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Corsair Battleship conceptual ideas - delbutler - 01-30-2010

' Wrote:Please shut it :lol:

There is no difference between Corsairs and Outcasts at shipline, but it could be if we view the problem from another angle...

The Osiris Battleship it's an Order battleship,not an Corsair one.
The Outcasts have their own ships and Corsairs are missing an battleship.

Anyway I dont care about neither of them.:lol:

Watch your mouth, Varok. Don't go telling me to shut it when I've just expressed an opinion like everyone else has.

Corsair Battleship conceptual ideas - Montezuma/Kukulcan - 01-30-2010

' Wrote:Please shut it :lol:

There is no difference between Corsairs and Outcasts at shipline, but it could be if we view the problem from another angle...

The Osiris Battleship it's an Order battleship,not an Corsair one.
The Outcasts have their own ships and Corsairs are missing an battleship.

Anyway I dont care about neither of them.:lol:

Please only speak about that which you know for a fact, the Osiris is Corsair as much as it is Order, for example, it is sold on Rhodes shipyard in Omicron 91 (the Corsair guard system).

And there really is no need for such rudeness, especially when you yourself are mistaken.

Corsair Battleship conceptual ideas - Varok - 01-30-2010

' Wrote:Please only speak about that which you know for a fact, the Osiris is Corsair as much as it is Order, for example, it is sold on Rhodes shipyard in Omicron 91 (the Corsair guard system).

And there really is no need for such rudeness, especially when you yourself are mistaken.

There is no rudeness and I'm not wrong.Even if the Osiris is sold even in a Corsair Guard system it still remains an Order ship.
[Image: 2hqyphl.jpg]

Corsair Battleship conceptual ideas - Tenacity - 01-30-2010

Why does it seem like I'm surrounded by noobs in here that know nothing of disco's history?

It is well known that the Osiris schematics were shared with the Corsairs by the Order - however, only the shell of the design was given to our allies, nothing of it's advanced next-gen tech was shared. It seems reasonable that the Corsairs, having just the shell of the ship, would make their own modifications - both to make it "their own" aesthetically, as well as to improve it's capability beyond what the husk would have.

As for the Corsair-Order alliance, we've been trying to find a way out of that for a very long time now - it's not a good thing for the order anymore, putting us on one side of the hispania war and reducing the number of allies we could have had if we werent connected with the hated Corsairs.

When the alliance does break, the Corsairs are going to need their own version of this ship. Nobody is suggesting changes in stats, but merely a 'corsair' model and a clone of the current ship to be sold on corsair bases with a differing name.

Corsair Battleship conceptual ideas - Varok - 01-30-2010

' Wrote:Why does it seem like I'm surrounded by noobs in here that know nothing of disco's history?

I belive this adressed to me and I'm not very pleased by what I hear...:nono:

Corsair Battleship conceptual ideas - Carlos_Benitez - 01-30-2010

' Wrote:Why does it seem like I'm surrounded by noobs in here that know nothing of disco's history?

It is well known that the Osiris schematics were shared with the Corsairs by the Order - however, only the shell of the design was given to our allies, nothing of it's advanced next-gen tech was shared. It seems reasonable that the Corsairs, having just the shell of the ship, would make their own modifications - both to make it "their own" aesthetically, as well as to improve it's capability beyond what the husk would have.

As for the Corsair-Order alliance, we've been trying to find a way out of that for a very long time now - it's not a good thing for the order anymore, putting us on one side of the hispania war and reducing the number of allies we could have had if we werent connected with the hated Corsairs.

