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The Personality Dysfunction - Printable Version

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The Personality Dysfunction - lw'nafh - 11-07-2009

ReLIC started to ping nearby wireless systems, trying to gain access to the terminals around the bridge, to find out details about the Nomad force. X just stood against the wall, tapping his foot, checking his handgun.

"You seem certain they won't blow this ship into the void..."

He smiles cheekily under his helmet.

"Even if they did, I won't be dying today."

He walked over to the viewscreen, trying to see where the Nomads were, scratching his snout.

The Personality Dysfunction - Tomtomrawr - 11-08-2009

The countdown gradually reached 0:00:00. All living things in the room had been staring at the countdown in silence for the eleven minutes. They stared with as much caution as if they were staring at a Wasp on the wall. You never know what that Wasp could do.

'If they wanted to shoot they would of by now,' Newton finally said through his mouth grate - containing the small electronics that give him the ability to talk. 'They are still seven kilometres away, but their speed is increasing.' He watched as Macdeath checked the numbers. He was obviously right, they had now doubled their speed. And they continued to increase their speed.

'Four kilometres; three kilometres; two kilometres.' Newton paused, hoping it would create a dramatic effect. He was probably more human than any of the other things that were on the Dunsinane right now. He didn't see why Macdeath wanted to destroy the species, there were so many things that made the human race worthy of a continued existence.

After a few seconds the readings of the Nomad ships merged with the Dunsinane on the Long Range Sensors. 'They're here,' he muttered. Immediately he tapped commands on his terminal, transferring the monitor's view from the Long Range Sensors to the Short Range Sensors. 'They appear to be gathering at the front of the ship.'

Suddenly, the Dunsinane shook violently. The Inertial Dampeners had not been activated - they was little need for them due to the fact they were not moving. But the movement was not caused by the Engines. The answer suddenly hit Newton like a wet towel to the face.

'They're towing us. They must be, no systems are online that could be moving the ship. That explains why they are gathered at the front of the ship.' He turned back to the terminal and checked the readings that were now appearing on the monitor. 'We are moving at one hundred and sixty metres per second. I hope you don't mind but I decided to activate the Inertial Dampeners.'

'Where are they taking us?' he heard one voice mutter from the back of the crowd. Newton raised one of his many arms and pointed at the frontward window. They could see nothing, for they were now occupying a dark cloud. But all those in the room could see the clouds were moving past them.

'We are being taken to where-ever they want us. It is obvious that the "K'Hara failsafe" - as you have amusingly named it Macdeath - has worked. They are not destroying us, always a good sign. But they are not helping us in any way. What did you expect?' He saw Macdeath's metalic face - thanks to the facial construction allowing movement in the metal, due to it being built of layers instead of one solid mass - frown.

'I was hoping they would help us. To see what we - you and I - are. But they don't, the only reason they don't destroy us is because of the K'Hara failsafe. I was hoping they would give us coordinates to a place we could dock and use, maybe a human base abandoned long ago and recently discovered. I do not know, something that would help us.'

'They don't destroy us, but they're not helping us.' Newton was thinking aloud here, forgetting about the crowd of humans watching him and Macdeath discuss the situation. 'Neutraility? But why, why why? Why would they not attack us but not help us?' Once again, the answer struck him like the wet towel being thrown in his face again. 'Their link evolved!' he exclaimed. 'But not in the way you hoped for. No no no, the failsafe was removed but it was changed. Not intentionally, but someway along their evolutionary path it was changed.

'So now they don't attack us but they don't help us the way we want help. But,' he pointed at the man who first raised the question, 'that still doesn't explain where they are taking us.' As if on cue the clouds suddenly cleared and revealed their destination. Most showed no outward sign of suprise, shock or panic. The only two things in the room that gave outward signs were PSI-Borg - who immediately transmitted its location to Mon'Star. And Macdeath, who could not help but allow himself the largest of grins. For help was close, and he now saw hope in the complex he stared at.

The Altair Research Complex.

End of Chapter

The Personality Dysfunction - Tomtomrawr - 12-11-2009

//Continue reading the Personality Dysfunction with Chapter Three: The Artificial Entiry.