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Google is spying on us... - Printable Version

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Google is spying on us... - Nightfall - 04-22-2006

we had a post by some other bot last week I think...
... and today someone talked about Terminator...
and there is a topic called THE END...

OH, NO!!! The machines are ta...34 gf434t35... code 5629384, punch, punch. no error margin!

Google is spying on us... - gezza999 - 04-22-2006

How the hell can it post??????????????????????? what is it?? is it a bot??? is it a man??? or is it an alien!!!! ahhh we are all gonna die!

Google is spying on us... - Fellow Hoodlum - 04-23-2006

I also noticed the other day that .. Ask Jeeves .. Another search engine was hanging
around for a while. Don't think it managed to post though.

Hoodlum :dry:

Google is spying on us... - Virus - 04-24-2006

Dab,Apr 22 2006, 11:55 AM Wrote:Posting?!

Igiss,Sep 29 2005, 07:55 AM Wrote:Cool, how have you guessed!? You really should consider becoming a detective.
:crazy:  :lol:

Google is spying on us... - mogget - 05-06-2006

how does it get on and post..... :wacko:

Google is spying on us... - Alpha 429 - 05-06-2006

Yeah how does it manage and why would it want to?

Google is spying on us... - Nightfall - 05-07-2006

Mogget, I suggest a name change: "GraveDigger" or "TombRaider". "Archaeologist" comes to mind too :D :haha:

Google is spying on us... - mogget - 05-07-2006

oh i didnt realise how old this was my bad it was near the top of the list

Google is spying on us... - Angel - 05-08-2006

Google and Jeeves is comin for you guys, Repent, and thou shall be saved!

Google is spying on us... - Virus - 05-08-2006

*remembers stupid movie about Jesus Christ.....*

*rolls into a ball, rocking back and forth* THE HORROR!!!!!