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Xenos and a stolen Rheinland Pirate Cruiser? - Lotherius - 05-06-2010

We'll make a whole catalogus of rumours (at this very moment only Ourey and Nome are included. To be abely to get these rumours we made a new char, because we couldn't hear the rumours anymore with our Xenos characters):

Ourey Base:

1.When the Xenos began we were just miners we kept getting shafted by Liberty. There where fewer and fewer jobs as the years rolled by. Finaly there was nothing left for us, no jobs, not unless you could use a datapad instead of an autodigger. All our jobs are being done by someone in Rheinland or Kusari. Well we decided to take back what had been taken from us.

2. The Lane Hackers in Gallileo are a bunch of pansy rich boys who can't do their own dirty work. It's that kind of attitude that has let foreigners come in and take jobs from the Liberty working men. Adleast they use rogues to do their work for them and not Kusari pirates. That still makes the rogues the pawns of the rich and lazy. Lane Hackers don't know what real work is, how hard it is for so many of us to survive.

3. We run supply shipments of Side Arms to Nome, our base in Kepler. If you have some extra cargo space, maybe you could earn a few credits.

Nome Base:

1. A lot of Xenos you see here in Kepler have spent time in Texas making toys as we spend time at the "Walls" that's what we call the Huntsvale Prisonship. But once we got released, we came back here. Xenos in Texas and Hudson do an alright job attacking Rheinland. But somebody has to be up here attacking the Kusari from getting into Liberty.

2. The Liberty Navy closely patrols the southern tradelane in this system. It's to risky to attack near the gate. The best spots are about halfway between the Shikoku or Colorado gates and the Ames station. Not to many Bounty Hunters or military in the middle, plenty of time to escape.

3. This base serves as a strategic center of operations for the northren Xenos. Not exactly the most scenic place, but us Xenos can tough it out. We supply the Xenos asteroid base in Colorado with basic supplies such as food, H-fuel and water; in return, they periodically ship us stolen Side Arms.

4. We're unable to establish the exact location, but we think there is a jump hole between the Kuryo and Matsuo Clouths. That's how the Lane Hackers get into the system. We'd love to shut it down, but we have to find it first. A lot of Bounty Hunters are out there, which makes poking round difficult.

5. The vile Bounty Hunters are everywhere in this system. They're worse then the LPI because they only follow one rule: Secure proof for each Xeno vaporized. They evidentialy know about the jump holes and always hang around the no-fire zone around Ames. They often ambush us on supply hauls, so we usualy send rookies to limit our losses.

6. Our base here is right next to the jump hole to colorado it provides easy access to the trade lane from Shikoku so we can attack Kusari shipment. Once we jump into Colorado we can hit Republican, Samura and Kishiro as they transport supplies to Ageira. But we have to watch out for those bounty hunters though they always seem to be lurking out there. (at this point we got kicked from the server so there might be a part missing:P)

7. This area is real stormy. The clouth has moved a lot since we carved this base out of the rock. Lots of Dark Matter in the area, so ya got to pop those Cryer anti-radiation pills daily. Good thing we can occasionaly steal shipments, otherwise we'd be broke and the Zoners on Ames very rich.

8. We might not have the best equipment or ships, but we're a lot better organised then we were. It was getting so bad that the LPI and the Navy almost won and ripped us out of Colorado. Now we have a focussed agenda: We lift supplies from Kusari shipment, a litle extortion here and there, switch out tired combat crews from Ouray, and then give them the supplies they need to continue the fight.

(that's all for these 2 bases, I have to apologize, it was my younger brother that thought that he readed that rumour about the LPI, but I think he might have readed a news message wrongly, but we'll continue looking for rumours, because in my opinion 3 rumours in Ourey and 8 in Nome is a bit weird, so we'll try to find more rumours at Ourey and also go and catalogue the other bases that haven't been wrote down here yet)

Xenos and a stolen Rheinland Pirate Cruiser? - Lotherius - 05-06-2010

3 new ones

Ourey Base:

4: We might not have the best equipment or ships, but we're a lot better organised then we were. It was getting so bad that the LPI and the Navy almost won and ripped us out of Colorado. Now we have a focussed agenda: We lift supplies from Kusari shipment, a litle extortion here and there, some salvaging and we get by. This lets us attack our real enemies: the junkers in New York. Once we knock them out of Rochester we'll corner the contraband trade in Liberty.

5. The main drug-smuggling routes cross the eastern part of Jersey Debris Field, which will be our turf one day. This would let us interdict the drug shipments headed to and from Rochester. If we could control the Liberty drug trade, we wouldn't have to scrape by.

6. Our base in Kepler, Nome, is right to the Jump Hole to Colorado and borders the trade lane that comes in from Shikoku, so we can attack Kusari shipping. Most of our supplies come from the Zoner base in Kepler.

