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concept model - Printable Version

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concept model - schlurbi - 12-01-2009

Which doesnt exist anymore. And I just said it. With so many lives on board you shouldnt pick up a fight.

concept model - Kazinsal - 12-01-2009



Best "concept" I've seen for the Juggy in all my months (olol) here. Epic work as always, Jinx. Just please don't nerf the ship.

concept model - Colonel.Tigh - 12-01-2009

Beatiful, it looks much more elegant than the current one, but then again, replacements for the homeworld mining ships would be preferable, since there is a working model already.

concept model - xxrockstar992xx - 12-11-2009

' Wrote:- more engine power - one main and two support engines instead of the rather small single engine

Rather small single engine, just saying, but it was half the size of the Osiris, To me that doesn't seem small. This model looks great! better than the old one.

concept model - BlueSpawn - 12-13-2009

To all those who say: "Don't fix what's not broken."

Art is different. You don't fix it. You create different ideas. And this idea is better and closer to the line of capital ships that Jinx is redesigning.

concept model - Doc Holliday - 01-08-2010

Doc likes it!!

concept model - reisiger_duke - 01-08-2010

* reisiger_duke drools ....

concept model - Tomtomrawr - 01-08-2010

* Tomtomrawr books hotel room for two, Mr. Tomtom and Miss Juggernaut.

concept model - Ebon - 05-23-2010

Can someone post as much pics of new Jinkusu as You have?

Would be grateful.

concept model - Luis - 05-24-2010

Check my Sig.:P