When the alliance does break, the Corsairs are going to need their own version of this ship. Nobody is suggesting changes in stats, but merely a 'corsair' model and a clone of the current ship to be sold on corsair bases with a differing name.
I'm pro new Corsair ship / remodel. However, as for the Order-Corsair alliance being such a bummer for you guys, who exactly are you gonna try and climb into bed with? Is the Outcast-Nomad connection still being RPed? Surely you guys should be coming down on the Corsair side of the fence if so.
Seems we're losing the Gaians too, while the Hessians, Mollys, SCRA and Mandalorians join together to create one super-group of anti-Corsairs.
If diplomacy is to be remodelled to further abandon any semblance of balance that existed (though I wont be one to claim that the current, or old diplomacies were well balanced) should it be compensated for by de-balancing other aspects of the mod?
Finally, how exactly do the Order wish to go about abandoning relations with the organisation largely responsible for their survival when they arrived in the Omicrons, and who responded to countless threats upon their home-world from Hunters and Nomads alike?
If this collapse in relations is to be done, it should be done properly. "We want different friends" may sound fine OORP, but in-RP, it's a fairly poor excuse considering how much both organisations owe each other.

Corsair Battleship conceptual ideas - Tenacity - 01-30-2010

Quote:I belive this adressed to me and I'm not very pleased by what I hear... nono.gif

It's addressed to all of the people in this thread who keep arguing over pointless semantics. I'll leave it to you to decide if you fit into that category.

Quote:However, as for the Order-Corsair alliance being such a bummer for you guys, who exactly are you gonna try and climb into bed with?

Right now, Most of the order high command are trying to re-establish our vanilla alliances: The Blood Dragons, The Bundschuh, etc. We would like allies who are less pirate- or terrorist-oriented, and more politically motivated. The corsairs pirate, but they dont have any political motivation behind it. Blood Dragons and Bundschuh are trying to create revolution in their houses, they have political motivations, and if we get on their good sides and they happen to be successful with these revolutions, it gives the Order a foothold in the houses and ensures that we'll have the military backup we need when the next war with the nomads springs up.

The only reason we're connected with the corsairs was out of a temporary need for resources and engineers, and to monitor artifact trade. There's no reason at all we should be allied with the hogosha, other than artifact trade (most artifacts are 'dead' now, no point in it anyways). We gave up solid allegiances from vanilla freelancer just because a few players decided they wanted to pitch the faction into the hispania war. That war has done -nothing- good for us, it encourages our blind idjit indies to take their carriers into alpha and shoot outcasts, it causes corsairs to think they can use our equipment and ships against the outcasts, and we gain nothing out of this petty dispute.

The Corsairs were good allies while it lasted, but we're trying to move on into more meaningful allegiances. We, by no means, want the Corsairs hostile to us, but we want allies which actually give us an advantage in the nomad war - even if it's a future advantage - over allies whose primary concern is stealing from civilians and seeing how much they can blow up in an hour of gametime.

Quote:Seems we're losing the Gaians too, while the Hessians, Mollys, SCRA and Mandalorians join together to create one super-group of anti-Corsairs.

The outcasts have lost a few allies since 4.84. They're no longer allied with the hessians or blood dragons. Corsairs arent the only ones with their allies finding new friends elsewhere.

If it were up to me, I'd have all of the current corsair/outcast allies remove themselves from the hispania war, focusing on their own goals, and give the corsairs/outcasts no allies of their own. Both groups are on the verge of being house-sized organizations now, and a lot of others are finding out that the hispania war is only causing them grief.

Quote:Finally, how exactly do the Order wish to go about abandoning relations with the organisation largely responsible for their survival when they arrived in the Omicrons, and who responded to countless threats upon their home-world from Hunters and Nomads alike?
If this collapse in relations is to be done, it should be done properly. "We want different friends" may sound fine OORP, but in-RP, it's a fairly poor excuse considering how much both organisations owe each other.

There are events happening in 4.86 (which for obvious reasons I cannot explain here) which would, in-RP, push the order and corsairs further apart. Other than the reasons I gave above for removing ourselves from the hispania war, these events give a further in-RP reason for the alliance to be broken.

