trader stood to lose less by being destroyed. I know people get upset with the "Well then just kill me" attitude, but really... think about it. If you are in effect taking most or MORE than they stand to make on their run... what's the motivation for even considering going along with it? Answer: THERE IS NONE. So stupidity ensues.

This same trader was hit up at the same time by other pirates that happened to show up while they were concluding biz with the first pirate...of the same faction. BAD form. Further... another pirate from a hostile faction to that was ganking this trader, demanded two million for themselves, FROM ACROSS THE SYSTEM... they weren't even in visual range to make that demand. Now I know I posted once on remote piracy. I was told by the admins "funny but don't do it again... it's not okay" You have to be physically there in visual to make piracy demands... so yes, I did that once... more as a joke... last year. But my point is...

Where do pirates draw the line? Honestly...

I'm a pirate. I do force traders to part with a portion of their money. That's what I do. But I'd never cut so close to the bone that it renders the trader's run useless. I'm in effect, killing my own income by being so very greedy. Not to mention, killing any semblence to Role Play. Do I think that a numerical value should be set and enforced by the Admins? NO!

But I do think a little common sense, which seems lacking here... needs to be applied, eh?

You may make a killing one time from that trader... but consider what else you've killed when you ask for ungodly amounts of cash. Think about it.

*steps off the soapbox

Just my own thoughts.

Have fun!


pirate demands? - OutlawBullet - 10-10-2009

Let's see. On my Pirate this is my charges:
80+ = 2.0mil
75+ = 1.75mil
70+ = 1.5mil
65+ = 1.25mil
60+ = 1.0mil
55+ = 750k
50+ = 500k
Under 50, they are not taxed.

I never ever ask for over 2mil, unless they are an arms dealer. Then it would be about 10mil.

Other than that, I don't believe taxing over 2mil. I mean, I can understand why you could tax something like 4mil, the traders life worth- family and children, desire to live. However, I think it is easier to just tax someone a little amount rather than some ridiculous sum. Just enough to make a small profit, arm and fix my ship is enough.

pirate demands? - Riley Mackenzie - 10-10-2009

Personally, I will never pay more than 2M to anyone for any reason, no matter what excuse they provide for it is.

pirate demands? - Baltar - 10-10-2009

@ Mordrom: There is no upper limit to piracy demands ... nor should there be. I don't see anybody complaining about the bounty a trader is willing to pay a bounty hunter to go after a pirate ... do you? If a trader can afford 10 mil for a pirate's head ... that trader can surely afford to pay the pirate that very 10 mil. So unless there's a call for limits on a bounty that a trader can place on a pirate ... I see no reason for there to be a limit to what a pirate can demand of the trader.

@ Riley Mackenzie: Fair enough ... then we should never see you posting a bounty for a pirate more than 2 mil ... right?

pirate demands? - Baltar - 10-10-2009

' Wrote:Meh; I never pay more than 999k unless the Pirate RP's very, very well. Most of them are not good enough at their job to catch me. Make them earn their winnings, I say!

And I demand more from traders that refuse to role play. Any trader that would "rather die than pay" or gives me any other ridiculous OORP statement like that will get pirated every time I see him ... and will get the highest demands. I typically only demand 500k ... but when I come across non-RP traders, I demand 100% of their cargo (ie: no money this trip for you).

pirate demands? - Elsdragon - 10-10-2009

Same for me.
Every time they cruise, or if they drift, I raise my demand 500k
Any OORP bitching earns thenm all the cargo.

pirate demands? - Riley Mackenzie - 10-10-2009

@ Baltar: the price offered of my bounties to the hunters mirrors the unreasonable demand made on me by the pirate I place the bounty on