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Favorite Movie/Game Space vessels. - Printable Version

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Favorite Movie/Game Space vessels. - The.Outlaw.Star - 04-26-2010

Spirt of Fire

Unfinished Death star

[Image: g_p-outlaw-star-remastered-24x26452f63298mkv-00000.jpg]
The Outlaw Star (my favo of course) nothing like a Grappler ship to rip your Butt in half!

Favorite Movie/Game Space vessels. - jetblack357 - 07-07-2010

The dropships from aliens are cooler than any of your ships!

I like them a lot.

Favorite Movie/Game Space vessels. - atlantis2112 - 07-07-2010

Omega-class Destroyer, Babylon 5.

[Image: B5OmegaRotate.jpg]

Favorite Movie/Game Space vessels. - Reacher - 07-07-2010

Of Course the USS Defiant

The Valkire from Macross

And Talyn from Farscape

Favorite Movie/Game Space vessels. - Colonel Z.e.r.o. - 07-07-2010

[Image: starlancer17.jpg]

I always saw these buggers as cock roaches annoying yet fearful.

[Image: RamsesTorpedoAttack.jpg]

The Ramses was one of the first ships you'd see in full combat with one of it's size. Very menacing from the front very much like a sphinx

[Image: Reliant.jpg]

The Reliant was like one of the old timers who knew you as a child stern and weird at times but always respected because of it's spunk. This is the ship that the one above fought. It also fought it's sister ship the Kohzah.

Favorite Movie/Game Space vessels. - Soban - 07-07-2010


Sajuuk again!

From Homeworld 2

Favorite Movie/Game Space vessels. - Blighter - 07-07-2010

In no particular order:

[color=#FFFF99]Freespace 2's Shivan Mara

[color=#99FFFF]A heavy space-superiority fighter that not only was ridiculously awesome to fly in the one mission you had it in, but also looks like a spider in a way.

Freespace 1 and 2's Hercules

[color=#99FFFF]A heavy, beefy thing that was tough to crack and carried one helluva lot of firepower.
Plus you could fly it really, really often actually in Freespace 2.
Aaand it also just has this rough, sturdy look to it.

StarCraft's Terran Wraith

[color=#99FFFF]I just always liked the design of the thing.
Stood out from everything else for me.
Still does, really.

StarCraft's Terran Battlecruiser

[color=#99FFFF]Not much to say, love the design again.
It just looks strong and mean with the hammerhead-esque front.
And it has the Camato Yannon. <3

EVE Online's Machariel Battleship

[color=#99FFFF]In a sense 'cause of the design but it's more the fact that among all other Battleships in EVE, this one stood out the most for many reasons.
Plus back when I played the game, the thing was just so ridiculously awesome.

X-Tended's Terran Thor Mk.II

[color=#99FFFF]Everyone who flew this thing knows how great it was in the game.
Heaviest shielding a fighter could get, enormous powercore, eight gunslots and a quad turret to cover the rear.
Simply awesome.

Wing Commander 4's Banshee

[Image: wc4test.jpg]

[color=#99FFFF]One word: Looks.
(It also came with a shotgun. Seriously.)

The Viper Mk.II

[color=#99FFFF]Nothing to say here but this: <3

<div align="right][color=#000000](And of course our Raven's Talon.
The Sajuuk gets a bonus mention because it's a flying BFG 9k.)

Favorite Movie/Game Space vessels. - Dragonslayer - 07-07-2010

also, I dont want to withhold my favorite scene from the movie:

After he smacks her in the back of the head, he says: "you are and will always remain a woman"

Favorite Movie/Game Space vessels. - Kaze Dagon - 07-07-2010

Top to down.

The almighty and sexy Nyx from Doom.
Now this baby is my love.

Gold Magnate from Eve.

[Image: 2242.jpg]

Rifter from Eve too..
God.. The amount of time i flew one of these >.>

[Image: Rifter.jpg]

And my favorite bomber...

The Orchid.:P

Kiss kiss,

Favorite Movie/Game Space vessels. - SeaFalcon - 07-07-2010

Nexus - the Jupiter incident has a few of the (in my opinion) nicest ships ever.
Also Nexus is one of the best space simulations in combat and maneuvering ships.
All space ships have thrusters on all sides for maneuvers in the vacuum of space.
But that's my opinion of course.

Heavy cruiser - The Avalanche
[Image: kd6g5v.jpg]

Light Corvette - Lightning
[Image: 33mlv7m.jpg]

Heavy corvette - Stiletto
[Image: r7ke3q.jpg]

Edit: @Colonel Z.e.r.o. I think those images aren't 700px wide.