Xenos and a stolen Rheinland Pirate Cruiser? - Dusty Lens - 05-06-2010

Well maybe you'll find something to support your claim in Hudson.

I hadn't heard anything about what you were saying but, well, you never know. I mighta missed a rumor somewhere.

But it seems that the evidence isn't supporting your position.

Xenos and a stolen Rheinland Pirate Cruiser? - Lotherius - 05-06-2010

' Wrote:Well maybe you'll find something to support your claim in Hudson.

I hadn't heard anything about what you were saying but, well, you never know. I mighta missed a rumor somewhere.

But it seems that the evidence isn't supporting your position.

I agree with you, I really think my brother didn't read it in the right way, maybe being over enthousiasticly etc:P

I'll try to get all the other rumours as fast as I can, but it's time to sleep now and tomorrow I'll be bussy all day long so I'll try to write down the other rumours tomorrow night or at the very last Saterday if that's ok with you ^^

Have a fun night on Disco and I'll see you all later:)

Xenos and a stolen Rheinland Pirate Cruiser? - Dusty Lens - 05-06-2010

Haha. Honestly don't stress it. I've not only read them all but I have various programs to read them at my leisure.

Xenos and a stolen Rheinland Pirate Cruiser? - Pinko - 05-07-2010

' Wrote:Haha. Honestly don't stress it. I've not only read them all but I have various programs to read them at my leisure.
You are a lovable bastard. ._.

Xenos and a stolen Rheinland Pirate Cruiser? - Queekitch - 05-07-2010

I think there's two ways for the Xenos to get the means to be able to get a battleship: they're very skilled demagogues.

Suppose some charismatic Xeno convinces a very rich person to join their cause. It's already happened before that the Xenos had people who weren't workers join. The tau 45 news boards say something about people like priests and architects joining the cause. Furthermore, Alamo base was made by a Xeno architect.
If a Xeno could somehow convince some rich bastard of the workers' plight, he may get him to donate his money to atone for his sins, or otherwise pull some strings in the military in order to arrange an "accident" that leads to a dreadnought somehow getting into Xeno hands.

The other way would be if a Xeno mole somehow infiltrates the navy and convinces a liberty dreadnought crew to commit mutiny.

They're not great explanations, I guess, but they might do.
Thought I've no idea how to explain them getting a Rheinland ship when 1.) Xenos hate Rheinland ships, 2.) Xenos aren't trained to use Rheinland technology and 3.) There's a perfectly good Liberty ship with very little visible damage sitting in tau 45.

Xenos and a stolen Rheinland Pirate Cruiser? - Lotherius - 05-07-2010

The reason why I was thinking about the Rheinland ship, was basicly just because it said in it's discription that it was regurly stolen by other organisations, so it'd evade some problems but create others. But I stepped away from that idea completely now

Yes the ship in Tau-45 is a very interesting subject, once I saw it, I thought: "Why didn't anyone ever try to repear that beautifull thing hanging out there":PSo that could be an interesting subject to talk about in the future, BUT in my opinion that ship should become property of the Xenos Alliance as Tau-45 is their base of operations AND they're the officiale Xenos faction ^^

Dusty Lens is it ok then if I don't spend the next houres writing down those rumours? ehheheheheheh :crazy:

But I belive that Queekitch is making some very nice points, if more Xenos become active again, start planning, get themselves better organised, etc we could create a bright future for the Xenos and all of Liberty

Xenos and a stolen Rheinland Pirate Cruiser? - Dusty Lens - 05-07-2010

' Wrote:Suppose some charismatic Xeno convinces a very rich person to join their cause. It's already happened before that the Xenos had people who weren't workers join. The tau 45 news boards say something about people like priests and architects joining the cause. Furthermore, Alamo base was made by a Xeno architect.

The other way would be if a Xeno mole somehow infiltrates the navy and convinces a liberty dreadnought crew to commit mutiny.

What the hell ass balls.

The Alamo was a DSE survey base which was lolwut ganked by Xenos who found a backdoor into the system.

Furthermore I'll accept the idea of the Xenos convincing a Battleship crew to defect from the Navy when the State of Jefferson here in California seizes the U.S.S. Enterprise.

No, not the aircraft carrier. I want to see the starship hovering over Sacramento informing the governor that Northern California is seceding from the union.

The Xenos don't need a capship flying around. They need more able bodied pilots willing to put in their two cents on the ground in snubcraft.

Xenos and a stolen Rheinland Pirate Cruiser? - farmerman - 05-07-2010

Wouldn't they prefer something built in Liberty? Because everyone knows those Hessian ships are only built in Rheinland because of job outsourcing.