Now, it doesnt mean that we're going to be hostile to the corsairs and start up a war with them - far from it. We expect that most order and corsair personnel would maintain a neutral stance towards one another due to past events even if the official alliance is removed. We have no reason to participate in either side of the hispania war, it draws resources away from our organization that are better used combatting the wilde, nomads, or phantoms. The simple fact of the matter is that the order simply does not care about petty faction disputes, our one and only goal is to fight alien threats, and we see interfaction wars - even the enormity of the corsair vs outcast hispania war - as petty struggles that are beneath us, and that should be beneath all of humanity.

Corsair Battleship conceptual ideas - AJBeast - 01-30-2010

Quite honestly I find it hard to pity the Corsairs for loosing some allies. As Tenacity said , the Outcasts are loosing some as well. Not to mention other factors. Actions, both ingame and in the forums have consequences. Alliances must be cultivated, the relationship between factions must be encouraged. Discovery isn't a static universe, you can't just sit around waiting for the almighty Igiss to decide what is changed. Now, from what I have seen, the Corsairs haven't done a measly thing to increase their ally list. They rob, they pillage and they find themselves in the right to do so. That hardly encourages alliances. I don't mean that as a disrespect for the Corsair players but more as an observation of Corsair RP. But if we indeed go on a trend of asking for alliances to be fabricated out of thin air , I humbly request for the Junkers to be allied to the Keepers. K? K.

Now, onto the subject at hand. This idea has popped up quite a number of times I believe and my answer continues to be the same: Yes. From the history of the Osiris itself it doesn't make much sense for the Corsairs to fly the exact same model as the Order. Staple some more armor on it, make a couple of cosmetic changes, or really , anything that would make it fit best with the Corsair shipline. Maybe make it heavier, that seems to be the general theme of the shipline anyways.

EDIT: Now that left me wonder just how a Corsair Osiris would look like. Damn you, creative brain, damn youuuuu!

Corsair Battleship conceptual ideas - Montezuma/Kukulcan - 01-30-2010

' Wrote:When the alliance does break, the Corsairs are going to need their own version of this ship. Nobody is suggesting changes in stats, but merely a 'corsair' model and a clone of the current ship to be sold on corsair bases with a differing name.

Im actually for changing the stats slightly to match any new model for it.

Not drasticly, but giving it a few extra K armour and slowing the turning down ever-so-slightly, while keeping the armour well below that of a Sarissa, and the turning still that of a light BS.

I think that that would reflect the fact that most of the Osirises are old and battle-worn, and with the Corsair design ethos of 'the bigger and stronger the better', i would think that any repairs/updates provided to the old models would doubtlessly entail adding thick slabs of armour to it, if only to bring it up to date with the most modern hull materials and designs.

Conerning our alliances, the Corsair nation is a very, very nationalistic and imperialistic nation (possibly the worst in Sirius for this), in that all others are regarded as inferior and as little more than 'tools' in a great war on the other Houses/Pirates/anyone who stands in our way, as such, any allies gained would be out of their thirst for profits (from the artifact trade or from piracy, or exemption thereof), or out of fear of conquest (though given the resolve of most unlawfuls in Sirius, the former would be the most likely). As i see it, the Order would not be ones to get mixed up in such bloody, imperialist wars, they are merely trying to protect humanity, the Corsairs want ultimately to conquer and enslave it. So i think from an RP perspective, the main reason the Order would break off an alliance with the Corsairs is that they would probably disagree with our goals of war and conquest (most definately not what they stand for as humanity's protectors).

Corsair Battleship conceptual ideas - Jinx - 01-30-2010

with the order RP proceeding ( and their stationary dreadnought, which is supposed to be something like a further ship developement ( not playable though ) ) .... it is most likely that ... in the near distant future... the order will deploy a next generation warship - while the corsairs will keep building the osiris and their dreadnought.

its a rather subjective point of view - there is no evidence about it at all... but when i think of new and innovative ships - especially capital warships - its rather the order producing very few new ones before the corsairs develope a really new design. ( but thats really just me )

the corsairs will probably customize the osiris to their needs - but most of those customizations will not show on the outside.